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92 Cards in this Set

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5 types of cell signals and description
Endocrine - hormones are sent across blood stream
Paracrine - local mediator
Neuronal - muscle move
Contact-Dependent - right next to each other, no diffusion
Autocrine - self
4 results of signals
survive, divide, differentiate, die
2 most common secondary messengers
cAMP and Ca2+
4 steps in information flow and where located
1. Receptor ligand binding - outside
2. Signal transduction via second messengers - cytosol
3. cellular responses - cytosol
4. changes in gene expression (from step 2) - nucleus
2 receptor locations with description and example
1. cell surface - hydrophilic signal molecule - peptide hormones
2. intra cellular receptors - steroid hormones
Describe the dissociation constant Kd
this is the concentration of ligands at which half of the receptors are occupied, similar to Km
Examples of fast and slow response time
altered protein function is fast - insulin
altered gene expression is slow - lactose
3 receptor types
1. ion channel linked receptor
2. g-protein-linked receptor
3. enzyme-linked receptor
2 ways receptors can become desensitized to high ligand concentration
the affinity for ligand changes - Kd increases
the receptor no longer initiates cell changes
describe the structure of the G protein-linked receptor
amino end outside, the segment that interacts with g-proteins is between loops 5-6 on the inside, the messenger binding site is on the outside between 6 and 7, finally the carboxyl end is on the inside, 7 loops total
2 types of molecular switches with description
phosphorylation - slow, kinase activates via ATP->ADP and phosphorylase deactivates
GTP-binding protein - fast, GTP binding activates via one GDP falling off and another GTP adding. GTP hydrolysis inactivates
describe the 6 steps in the g-protein activation/inactivation cycle
1. ligand binds to receptor on the outside
2. G-alpha releases GDP and binds GTP activating G protein
3. subunits separate with G-alpha connected to GTP
4. G-protein subunits activate or inhibit target proteins
5. G-alpha hydrolyzes GTP to GDP and becomes inactive
6. subunits recombine to form G protein
describe the 4 steps in the production of cAMP
1. ligand binds and G-protein activates by the exchange of GDP for GTP
2. the active G-alpha separates and activates Adenylyl cyclase which produces cAMP from ATP
3. GTP hydrolyzes and separates from adenylyl cyclase, inactivating it
4. phosphodiesterase converts cAMP to AMP w/H20
What does caffeine do to the cell signaling process
Inhibits phosphodiesterase so cAMP are kept high since it is not converted to AMP
Describe the activation of PIP2
Activated G-protein (GTP alpha complex) activates phospholipase c, this converts a PIP2 into IP3 and DAG. IP3 causes the release of Ca2+ ions from intracellular stores in the cytosol, DAG causes the activation of protein kinase C in the membrane
Describe everything that Ca2+ ions do in the cell
Ca ATPases in the PM pump Ca2+ out of the cell, other Ca ATPases in the ER membrane pump Ca2+ into the ER. IP3 receptor channels in the ER are gated ion channels that allow Ca2+ to flow out of the ER into the cytosol. The sodium/calcium exchanger in the PM moves 3 Na+ in for every 1 Ca2+
What is calmodulin
dumbbell shaped calcium binding protein that activates kinases and phosphatases
describe the role of calcium in sea urchins
activated sperm binds to the egg surface, calcium releases form inside the egg, cortical granules containing protein and enzymes release contents causing the creation of fertilization envelope
describe the 6 steps in signaling involving nitric oxide
1. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine activates a g-linked protein receptor in an endothelial cell lining a blood vessel.

2. this makes IP3 which stimulates the release of Ca2+ ions from the ER,

3. this activates Calmodulin which activates NO synthases, NO is made

4. NO rapidly diffuses across the membrane to smooth muscle cells and activates guanylyl cyclase.

5. GTP is converted to cGMP

6. cGMP activates protein kinase G which stimulates muscle relaxation and the dilation of blood vessels
MOA of viagra, cialis and levitra
they inhibit phosphodiesterase, resulting in high levels of cGMP leading to dialation of blood vessels
describe how receptor tyrosine kinase works
EGF binds to the outside, partner tyrosines are phosphorylated
difference between plasma and serum
plasma contains no rbc or wbc but does have platelets

