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60 Cards in this Set

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no, not
ab or abs
away from
con or contra
away from
in front of
outside, beyond
mal or male
que, quer, or ques
Cutting to the chase: Recognizing the main idea
Sometimes the Paragraph Comprehension questions ask you to identify the main point of a
passage. The main point can be directly stated, or it can be implied. You can find the main
idea in the first sentence of the passage, and sometimes it pops up in the last sentence
you’re not sure what the main point of a paragraph is, reread the first sentence and the last
sentence. Chances are one of these two sentences contains the main point
In the 18th century, it was common for sailors to be pressed into service in Britain. Young
men found near seaports could be kidnapped, drugged, or otherwise hauled aboard a ship
and made to work doing menial chores. They weren’t paid for their service, and they were
given just enough food to keep them alive.
In this passage, pressed means:
(A) hired
(B) ironed
(C) enticed
(D) forced
The descriptions of the conditions these sailors found themselves in should help you decide
that they weren’t hired or enticed; ironed is one meaning of the word pressed, but it isn’t correct
in this context. The correct answer is Choice (D).
Twenty-five percent of all automobile thefts occur when the doors of a car are left unlocked.
People often forget to lock their doors, find it inconvenient, or tell themselves, “I’ll only be a
minute.” But it only takes a minute for an accomplished car thief to steal a car. And thieves
are always alert to the opportunities that distracted or rushed people present them with.
To prevent auto theft, it’s a person’s responsibility to:
(A) leave the doors unlocked
(B) never be in a rush
(C) prevent the opportunity
(D) be willing to perform a citizen’s arrest
Although the paragraph doesn’t state, “To prevent auto theft, it’s a person’s responsibility to
prevent the opportunity,” this idea is certainly implied. The correct answer is Choice (C).
There’s no implication that people should be willing to (or can) perform a citizen’s arrest.
Leaving the doors unlocked is the opposite of what one should do, and never being in a rush
is probably impossible.
Often, the author begins or ends a paragraph or passage
with the main idea, which is located in what’s called a
A topic sentence,
reasonably enough, describes the topic that the author’s writing about
Don’t choose vague answer options. They’re incorrect 99.99 times out of 100. (Oh
heck, call it 100 times out of 100.) If an answer strikes you as not quite true but not
totally false, that answer is incorrect. Those nasty ASVAB test makers have put those
answers in there to throw you off. Don’t give them the satisfaction of falling for their
Never select never. For the most part, answer options that are absolute are incorrect.
Never, always, and related words are often a sign that you should select a different
answer. Words like generally and usually are more likely to be correct
She thought that there was a conspiracy against her.
(A) wall
(B) plan
(C) evil deed
(D) ghost
Conspiracy means plot, so the correct answer is (B). Choices (A) and (D) are unrelated, and
although a conspiracy may be an evil deed, (C) isn’t as close in meaning as (B).
Keen most nearly means:
(A) sharp
(B) small
(C) simple
(D) shiny
Keen means having a fine edge, so the correct answer is Choice (A). Choices (B), (C), and (D)
are unrelated.
Defer most nearly means:
(A) change
(B) reverse
(C) deny
(D) postpone
Defer means to put off, so the correct answer is Choice (D). Choices (A), (B), and (C) are
The mother chastised her child.
(A) comforted
(B) carried
(C) lectured
(D) supervised
Chastised means disciplined or punished, so Choice (C) is the most correct choice. Choices
(A), (B), and (D) are unrelated.
Obtrude most nearly means:
(A) condition
(B) absorb
(C) prepare
(D) impose
The correct answer is Choice (D). Obtrude means to intrude or to impose oneself on another.
The other choices are unrelated
Now that you’ve read through it once, it’s time to recapitulate the World Knowledge chapter
(A) discuss
(B) summarize
(C) test
(D) reread
Used as a verb, recapitulate means to briefly summarize. The correct answer is Choice (B).
Choice (A) is somewhat close, but Choice (B) is the closest in meaning.
This year the Paris fashion industry has decided to eschew short skirts and high heels.
(A) favor
(B) manufacture
(C) shun
(D) sell
Eschew is a verb that means to avoid or keep away from. Therefore, Choice (C) is the correct
answer, and the other answers are unrelated.
