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72 Cards in this Set

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solar eclipse

moon is directly between the earth and sun


shadow behind earth


less complete shadow behind earth

complete lunar eclipse

when moon is completely in earth's umbra

retrograde motion

problem that plato and aristotle ran into/ they had theory that everything had circular orbit, but the problem was that it appeared everything went eastward at different speeds and sometimes moved west for a while (because believed in perfectly circular orbits

ptolemy's model

solution to retrograde motion: epicycles (each planet has its own circle on the orbit (orbits on orbits)

*in reality not a solution because not real.

heliocentric model

developed by copernicus in 1473. earth revolves around the sun and rotates on its axis. no epicycles but still circular orbits

kepler's first law

all planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at the focus.

keeper's second law

since elliptical orbits are uneven, line drawn from sun to planet sweeps out equal areas in equal time, no matter what speed its going at that point in the orbit

keeper's third law

the square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of its semi major axis

Newtons 3 laws of motion

1: object at rest will remain so unless...

2: acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass

3: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

light spectrum

comes in a little bundle of energy photons

H: gamma, X-rays, uv, visible (violet-> red), infrared (Heat), microwaves, cellular, fm, am: L

refracting telescope

2 lenses that bend the light


1 lense, 1/2 mirrors, light rays bent by mirrors

emission lines

rainbow lines on spectra come from excited gases (low density gas)

absorption lines

when radiation passes through a cool gas, black lines on the spectrum where you can't see color cause there isn't enough light

Bohr model of the atom

mass is primarily in the nucleus which has protons and neutrons with electrons in orbits


variation of an element. has more neutrons than protons


variation of an element that has lost or gained an electron. unbalanced and charged

coulomb force

attraction between the nucleus and elections charges that holds the atom togehter

excited atom

move an electron from a low energy to a high energy level through collision or absorbing a photon


visible surface of a star. comprised of hot ionized cases, freed electrons, ions all moving rapidly and colliding and radiating

blackbody radiation

radiation emitted by a heated object (move bump faster--> more collisions)

Stefan- Boltzmann law

relates temp of a blackbody to the amount of total radiated energy


granules are dark edged areas of the sun that last for 10-20 min before fading and being replaced by new ones. emit blackbody. result from convection currents just below photosphere surface


what hot material rises, cools and sinks


regions over twice earth's diameter w/ 300 granules grouped together. result from slow currents last a day or two


11 year cycle, cool spots in the photosphere

active region

chromosphere and corona above sunspots have powerful magnetic fields

dynamo effect

ionized gas conducting, stirred by convection --> energy flows outward --> converted into the magnetic field

magnetic carpet

looped magnetic fields extending through the photosphere. generated by turbulence below photosphere

maunder minimum

1645-1715 there were very few sunspots and it coincided with a mini ice age on earth. solar activity on earth correlates to amount of solar energy earth recieves

doppler effect

apparent change in wavelength of light due to motion at the source/observer you can tell by the color change

redshift = receding

blueshift= approaching


ionized rotating gas --> currents --> strong magnetic field

nuclear fusion

why the sun shines

gravity pulls sun together --> high pressure/temp in core -->fusion of hydrogen, helium, energy released pushes back against gravity

either combine or split. iron doesn't release energy either way

hydrostatic equilibrium

balances of forces of gravity pulling in and extremely hot gas in interior pushing out


trapped ionized particles in north and south poles where the magnetic field comes closest to earth (northern lights)

proton-proton chain

series of reactions converting hydrogen to helium and energy


intrinsic brightness


apparent magnitude

absolute magnitude

brightness if all stars were 10 parsecs away

spectral classification by temp

OBA Fine Guy Kiss Me

blue (40,000) --> red (3000)

binary stars

balance each other out, are on opposite orbits that have a shared middle point of mass. like a teeter totter

interstellar medium

dust and gas


hot ball of relatively dense gas that radiates but doesn't fuse that can become a star.

has the ability to contract because of gravity--> spin --> flattens to a disk -->heat increases --> hydrogen fusion begins --> main sequence star

leave the main sequence

gravity compresses core more --> pressure/temp increase --> rate of reactions increase --> energy release increases --> outer layers expand and cool

CNO cycle

hydrogen to helium is faster and more efficient than the proton-proton chain

how low mass stars die


don't die because they fuse too slowly and they are small enough that there is convection throughout

how medium mass stars die

90% life on main sequence

helium accumulates in core (hydrogen gone)--> can't resist gravity--> contract and temp increases --> hydrogen core fuses and outer layers expand --> radius increases dramatically --> surface temp decreases --> becomes red giant

how big mass stars die

H depleted in core

leaves MS

burns through the He, Carbon, neon, oxygen, silicon cores and shells til it reaches iron

collapses--> bounces back out off iron core

type 2 supernova

type 2 supernova

blows outer layers away --> huge energy release 10^44 j

leaves behind shells of hot expanding ionized gas

type 1a supernova

white dwarf accretes matter

electron degeneracy

pressure can't support it

collapses and fuses at once

blows up hugely visible from end of universe


binary system of white dwarf and red giant that builds up hotter and denser and blows up

neutron stars

huge. mass of collapsing star core is over 3 solar masses. but with tiny radius

temp falls --> spins rapidly --> strong magnetic radiation

can become a black hole


neutron star that you can see beams coming off of through change in emission lines

black holes

if bigger than 25 solar masses/ nothing can stop gravitational collapse to 0 radius

light can't even escape (its within the schwartzchild radius

escape velocity

can only escape gravitational pull with correct launching force and distance from core

supermassive black hole

mostly dormant, formed along with the galaxy

galaxy mergers

results in rapid star formation (starburst)--> exhausts gas --> spiral galaxy

gravitational disruption between galaxies

spherical cloud of stars w/o structure --> elliptical galaxy

elliptical galaxy

core and halo structure.

no young stars, dust or gas (would have gone supernova)

old/red stars

active galaxy

nucleus core is emitting a lot of energy in radio and X-ray waves

have active black holes at center


compact/ dense galaxies that are very distant and bright. newly formed, with a lot of star formation and active black hole at center

mergers common

early galaxies in universe

now quieter

extra solar planet

planet orbiting another star

wobble method of detecting extra solar planets

the planet's orbit tugs the star back and forth

can track movements of the planet based off the slight change in movement of the star based on its doppler shift away and closer

transent method of detecting extra solar planets

measure time it takes the planet to pass between earth and the star (blocs the star's light)


measured redshift and distance for a set of galaxies

discovered we are not at the center of the universe and the universe is expanding and moving away from us

big bang nuclear synthesis

3 min afterwards: cool enough to fuse neutron and protons into elements.

380,000 years later its cool enough that electrons can recombine with nuclei to make neutral atoms--> redshift

dark matter

not luminous, unknown weakly interacting particle that constitutes 80% of all mass

gravitational lensing

when light bends around galaxies and clusters due to the gravity of their mass. how we can see distant galaxies from earth

dark energy

gravity slows the expansion rate of the universe resulting in:

1. expanding slower and slower forever

2. recollapsing into a big crunch type 1a supernova

lifetime of sun

hydrogen and helium with race amounts of others. sphere of ionized gas (plasma)