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110 Cards in this Set

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Newton himself considered the most productive time of his life for mathematics and science (natural philosophy) to have been when he was
home at Woolsthorpe during the plague years
Newton’s Principia originated
as a followup to a conversation among members (Fellows) of the Royal Society – Wren, Hooke, and Halley
Which of the following did Halley not do in connection with Newton’s Principia?
write a considerable portion of it
The methodology employed by Newton in his Principia was
a combination of the inductive and deductive methods
The mathematics of Principia was
almost calculus, but not quite, yet very difficult
According to Newton’s Laws of Motion, an object is not being acted on by a net external force so long as
its velocity isn’t changing
Which is accelerated more by their forces on each other, the Earth or the Moon? (Earth is more massive than the Moon.)
the Moon
Uniform circular motion is caused by the operation of a
centripetal force
If two planets have the same mass but different radii, which will have the larger surface gravity?
the smaller one
Which of the following orbits is a periodic orbit in the two-body problem?
According to Newton, an object fired from the Earth with exactly the escape velocity will follow a trajectory that is part of a
parabolic orbit
The Earth’s mass is about 81 times greater than the Moon’s. Then the center of mass of the Earth-Moon system is located
near the center of the Earth
Newton showed that Kepler’s Law of Areas (Second Law) is actually a result of the conservation of
angular momentum
Which of the following quantities doesn’t appear in Newton’s version of Kepler’s Third Law?
(I suggest drawing a diagram on your question sheet.) The tidal force caused by the Moon at the place on Earth farthest from the Moon is directed
away from the Moon
The tides that occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth lie nearly along a straight line are called
spring tides
The Earth’s oblateness is caused by
its rotation and the resulting centrifugal ”force”
The Earth’s precession (of the equinoxes) is caused by
tidal forces of the Sun and Moon trying to pull its equatorial bulge into alignment with the ecliptic plane
To measure the shape of the Earth, one measures the length of a degree of latitude at different latitudes. If the Earth is oblate, a degree of latitude is
shorter at the Equator than at the poles
Toward the end of Newton’s life he precipitated the great controversy over priority in inventing the branch of mathematics now known as calculus; his antagonist was
The first expedition to bring back accurate data which indicated the actual oblateness of the Earth was that headed by
Godin, La Condamine, and Bouguer
The branch of astronomy that deals with the positions
of astronomical bodies on the sky is
The "Great Inequality" is a 900-year cycle associated with a resonance between the planets
Jupiter and Saturn
A numerical calculation of the orbit of Halley’s Comet that accurately predicted the comet’s return in 1759 was carried out by
Clairaut, Madame Lepaute, and Lalande
The fact that the "fixed" stars actually shift their positions on the celestial sphere very slowly because of their individual motions through space
(the shifts we call proper motions) was discovered by
The first proof that the Earth goes around the Sun was the aberration of starlight discovered by
Longitude on the Earth is determined by
comparing local time with time at the Prime Meridian
Mayer’s tables of the Moon’s motion were
calculated using Mayer’s lunar theory with many parameters determined from ob- servation (semi-empirical)
Halley pointed out that observations of the transits of Venus in 1761 and 1769 would give an accurate value for
the length of the astronomical unit (AU)
The Treatise on Celestial Mechanics which was the high point of eighteenth-century celestial mechanics was written by
Newton’s theory of gravitation was finally shown to be incomplete or incorrect when which of the following was explained?
advance of Mercury’s perihelion
The refracting telescope having a convex objective lens and a concave eyepiece lens is known as the
Galilean refractor
The reflecting telescope having a concave primary mirror and a concave secondary mirror is the
The problem with the refracting telescope that causes color fringes around images and motivated Newton to turn to mirrors for the main optical element instead of lenses was
chromatic aberration
The solution to the problem of chromatic aberration (though only partially) was the achromatic refractor patented by
The instrument used to discover the aberration of starlight and nutation was the
zenith sector
The approximate date of Newton is
The size of a planet's elliptical orbit is given by its
semimajor axis a
Which of the following discoveries made by Galileo using the telescope was not highly controversial?
there are many stars too faint to be seen with the naked eye
Galileo's work in which he laid the foundations for Newton's work by proposing a version of inertia (later in Newton's First Law of Motion) and presenting the law of falling bodies in mathematical form was
Discourses on Two New Sciences
Which of the following scientific societies played a role in the events leading to Newton's writing his Principia?
Royal Society of London
Philosophical Transactions
is the research journal of the Royal Society
The methodology employed by Newton in his Principia was
a combination of the inductive and deductive methods
The problem with the refracting telescope that causes color fringes around images and motivated Newton to turn to mirrors for the main optical element instead of lenses was
chromatic aberration
Which is accelerated more by their forces on each other, the Earth or the Moon?
the moon
If two planets have the same mass but different radii, which will have the smaller surface gravity?
the larger one
Which of the following orbits in the two-body problem is an unbound orbit?
