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22 Cards in this Set

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Factors that contribute to mental health and developmental disorders in children and adolescents are not always easily diagnosed
-Children don't have ability or necessary skills to describe what is happening
-Children demonstrate a wide variation of "normal" behaviors especially in different developmental stages
-It is difficult to determine if a child's behavior indicates an emotional problem
When is a child's behavior problematic?
When interferes w/home, school, and interactions with peers
Behaviors considered pathologic when
not age appropriate
deviate from cultural norms
create deficits or impairments in adaptive functioning
Disorders that can appear during adolescence or childhood (6)
-Mood disorders (major depressive, dysthymic disorder, bipolar, suicide)
-Anxiety disorder
-Substance abuse - cigarettes, alcohol, illegal drugs
-Eating disorderse
-Behavioral disorders - ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder
-Developmental disorders - autistic
Characteristics of good mental health for a child and adolescent include
-Ability to appropriately interpret reality, as well as having a correct perception of surround environment
-Positive self-concept
-Ability to cope w/stress and anxiety in age appropriate way
-mASTERY OF developmental tasks
-Ability to express oneself spontaneously and creatively
-Ability to develop satisyfing relationships
General Risk Factors (6)
Genetic, Biochem, social and environmental, cultural and ethnic, resiliency, occurrence traumatic events
(schizo, bipolar, autism, ADHD, and cartain causes of mental retardation may be associated w/chromosomal abnormalities
Social and environmental
Severe marital discord, low socioeconomic status, large families and overcrowding, parental criminality, substance abuse, maternal psychiatric disorders, foster care placement, physical and sexual abuse, and traumatic life events
Cultural and Ethnic
Difficulty w/assimilatin, lack of cultural role models, and lack of support from the dominant culture can contribute to mental health issues
Ability to adapt to changes in enviro, form nurturing relationships, distance oneself from the emotional chaos of parent/family, and use problem-solving skills can help an at-risk child develop normally
risk factors of childhood depression
Family hx of depression
Physical/sexual abuse or neglect
Disputes among parents, conflicts w/peers or family, and rejection by peers or family
Engaging in high risk behavior
Learning disabilities
Having chronic illness
An anxiety disorder exists when following occur
Anxiety interferes w/normal growth and development
Anxiety so serious that child is unable to function normally at home, in school, and other areas of life
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Excessive anxiety when a child is separated from or anticipating separation from home or parents. May develop into a school phobia or phobia of being left alone. Depression is also common.

May develop after a pecific stressor (death of relative/pet, an illness, a move, an assault)
May progress to a panic disorder or specific phobias
Precipitated by experiencing or seeing a traumatic event
Children w/PTSD may have psychologic symptoms of anxiety, depression, phobia, or conversion reactions
PTSD + Children Phases
Respond in precipitating phases
1. arousal that lasts a few minutes to hours followed by a period of about 2 wks in which child will attempt to deal with the event using defense mechanisms. Lat phase - lasting for a period of several months, is when child may have psychologic symptoms as attempts are made to cope w/event. Failure to cope can lead to obsession regarding the event

If PTSD displayed externally = irritability, aggression w/fam and friends, poor academic performance, somatic reports, belief that life will be short, and difficulty sleeping
In children w/behavioral disorders - symptoms generally worsen in following:
-situations that require sustained attention
unstructured group situations - playground or classroom
Inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity
inattention - e/b difficulty paying attention, listening, and focusing
Hyperactivity - e/b fidgeting, an inability to sit still, running and climbing inappropriately, difficulty playing quietly, and talking excessively
Impulsivity - e/b diff waiting for turns, constantly interrupting others, and acting without the consideration of consequences
Combined type - most common
ADHD predominantly inattentive
ADHD predominantly hyperactive-impulsive
Oppositional Defiant Disorder - antisocial behaviors include:
negativity, disobedience, hostility, defiant behaviors, stubborness, argument, limit testing, unwillingness to compromise, refusal to accept responsibility for misbehavior
Contributing Factors of Conduct Disorder
- parental rejection/neglect
- difficult infant temperament
- inconsistent child-rearing practices with harsh discipline
- physical or sexual abuse
- lack of supervision
- early institutionalization
-frequent changing of caregivers
-large family size
-association w/delinquent peer groups
-parent w/a history of psychological illness
Manifestations of Conduct Disorder
-Demonstrates a lack of remorse or care for the feelings of others
-Bullies, threatens, and intimidates others
- Believes that aggression is justified
- Exhibits low self-esteem, irritability, temper outbursts, reckless behavior
-May demonstrate signs of suicidal ideation
- May have concurrent learning disorders or impairments in cognitive functioning
-Demonstrates physical cruelty to others and/or animals
-Has used a weapon that could cause serious injuries
- Destroys property of others
- Has run away from home
- Often lies, shoplifts, and is truant from school
-Complex neurodevelopment disorder believed to be of genetic origin with a wide spectrum of behaviors affecting an individual's ability to communicate and interact w/others. Cognitive and language development are typically delayed. Characteristic behaviors include inability to maintain eye contact, repetive actions, and strict observance of routines.