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43 Cards in this Set

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Q.How long does Earth’s rotation take?

A.24 hours

Q.How long does it take Earth to complete one revolution around the sun?

A.1 year

Q.Why does Earth have seasons?

A.Because Earth’s axis is tilted as it moves around the sun.

Q.When the north end of Earth’s axis is tilted toward the sun, describe the sunlight and day length in North America.

A.More direct rays and longer days

Q.What does the moon phase we see from Earth depend on?

A.how much of the sunlit side of the moon faces Earth

Q.How must the Earth, sun and moon be ordered to experience a solar eclipse?

A.the moon must be directly between Earth and the sun

Q.What did Galileo see on the moon’s surface?

A.round pits called craters

Q.How do scientists think the moon was formed?

A.a large object struck Earth, and ejected material from the collision combined

Q.Describe the position of the Earth during an equinox.

A.neither end of Earth’s axis is tilted toward or away from the sun

Q.When does the moon appear to be cut in half?

A.first quarter and third quarter phase

Q.What law says that all objects are attracted to each other?

A.the force of gravity

Q.What event began the Space Race?

A.The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I

Q.Who was competing in the Space Race?

A.the United States and the Soviet Union

Q.What is the space shuttle?

A.A reusable spacecraft that can be used many times to carry astronauts into orbit

Q.What do both reflecting and refracting telescopes do with visible light?

A.gather and focus visible light

Q.What characteristics are used to classify stars?

A.size, brightness, temperature, color, composition

Q.When nuclear fusion starts, what is happening to a star?

A.it is dying

Q.What does the lifetime of a star depend on?

A.it’s mass

Q.What is a supernova?

A.the explosion of a dying high-mass star

Q.What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?

A.spiral galaxy

Q.What is the name of the theory that scientists believe formed the universe?

A.Big bang theory

Q.What did the solar system form from?

A.a giant cloud of gas and dust

Q.What happens to Earth in a heliocentric system?

A.Earth revolves around the Sun

Q.What do all of the inner planets have in common?

A.They all are small and have rocky surfaces

Q.Where is the asteroid belt located in the solar system?

A.between Mars and Jupiter

Q.Where do meteoroids come from?

A.comets or asteroids

Q.What are the conditions necessary for life on Earth?

A.liquid water

Q.What are the reasons that scientists think that Mars once may have had life?

A.evidence that liquid water was once present

Q.What are Saturn’s rings made mostly of?

A.chunks of ice and rock

Q.Why is Uranus different from most other planets?

A.rotates on its side

Q.Why is Jupiter unique?

A.It is the largest and most massive planet

Q.What causes day and night?

A.Earth’s rotation on its axis

Q.What are the flat areas on the moon’s surface?


Q. Because galaxies are moving away from each other, what can be said about the universe?

A.it is expanding

Q.What is the minimum number of stars in a star system?


Q.What model shows Earth as the center of the solar system?


Q.Where is the Great Red Spot found?


Q. Why can the moon be seen from the Earth?

A.because sunlight reflects off the moon’s surface

Q.When a shuttle returns from a mission, how does it land?

A.like an airplane

Q.Stars begin as a large cloud of gas and dust. What is this called?


Q.Draw a picture of and name each of the 8 moon phases in the order that they occur.

A.New Moon: H Full Moon: BWaxing Crescent: A Waning Gibbous: FFirst Quarter: E Third Quarter: CWaxing Gibbous: G Waning Crescent: D

Q.How much time passes between a new moon and a full moon?

A.about 15 days

Q.Draw the two gibbous moons.

A.Waxing Gibbous Waning Gibbous