Although the average consumer replaces the tires on his or her automobile every 50,000
miles, steel-belted radials can last for more than 60,000 miles. However, they must be properly
maintained. The tires must be inflated to the correct air pressure at all times, and tires
must be rotated and balanced according to a routine maintenance schedule. The tread
should be checked for correct depth regularly.
14. How long can steel-belted radials last?
(A) 50,000 miles
(B) 60,000 miles
(C) No one knows.
(D) 25,000 miles
The correct answer is Choice (B). If you missed this one, read the passage more carefully.
According to the passage above, proper tire maintenance doesn’t include:
(A) keeping tires properly inflated
(B) balancing and rotating tires
(C) checking the tread
(D) checking the lug nuts
This question is negative and requires extra care in answering — meaning, you have to figure
out what proper tire maintenance does include so you can eliminate those answers before
you select the correct answer. Choice (D) is the correct answer.
Some people argue that baking is an art, but Chef Debra Dearhorn says that baking is a science.
She says that if you follow a recipe carefully, assembling the ingredients accurately,
cooking at the specified temperature for the specified period of time, your cookies will
always turn out right. Chef Dearborn says the best baking is like the best experiment —
anyone can duplicate it.
16. In this passage, the word assembling most nearly means:
(A) measuring
(B) putting together
(C) buying
(D) storing
Although measuring is something you do when baking, it doesn’t most nearly mean the same
thing as assembling. Putting together does. Therefore, Choice (B) is the correct answer.
The first step in solving a word problem is reading the entire problem to discover what it’s
all about. Try forming a picture about the problem in your mind or — better yet — draw a
sketch of the problem on your scratch paper.
The second and most important step in solving a word problem is to determine exactly
what the question is asking. Sometimes the question is asked directly. At other times, it may
be a little more difficult to identify the actual question. Suppose you’re asked the following
What’s the volume of a cardboard box measuring 12-inches long by 14-inches wide by 10-
inches tall?
(A) 52 cubic inches
(B) 88 cubic inches
(C) 120 cubic inches
(D) 1,680 cubic inches
The question asked by this word problem is stated directly. The problem asks you to determine
the volume of a cardboard box. Recall from your high school algebra and geometry
classes that the volume of a rectangular container is length × width × height or v = lwh.
So 12 × 14 × 10 = 1,680. The correct answer is Choice (D)
sum, total, in all, perimeter, increased by, combined, added
difference, how much more, exceed, less than, fewer than, decreased
product, total, area, cubic, times, multiplied by, of
share, distribute, ratio, quotient, average, per, a, out of, percent
is, was, are, were, amounts to
Joan just turned 37. For 12 years she’s dreamed of traveling to Key West to become a beach
bum. To finance this dream, she needs to save a total of $15,000. How much does Joan need
to save each year if she wants to become a beach bum by her 40th birthday?
Write down, in mathematical terms, what the question is asking you to determine. Because
the question is asking how much money Joan needs to save per year to reach $15,000, you
can say y (years Joan has to save) × m (money she needs to save each year) = $15,000. Or to
put it more mathematically:
ym = $15,000
You don’t know the value of m (yet) — that’s the unknown you’re asked to find. But you can
find out the value of y — the number of years Joan has to save. If she’s 37 and wants to be a
beach bum by the time she’s 40, she has 3 years to save. So now the formula looks like this:
3m = 15,000
To isolate the unknown on one side of the equation, you simply divide each side by 3, so
that 3m ÷ 3 = 15,000 ÷ 3. (If you don’t remember how to isolate unknowns, flip on over to
Chapter 8.) Therefore, your answer is
m = 5,000
When you add two numbers together, you arrive at a sum.
 When you subtract, all that remains is a remainder.
 When you multiply, you come up with a product.
 When you divide, you’re left with a quotient
To add and subtract fractions, the fractions must have the same denominator, which is called
a common denominator. If the fractions don’t have a common denominator, you have to find
If apples are on sale at 15 for $3, what’s the cost of each apple?
(A) 50 cents
(B) 25 cents
(C) 20 cents
(D) 30 cents
Divide 3 by 15, so the correct answer is Choice (C)
A noncommissioned officer challenged her platoon of 11 enlisted women to beat her record
of performing a 26-mile training run in 4 hours. If all of the enlisted women match her
record, how many miles will they have run?
