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33 Cards in this Set

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What is Radioactivity?
the release of nuclear particles and energy.
What is Alpha Particle Emission?
2 protons and 2 neutrons are ejected from the nucleus; energy is also released.
What is Beta Particle Emission?
when a neutron splits into a proton and an electron; electron is ejected from the nucleus; proton stays in the nucleus; energy is also released.
What is the equation for Alpha Particle Emission?
subtract four from the atomic mass; subtract two from the atomic number.
What is the equation for Beta Particle Emmision?
atomic mass stays the same; add one to the atomic number.
What is a Half-Life?
the time it takes for 1/2 of a sample of an isotope to decay
What is Isotopic Dating?
the use of the 1/2 life of isotopes to date objects.
What is Nuclear Fission?
the splitting of an atom
What is good about Nuclear Fission?
vast quantities of energy produced; dosn't produce harmful particulate air pollution
What is bad about Nuclear Fission?
relies on harmful radioactive chemicals; loss of control leads to harmful radioactive exposure; produces radioactive waste; ex. Chernobyl.
What is Nuclear Fusion?
the combining of two atoms' nuclei.
What is good about Nuclear Fusion?
unsurpassed amounts of energy produced; doesn't produce harmful particulate air pollution; doesn't produce radioactive waste; relies on safe, nonradioactive elements.
What is bad about Nuclear Fusion?
technology needed to maintain the reactions is still in development.
What do chemical formulas include?
-symbols tell which elements are in a substance
-numbers indicate how many atoms or molecules
*numbers in subscript- how many atoms of that element
*numbers in front of molecule-how many particles there are of that substance.
What is a Chemical Bond?
holds two or more atoms together
What are the three types of Chemical Bond?
ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds.
What determines Bonding Behavior?
the number of valence electrons determines how the element will combine with other elements.
What is an Ion?
an atom that is not neutral due to the lose OR gain of electrons.
What is an Ionic Bond?
a bond formed between oppositly charged ions because of electrostatic forces of attraction.
What is a Covalent Bond?
a chemical bond formed from atoms sharing electrons; happens when atoms don't "want" to gain or lose electrons.
What is a Neutral Particle?
when no charged particles (+ or-) are involved so the overall charge of a covalent bond is neutral.
What is a Molecule?
a particle formed from atoms in a covalent bond; the smallest component of a compound that still has the properties of that compound.
What are the types of Covalent Bonds?
polar and nonpolar covalent bonds
What is a Polar Covalent Bond?
electrons are NOT shared equally; atoms are different element = usually polar; these are the areas that electrons are most likely to be.
What is a Nonpolar Covalent Bond?
electrons ARE shared equally; all atoms have equal pull (equal # of protons); atoms are same element = nonpolar.
What is a Metallic Bond?
a type of Covalent bond where each atom contributes all the electrons in its valence shell to all the other atoms in the molecule.
What is Activation Energy?
the energy needed to begin the reaction.
What is an Endotharmic Reaction?
absorbs more energy; can tell by geting cool/cold; energy is written as a reactant.
What is an Exothermic Reaction?
more energy is released; can tell by getting warm/hot; energy is written as a product.
What is a Chemical Equation?
uses formulas to show what happens in a chemical reaction; made up of products and reactants.
What are Products and Reactants?
Reactants- "ingradients"; What is needed to make something.
Products- what is made; reactants make products.
How do you Organize a Chemical Equation?
reactants on the left and products on the right; + sign separated two or more reactants/products; connected by arrow (read as 'produces').
What is the Law of Conservation of Mass?
chemical equations must be balanced because matter cannot be created or destroyed.