serum is plasma w/o platelets
Prokaryotes version of 3 cytoskeleton components
Microfilaments - MreB proteins
Intermediate Filaments - Crescentin
Microtubules - Ftsz proteins
3 research methods for cytoskeleton
microscopy - visualize
drugs - structure and function
mutants - function
4 functions of microtubules
1. cell motility
2. organization and maintanance of cell shape
3. chromosomal movements
4. disposition and movement of organelles
6 functions of microfilaments
1. muscle contraction
2. amoeboid movement
3. cell locomotion
4. cytoplasmic streaming
5. cell division
6. maintenance of animal shape
5 functions of intermediate filaments
1. structural support
2. maintenance of animal cell shape
3. formation of nuclear lamina and scaffolding
4. strengthening of nerve cell axons
5. keeping muscle fibers in register
components of microtubule structure
alpha and beta - share 40% amino acid identity but have same 3-D structure

GTP binds at N terminus, MAP at c terminus
2 types of motor MAP
kinesin and dynein
type of non motor MAP
tau, gives neurons distinct shape
5 steps in microtubule assembly
1. tubulin dimers (non covalent heterodimers)
2. oligomers
3. protofilament
4. sheets of protofilament
5. closing microtubule
6. elongating microtuble
3 phases of microtubule assembly
1. lag phase
2. elongation phase
3. plateau phase
describe the structure of centrosomes
pair of centrioles at the center, nucleating sites of gamma tubulin, anchors negative end of microtubules
describe microtubules in a neuron
axons tubules have negative end near nucleus, dendrites go both ways
describe how the two types of motor proteins move
kinesins move toward the plus end, dyneins move toward negative end
describe components of microfilament
monomers of g-actin (globular) bind to atp then form f-actin (filament) w/ADP
2 categories of microfilaments
muscle specific and non-muscle specific
3 orientations of actin in crawling cells
1. contractile bundle - forms stress fiber
2. gel - makes cell cortex
3. parallel bundle - makes filopodium
describe the structure of flagellum
9+2 array of microtubules
describe the structure of microvillus
actin microfilaments with lateral cross-links
what do capping proteins do
stabilize microtubules stopping growth
What does the spectrin-ankyrin-actin network do
forms the cell cortex by support of the erythroyte plasma membrane, without it red blood cells would be circular
What is unique about listeria
it has an actin tail and since prokaryotes don't make actin, it comes from the host
what is the significance of IF being more stable than MF or MT
it is used more for structural purposes than movement
two IF categories and examples
1. cytoplasmic - keratins in epithelia, vimentin in connective tissue, neurofilaments.
2. nuclear - nuclear lamins form shape of nucleus
why is IF identification important
IF typing with immunofluorescent microscopy is important for cancer type diagnosis since IF type is maintained in cancer
3 components of IF assembly
dimer (Ns and Cs next to each other), tetramer, protofilaments
3 types of mictrotubule associated proteins
1. cytoplasmic dynein - moves toward minus end.
2. axonemal dynein - activation of sliding in flagellar microtubule
3. kinesin - moves toward plus end
2 types of microfilament associated proteins (actin binding)
myosin I - monomer, motion along actin filaments (individual cherries)
myosin II - filament, slides filaments in sarcomere of muscle (bunch of grapes)
what does dynactin do
helps dynein hold onto cargo
what causes flagellum to bend
motor proteins
what is a bundle of muscle fibers called
what is the smallest unit of muscle contraction
4 steps in muscle contraction
1. release of Pi causes cross-bridge formation
2. release of ADP causes power stroke
3. bind of atp causes cross-bridge dissociation
4. atp hydrolysis causes cocking back of myosin head
describe the regulation of striated muscle contraction
tropomyosin blocks the myosin binding site on actin. Ca2+ binds to troponin which moves tropomyosin out of the way so myosin can bind
describe 3 types of protein processing
1. cleavage - just a cut
2. splicing intramolecular - just one molecule involved
3. splicing intermolecular - two molecules involved
describe 2 types of intracellular protein sorting
1. cotranslational import - into ER, golgi, vesicle then to destination
2. postranslational import - straight into various organelles
describe the 6 steps in cotranslational import
1. SRP binds to ER signal sequence and blocks translation