The Earth's precession (of the equinoxes) is caused by
tidal forces of the Sun and Moon trying to pull its equatorial bulge into alignment with the ecliptic plane
The first measurements to show (not very accurately) that the Earth is oblate rather than prolate were made by an expedition to
Lapland led by Maupertuis
Three areas that Newton worked in:
Mathematics, dynamics, optics
Newton called calculus:
To calculate the moon's acceleration, you need to know:
the earth's radius
Newton proved the amount of refraction is characteristic of:
each color no matter how many times it passes through a prism
Newton called particles of light:
Most famous example of spherical aberration:
hubble telescope
After Newton's vacation he returned to Cambridge and was elected:
Fellow of Trinity
Newton was not the first to make a reflector, who was?
James Gregory
Gregorian telescope
concave primary and secondary
Cassegrain telescope
concave primary, convex secondary
Newtonian telescope
concave primary, simplest
Isaac Barrow resigned as Lucasian Professor and suggested _______ as his successor.
Newton did not believe in Trinity.
True or False?
As a result of his telescope, Newton was elected:
Fellow of Royal Society
Newton requested to be dropped from the Royal Society.
True or False
What type of religion was Newton interested in?
Scripture, learned Hebrew, Book of Daniel, alchemy
Most important book in the history of science.
Mathematical Principals of Natural Philosophy, 1687
Who encouraged Newton to write Principia?
Newton's 1st law
law of inertia - body at rest or in motion remains that way unless acted upon by a force
Newton's 1nd law
Force = mass x accelertion
Newton's 3rd law
every force has an equal and opposite force
Motion of a circle is at constant speed not:
constant velocity
Possible orbital paths:
ellipse (bound) - periodic
parabola (unbound)) - one time
hyperbola (unbound) - one time
Newton's law of gravity tells us the moon's gravity is stronger on the side of the earth:
closest to the moon
High tides occur every:
12 hrs 25 min
When the sun and moon pull in the same direction:
high tide higher, low tide lower
When the sun and moon pull at right angles:
high tide lower, low tide higher
Earth is oblate due to
centrifugal force
Regression works same as precession but:
shorter timescale, 18.6 years
How was Principia received?
- difficult to understand
- earth oblate rejected by french
- Huygens didn't understand gravity across empty space
Longitude at sea is necessary for:
maritime power
John Flamsteed is famous for:
Right ascension, 61 Cygni - first star measured with heliocentric parallax, Atlas Coelesits
Flamsteed established:
Royal Greenwich Observatory
Newton became the Master of the Mint during his:
London years
Newton became President of the Royal Society during his:
London years
Opticks was:
published in 1703, was in english and not deductive
Gottfried Leibniz was the first to publish papers on:
The Europeans supported _____ and not ______ over calculus papers
Leibniz, Newton
Two reasons the French disagreed with Newton:
the shape of the earth (prolate), inverse square law of attraction
Voltaire popularized Newton in:
Lunar Theory proposed by:
Clairut, D'Alembert adn Euler
Lunar Theory
moons motion taking sun's planets effects into account; related problem of three-body's
Lunar theory was developed to the point of being usable for the moon clock.
True or False
Tobias Mayer famous for:
semi-empirical lunar theory - coefficients to give good fit for data
Pierre Laplace (1749-1827) famous for:
"Great Inequality", Treatise on Celestial Mechanics, Exposition of System of World
Planetary Theory
Jupiter and Saturn don't behave
Great Inequality
acceleration of Jupiter and retardation of Saturn due to their mutual attraction
Halley discovered what stars?
Aldebaran, Sirius, Arcturus
Halley established that:
the fixed stars shift on the celestial sphere arises from their own motion through space
Halley succeeded _____ as Astronomer Royal
James Bradley was:
the 3rd Royal Astronomer
James Bradley responsible for:
aberration of starlight, nutation, accuracy of star positions and distances of stars
Aberration of Starlight important because
- 1st proof of Copernican theory
- gave improved value to speed of light
- correction of positions of stars
nodding - changing geometry of moon's tidal forces acting to drive precession
Zenith Sector
Astronomical Branches
Observational - measurments of positions of sun, moon, planets, stars and their changes.
Theoretical - celestial mechanics mathematical analysis of orbital motions.
George Bass made lenses, John Dollond patented
Three Body Problem
"Restricted Circular Planar-Three-Body System
Venus' Transits:
used to pin down astronomical unit
Date of Laplace
Date of Bradley