(A) 71.5 miles
(B) 6.5 miles
(C) 286 miles
(D) 312 miles
Multiply 26 × 11. The other information in the question is irrelevant — it’s there to throw you
off. The correct answer is Choice (C).
Margaret gets her hair cut and colored at an expensive salon in town. She’s expected to
leave a 15% tip for services. If a haircut is $45 and a color treatment is $150, how much of a
tip should Margaret leave?
(A) $22.50
(B) $29.25
(C) $20.00
(D) $195.00
Add 45 and 150 and multiply the answer by .15 (15%). The correct answer is Choice (B).
A bag of sand holds 1 cubic foot of sand. How many bags of sand are needed to fill a square
sandbox measuring 5-feet long and 1-foot high?(A) 25 bags
(B) 5 bags
(C) 10 bags
(D) 15 bags
To find the volume of the sandbox you take l × w × h. Don’t forget that the measurements are
for a square sandbox, so you can assume that if the box is 5-feet long, then it’s also 5-feet
wide. So 5 × 5 × 1 is 25 cubic feet. Each bag holds one cubic foot of sand. Choice (A) is the
correct answer.
Farmer Beth has received an offer to sell her 320-acre farm for $3,000 per acre. She agrees
to give the buyer $96,000 worth of land. What fraction of Farmer Beth’s land is the buyer
(A) 1⁄4
(B) 1⁄10
(C) 1⁄5
(D) 2⁄3
$96,000 divided by $3,000 (price per acre) equals 32 acres. 32 acres divided by 320 acres
(total of the farm) equals 10% or 1⁄10 of the land. The correct answer is Choice (B).
Solve for x: 2x – 3 = x + 7.
(A) 10
(B) 6
(C) 21
(D) -10
Isolate the xs on one side of the equation by subtracting x from both sides: 2x – 3 – x =
x + 7 – x, or x – 3 = 7. Continue to perform operations to isolate x. Add 3 to both sides of the
equation: x – 3 + 3 = 7 + 3, or x = 10. The correct answer is Choice (A)
Simplify 8x2 – 3x + 4xy – 9x2 – 5x – 20xy
(A) 5x2 + 9xy
(B) 8x – 9x2
(C) –x2 – 8x – 16y
(D) 8x + 9x2
8x2 – 3x = 4xy – 9x2 – 5x – 20xy = (8x2 – 9x2) + (–3x – 5) + (4xy – 20xy) = –x2 – 8x – 16xy. The correct
answer is Choice (C).
Six pizzas are pepperoni, seven are hamburger, four are cheese, and three are “with everything.”
What’s the probability that a randomly selected pizza is pepperoni?
(A) 1⁄2
(B) 2⁄5
(C) 3⁄10
(D) 2⁄3
There are 20 total pizzas. The probability of one of them being a pepperoni pizza is 6⁄20 or 3⁄10.
The correct answer is Choice (C).
A kingdom is the broadest level. It contains the most kinds of organisms. The
relationship between organisms in a kingdom is extremely loose.
Phylum is the major taxonomic group of animals and plants. Within the kingdoms,
organisms are divided by general characteristics. For example, in the Animal
Kingdom, animals with backbones are placed in a separate phylum from animals without
Organisms in a phylum are divided into classes that further group similarities.
In the Animal Kingdom, for example, birds, mammals, and fish all group in their own
classes. Among plants, all flowering plants comprise the angiosperm class, and all
conifers, such as pines and spruces, comprise the conifer class
Scientific groupings don’t follow hard and fast rules. After you get to the “order”
of a living thing, there’s disagreement about where it belongs. You may find that different
scientific organizations group creatures in different orders or families
Which of the following instruments might an oceanographer be expected to use?
(A) Aspirator
(B) Hydrophone
(C) Calorimeter
(D) Centrifuge
Even if you don’t have a clue about what any of these instruments do, if you know that hydro
relates to water, you’ve significantly increased your chances of getting the right answer.
eat only meat. A few examples include lions, tigers, polar bears, snakes,
crocodiles, hawks, and eagles.
eat only plants. Cows, moose, giraffes, and elk are herbivores.
eat both plants and other animals. People are omnivores, and so are pigs,
mice, raccoons, chickens, crows, and foxes