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25 Cards in this Set

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Cause of Hb Gun Hill.
Hb Gun Hill (AD)
Caused by small deletion
Mechanism of Hb Gun Hill.
slipped mispairing during DNA replication within same gene => 15 base pair in-frame deletion in beta globin => loss of 5 amino acids
Change in polypeptide -- Hb Hyde Park.
His => Tyr(92)
Clinical feat. of pts with Hb Hyde Park?
Asymptomatic Cyanosis b/c of the Hb resulting from the polypsptide change (His=>Tyr) is not used by methemeoglobin reductase.
This hemoglobinopathy results in polycythemia. What is the mechanism?
Asp → Asn(99)
Mutation locks hemoglobin into relaxed structure, causeing increased O2 affinity and impaired deliver of O2 to tissues (aka polycythemia).
Asn → Thr(102); This mutation inhibits formation of relaxed structure, thus lower affinity for O2 → cyanosis (asymptomatic). What Hemoglobinopathy am I?
Hb Kansas (AD)
How is the O2 affinity altered if a pt presents with Hd Tak (AR)?
Increased O2 affinity b/c increased the length of B-globin chain
Clinical symptoms of Homozygous Hb E patients?
Homozygotes => asymptomatic with mild anemia
δ globin gene deleted but fusion gene δβ present => Hb _____.
δ globin gene deleted but fusion gene δβ present => Hb Lepore
Both δ globin gene and fusion gene βδ present => Hb ______ => Example: Hb Miyada
Both δ globin gene and fusion gene βδ present => anti-Lepore => Example: Hb Miyada
Thalassemias are cx by?
Disorders of Hb Synthesis
α Thalassemia – the synthesis of α chain is ______ or absent, while β chain synthesis is _________.
α Thalassemia – the synthesis of α chain is decreased or absent, while β chain synthesis is normal
In β Thalassemia – the β chain synthesis is ________ or absent; α chain synthesis is _______
In β Thalassemia – the β chain synthesis is decreased or absent; α chain synthesis is normal
NOTE: Defect in production of hemoglobin ==> hypochromic, microcytic anemia
NOTE: In Thalassemias the chain rpoduced in excess comtribute to the formation of Heinz bodies and consequent hemolytic anemia
What is the most severe form of a-thalassemia?
Hb-Barts (Hydrops Fetalis).
-Microcytic hypochromic anemia
-Ineffective erythropoeisis
-Marrow hyperplasia and extramedullary erythropoeisis
-Elevated HbA2
-Increased level of HbF
-chipmunk facies

What type of thalassemia am I?
α-Thalassemias vs β-Thalassemias
In contrast to α-Thalassemias, β-Thalassemias are mostly caused by single base-pair substitutions
Three most common mutations leading to β-Thalassemia are:
1: splice junction mutations -
mutations in 5’ intron donor or 3’ intron acceptor sites
2: Intron mutations -
Intron mutations that activate cryptic splice site
3: Exon mutations that affect splicing -
exon mutation that affect splicing by activating cryptic splice sites (e.g. Hb E)
Nonfunctional mRNAs and Defects in capping and tailing of mRNA are other causes of what type of thalassemia?
In complex thalassemias what happens if LCR is deleted?
If LCR is removed, all genes of the cluster may remain intact but they are not expressed
What are the 7 Hb's that are caused by single nucleotide substitutions?
1. Hb S
2. Hb C
3. Hb Hammersmith
4. Hb Hyde Park
5. Hb Kempsey
6. Hb Kansas
7. Hb E
Unequal crossing over causes these three Hb's.
1. Hb Gun Hill
2. Hb Lepore
3. Hb Anti-Lepore
Frameshift mutation causes AR this Hb.
Hb Tak
What are the 6 AR Hb's?
1. Hb S
2. Hb C
3. Hb Tak
4. Hb E
5. Hb Lepore
6. Hb Anti-Lepore
What are the 5 AD Hb's?
1. Hb Hammersmith
2. Hb Gun Hill
3. Hb Kansas
4. Hb Kempsey
5. Hb Hyde Park