2. SRP binds to SRP receptor, ribosome docks
3. GTP binds to SRP and receptor, pore opens polypeptide is inserted
4. GTP is hydrolyzed and SRP is released
5. signal sequence is cleaved by signal peptidase as polypeptide elongates
6. polypeptide is released inside, ribosome is released, and translocon pore closes
where is the signal sequence located
on the N terminus
what are the 4 components of the translocon
1. SRP receptor
2. poor protein, ribosome
3. receptor
4. signal peptidase
3 things that occur inside the ER
1. glycosylation
2. BiP binding protein
3. disulfide bonds between cysteins by disulfide isomerase
4 things about BiP
1. most abundant chaperone in the ER
2. binds to hydrophobic regions
3. ATP hydrolysis driven
4. hydrophobic regions are unstable and lead to aggregation of unfolded proteins
what moves proteins in mito. and chloro.
translocase, TOM TIM, TOC TIC
4 important factors in posttranslational import into the mitochondrion
1. involves heat shock proteins that are chaperiones.
2. ATP hydrolysis driven removal of chaperones
3. Only unfolded proteins can pass
4. transit sequence and transit pepsidase
3 purposes of smooth ER
1. lipid synthesis
2. drug detoxification
3. calcium storage
2 purposes of rough ER
1. quality control for protein folding
2. glycosylation
How does the smooth ER detoxify drugs
monooxygenases add OH groups to make them more soluable to pass in urine
what does the smooth ER do in the liver
removes Pi from glucose after it is created from glycogen so it can pass through the membrane
how many enzymes for protein modification per golgi stack
5 steps in lysosomal enzyme synthesis
1. enzyme is created and carbo is added in the ER
2. in the golgi sugar is phosphorylated by phosphotransferase
3. manose binds to receptor
4. low ph in lysosome causes dissation of enzyme to receptor.
5. receptor is recycled
2 types of secretory vesicles
1. constitutive secretion is always on, mucus from intestinal cells
2. regulated secretion is controlled, neurotransmitters, digestive enzymes
what helps pinch off clathrin coated pit
origin and destination for coated vesicles
clathrin - TGN/endosomes
clathrin - PM/endosomes
COPI - Golgi/ER or Golgi
COPII - ER/Golgi
Caveolin - PM/?
what helps SNAREs bind and release
Rap GTPase helps bind, SNAPs and NSF help break up
describe the break down of glycogen
ephedrine binds to receptor causing the activation of g-protein, GTP-alpha activates adenylate cyclase creating cAMP, this activates several phosphorylases which cleave glycogen
describe the major steps in apoptosis
chromatin condenses, cytoplasm shrinks, nucleus fragments, blebbing, apoptotic body is phagocytized
what are caspases
cistine, aspartic acid, apoptosis specific proteases
what is the organelle of apoptosis
how does withdrawal of survival factors initiate apoptosis
cytochrome c is released from mitochondria, calcium is released and caspase is activated
5 stages of mitosis and what happens in each
1. prophase - nucleoli disappears, cetrosomes duplicate, starburst of MTs asters
2. prometaphase - nuclear envelope fragments, centrosomes to opposite poles.
3. metaphase - metaphase plate
4. anaphase - shortest phase, topoisomerase II loosens centromere
- anaphase a: chromosomes pull apart
- anaphase b: poles move apart, polar MT lengthens
5. telophase - nuclear envelope formes, chromosomes uncoil, nucleoli returns, cytokinesis
what links the chromosome to the microtubule
3 types of MTs
kinetochore - pull
polar - push
astral - go off in space
4 influences of restriction point
growth factors
cell size
DNA damage
G2-M transition influences
cell size
dna damage
dna replication
metaphase-anaphase transition influence
chromosome attachmet to spindle
what does cdk stand for and what is it called later
cyclin dependent kinase, MPF
4 things stimulated by active mitotic cdk-cyclin
1. nuclear envelope breakdown
2. chromosome condensation
3. mitotic spindle formation
4. targeted protein deradation (via anaphase promoting factor)
what holds sister chromatids together and what breaks down
cohesin and separase
2 functions of anaphase promoting complex
degrades securin (stablizes separase) and degrades mitotic cyclin
describe the activity of g1 cdk
phosphorylates Rb protein twice causing it to release E2F which is a transcription factor
describe g1 cell arrest
dna damage from xrays occurs, p53 (tumor suppressor) is phosphorylated and binds to the regulatory region for the gene p21, this is a cdk inhibitor protein
what is a mitogen
growth factor used with g1 cdk and Rb