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39 Cards in this Set

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A controller’s primary responsibility is to __________.
ensure separation of aircraft
Within the primary purpose of the ATC system is the requirement to prevent a collision between aircraft operating in the system. This is done by applying separation between:
aircraft and protected airspace
Define: the spacing of aircraft to achieve their safe and orderly movement in flight and while landing and taking off.
What 3 ways can aircraft be separated in a radar and nonradar environment?
1. Vertically
2. Laterally
3. Longitudinally
How is each of the following separation minima expressed?
1. Vertically
2. Laterally
3. Longitudinally
1. Vertically-expressed in feet
2. Laterally-expressed in miles, airways, or routes.
3. Longitudinally-express in miles/minutes
Define: the minimum longitudinal, lateral, or vertical distances by which aircraft are spaced through the application of air traffic control procedures.
separation minima
________is a level of constant atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of ______ inches of mercury
Flight level
Altimeter setting above 18,000ft?
Altimeter setting below 18,00ft?
Local altimeter settings at stations they fly over within 100 miles
An aircraft's flight level is an altitude referencing what?
a standard barometric pressure (air pressure)
Define: the vertical spacing of aircraft achieved by the assignment of different altitudes or flight levels used with radar or non- radar procedures.
Vertical Separation
______ aircraft are assigned different altitudes/flight levels to meet standard separation requirements.
What is the basic minimum altitude separation between IFR aircraft?
1,000 feet for aircraft up to and including FL410.
2,000 feet for aircraft above FL410 up to and including FL600.
5,000 feet for aircraft flying above FL600
Why does the separation minima increase with altitude?
The separation minima increase with altitude because altimeter errors are more likely at higher altitudes, so greater separation is needed.
What does RVSM stand for and what is it used for?
Reduced Vertical Separation Minima
used for RVSM equipped Aircraft with vertical navigation equipment of 1000' between FL290 and FL410
Non-RVSM aircraft are assigned at which altitudes?
At or Below FL280
At or Above FL430
Can non-RVSM aircraft enter between FL290 and FL410? If so, what is the separation minima?
Yes, only through climb and descent or can be assigned altitudes if:
Department of Defense (DOD) aircraft
Lifeguard air ambulance aircraft
Aircraft flown by manufacturers for certification and development
Foreign State aircraft
Most NASA aircraft

Must have 2000' Vertical
What is the Vertical separation for block altitudes?
1,000ft above RVSM
2,000ft above non-RVSM
1,000ft below RVSM
How are IFR aircraft vertically separated from fuel dumping aircraft?
1,000ft above (through FL410)
2,000ft above (above FL410)
2,000ft below
Vertical separation for SUA and ATCAA?
Up to and including FL290 500' above, 500' below
Above FL290 1,000' above, 1000' below
Define: the lateral spacing of aircraft at the same altitude by requiring operation on different routes or in different geographical locations.
Lateral Separation
Headings must diverge by atleast ______
45 degrees
Define: the longitudinal spacing of aircraft at the same altitude by a minimum distance expressed in units of time or miles
Longitudinal separation
What is the standard minima for non-radar longitudinal separation?
10 minutes or 20 miles
To establish non-radar longitudinal separation using time, what methods can be used:
Depart at a specified time
Arrive at a fix at a specified time
Hold at a fix until a specified time
Change altitude at a specified time or fix
Radar separation is applied between:
Aircraft and adjacent airspace.
Aircraft and obstructions depicted on the radar display.
T/F Vertical separation minima are the same in the radar environment as they are in the non-radar environment.
For Terminal Radar Separation minima, what are the requirements?
Less than 40 miles, 3 miles
40 miles or more, 5 miles
For en route radar separation minima, what are the requirements? (Longitudinal and lateral)
For aircraft at or above FL600, 10 miles separation is required.
For aircraft below FL600, 5 miles separation is required.
Define: a means employed by ATC to separate aircraft in the NAS.
Visual separation
what are 3 types of visual separation?
Tower Visual Separation
Radar Visual Separation
Visual Separation used in conjunction with visual approaches
Visual separation can be used up to
FL180 but not including
What type of separation is applied by Tower controllers only?
Runway Separation
Holding is used for:
 Traffic en route.
 Arrival delays.
 Weather at destination.
 Flow control.
 Spacing.
What are the types of runway separation?
same runway
departure vs. arrival
is a predetermined maneuver which keeps an aircraft within a specified airspace while awaiting further clearance from air traffic control.
Holding procedure
refers to measures designed to adjust the flow of traffic into a given airspace, along a given route, or bound for a given airport, so as to ensure the most effective utilization of airspace.
Flow control
a specified fix identifiable to a pilot by NAVAIDs or visual reference to the ground used as a reference point in establishing and maintaining the position an aircraft while holding.
holding fix
the fix, point, or location to which an aircraft is cleared when issued an air traffic clearance.
clearance limit
refers to the time a pilot can expect to receive clearance beyond a clearance limit.
Expect Further Clearance (EFC)