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35 Cards in this Set

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Name 2 cash mistatements of the sales & collection cycle that would not be discovered from an audit of the bank reconciliation
failure to bill a customer

an embezzlement of cash by intercepting cash receipts from customers before they are recorded.
Name 3 cash mistatements of the acqusitions & Payment cycle that would not be discovered from an audit of the bank reconciliation
duplicate payment of an vendors invoice

improper payments of officers personel expenditures

payment of raw materials that were not received
Name a cash mistatements of the payroll and personel cycle that would not be discovered from an audit of the bank reconciliation
payment to an employee for more hours than he or she worked.
Name a cash mistatements of the capital acqusition cycle that would not be discovered from an audit of the bank reconciliation
payment of interest to a related party for an amount in excess of the going rate
Name some misstatements that would be discovered during an audit of the bank reconciliation
failure to include a check that has not cleared the bank on the outstanding check list

cash received by the client subsequent to the balance sheet date but recorded as cash receipts in the current year

deposits recorded as cash receipts near the y/e, deposited in the bank in the same month, and included in the bank rec as deposits in transit

payments on notes payable debited directly to the bank but not entered in the clients records
General Cash account
almost a receipts and disbursements flow through this account
Imprest accounts
payroll account

cash receipts or disbursements accts
Cash equivalents
Highly liquid - time deposits, cd's, money markets

only included incash if short term and readily convertible to cash, and insignificant ir risk
What 5 of the 8 AO's are apllicable
existence, completeness, accuracy, cutoff, and detail tie in
client business risk may arise from
inappropriate cash mgmt policies or handling of funds held in trust
why is inherent risk high for cash existence, completeness, and accuracy
cash is more supceptible to theft
2 categories of internal controls over y/e cash balances
1. controls over the transaction cycles affecting the recording of cash receipts
2. independent bank reconciliations
detail tie in

(balance related audit objective)
cash in the bank as stated on the reconciliation foots correctly and agrees with the general ledger
(balance related audit objective)
cash in the bank as stated on the reconciliation exists

(balance related audit objective)
existing cash in the bank is recorded
(balance related audit objective)
cash in the bank as stated on the reconciliation is accurate
cut off
(balance related audit objective)
cash receipts and cash disbursements are recorded in the proper period
Detail tie in

(common tests of details of balances procedures)
foot the outstanding check list and deposits in transit
prove the bank reconciliation as to additions and subtractions including all reconciliong items
trace the book balance on the reconciliation to the general ledger
existence, completeness, accuracy

(common tests of details of balances procedures)
receipt and tests of a bank confirmation
receipt and tests of a cutoff bank statement
extended tests of the bank reconciliation
proof of cash
tests for kiting
cut off (cash receipts)

(common tests of details of balances procedures)
count the cash on hand on the last day of the year and subsequently trace to deposits in transit and cash receipts journal
Trace deposits in transit to subsequent period bank statement (cut off bank statement)
cut off (cash disbursements)

(common tests of details of balances procedures)
Record the last check number used on the last day of the year and subsequently trace the outstanding checks and the cash disbursements journal
Trace outstanding checks to subsequent period bank statement
what othe objectives do auditors also follow for cash
four presentation and disclosure objectives including review of minutes and loan agreements to determine if there are restrictions on cash that must be disclosed.
What if a bank does not respond to a confirmation request
the auditor should send a second request or have the client communicate with the bank to complete the request
Standard bank confirmation form
form approved by the AICPA and agreed on by the American Bankers Association

standard form to confirm account balance information with financial institutions
What are banks required to confirm
loan info and bank balances
what are banks ok not to disclose
open lines of credit, compensating balance requiremnets, contingent liabilities for guarenteeing the loans of others
cut off bank statement
partial-period bank statement and the related cancelled checks , duplicate deposit slips, and other documents included in the bank statements mailed by the bank to the CPA office
When there are inadequate internal controls, especially the improper segregation of duties between the handling of cash and the recording of cash, or lack of an independently prepared bank reconciliation the auditor must
extend the procedures in the audit of y/e cash to determine the posiibility of a material fraud.
What procedures may uncover fraud
confirmation of accounts receivable
tests performed to detect lapping
review of the general ledger entries in the cash account for unusual items
comparison of customer orders to sales and subsequent cash receipts
examination of approvals and supporting documentation for bad debts and sales returns and allowances
when is it appropriate to perform extended tests of the y/e bank rec
when the auditor believes it may be intentionally misstated
what does a proof of cash determine...
if the following were done
.all recorded cash receipts were deposited
.all deposits in the bank were recorded in the accounting records
. all recorded cash disbursements were paid by the bank
. all amounts that were paid by the bank were recorded
four tasks of the proof of cash
1. reconcile the balance on the bank stmt with the GL balance at the beg of the proof of cash period
2. reconcile cash receipts deposited per the bank with receipts recorded in the cash receiptsjournal for a given period
3. reconcile cancelled checks clearing the bank with those recorde in the cash disbursements journal
4. reconcile the balance on the bank statement with the general ledger balance at the end of the proof of cash period.
theft of cash, transfering money from one bank to another and incorrectly recording the transaction
What should be audited on the interbank transfer schedule
the accuracy of the information on the interbank transfer schedule should be verified
.the interbank transfers must be reorded in both the rec and disbursing banks
.the date of the recording of the disbursements and receipts for each transfer must be in the same fiscal year
.disbursements on the interbank transfer schedule should be correctly included in or excluded from year end bank recs as outstanding checks
.receipts on the interbank transfer schedule should be correctly included in or excluded from y/e bank recs as deposits in transit.
primary procedures for auditing petty cash
.foot the petty cash vouchers
.account for a sequence of petty cash vouchers
.examine the petty cash vouchers for auth and cancellation
.examine the attached documentation, which often includes cash register tapes, invoices, receipts, for reasonableness