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73 Cards in this Set

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What do low-mass stars like the Sun leave behind when they die?
White dwarfs
What do high-mass stars leave behind when they die?
Supernovae, leaving behind neutron stars and black holes
What is the term for what is essentially the exposed core of a star that has died and shed its outer layers in a planetary nebula?
White dwarf
Compared to the Sun, are white dwarfs brighter or dimmer?
From what source is the degeneracy pressure found in white dwarfs?
Closely packed electrons
What is the term for the degeneracy pressure created by closely packed electrons?
Electron degeneracy pressure
What is likely to be the leftover product of our Sun?
T or F
More massive white dwarfs are actually smaller insize than less massive one.
Why is the more massive white dwarf smaller?
Because its gravity can compress its matter to a much greater density
Describe the quantum mechanics that govern the sizes of white dwarfs?
The electrons respond to the compression arising from greater gravity by traveling faster.
What happens to degeneracy pressure strength as the white dwarf compresses?
It becomes strong enough to resist the greater force of gravity.
T or F
The most massive white dwarfs are the biggest.
The most massive white dwarfs are the smallest.
In what size white dwarfs, more massive or less massive, are the elctron speeds higher?
More massive
What is the white dwarf limit?

Why cannot a white dwarf have a mass larger than

Neither electrons nor anything else can travel faster than the speed of light.
What is the other name for the white dwarf limit?
Chandrasekhar limit
What are the 2 absolutes found in Einstein's theory of relativity?
1. the laws of nature are the same for everyone
2. The speed of light is the same for everyone
What stage does a cooled down white dwarf become?
black dwarf
What happens to a white dwarf in a close binary system?
It can gain mass as mass spills from its companion
What is the term for the process of infalling matter that forms the whirlpool-like disk around a white dwarf star in a binary ssytem?
What is the term for the whirlpool-like disk formed by the infalling material from one star to a white dwarf in a binary system?
Accretion disk
What can provide a dead white dwarf with a new energy source?
What is the term for the thermonuclear flash that results when a white dwarf blazes back to life as its hydrogen layer burns after it has accreted gas from its companion star in a binary system?
T or F
A nova is far more luminous than a supernova.
A nova is far less luminous than a supernova.
T or F
Accretion can resume after a nova explosion subsides, so that the entire process of accretion and nova can repeat itself.
What is the term for the material that is expanded outward from that was accreted onto the surface of a white dwarf?
nova remnant
What happens each time a nova occurs?
The white dwarf ejects some of its mass.
What happens when a white dwarf gains enough mass to approach
the white dwarf limit

white dwarf limit = 1.4M
the white dwarf explodes completely in what is called a white dwarf supernova
What is the term for the exploding white dwarf when it reaches the white dwarf limit?
White dwarf supernova
What element acts as the bomb that creates a white dwarf supernova?
What is the term for the iron catastrophe that leads to a super nova ending the life of a high-mass star?
Massive star supernova
What is the term for the ball of neutron created by the collapse of the iron core in a massive star supernova?
Neutron star
What is essentially a neutron star/
giant atomic nuclei made almost entirely of neutrons and held together by gravity
What holds together the giant atomic nuclei of a neutron star?
In a neutron star, what particles are closely packed?
What supports the neutron nuclei against the crush of gravity?
neutron degeneracy pressure
Who first discovered neutron stars?
Jocelyn Bell
What is the term for rapidly pulsing radio sources?
What is the term for the neutron stars left behind by the supernova explosions?
What happens eventually to a pulsar's spin?
It slows so much that they are no longer detectable
T or f
All pulsars are neutron stars.
T or F
All neutron stars are pulsars.
NOT all neutron stars are pulsars
What is the term for close binaries that contain accreting neutron stars?
X ray binaries
What is the termfor the bursts of energy that is generated when helium fuses rapidly to make carbon and heavier elements generating a burst of energy that flows from the neutron star in the form of X rays?
X ray bursters
What is the equivalence principle?
The effects of gravity are exactly equivalent to the effects of acceleration.
Who developed the equivalence principle
What is the term for the seamless, four dimensional entity when we consider the 3 dimensions of space in addition to time?
What is the term for the observed bending of light by distant galaxies?
gravitational lensing
How does a "black hole" gets its name?
Nothing, not even light, can escape from a black hole
Describe the escape velocity of a black hole?
It is greater than the speed of light.
According to Einstein, what does gravity arise from?
curvature of spacetime
T or F
Gravity gets weaker and weaker as we approach a black hole.
Gravity gets stronger and stronger as we approach a black hole.
What shape are black holes?
spherical, not funnel like.
Funnel would indicate a 3 dimension
What is the term for the boundary between the inside of the black hole and the universe?
event horizon
What marks the point of no return for objects entering a black hole?
Event horizon
How do we think of the size of a black hole?
Based on its event horizon
What is the term for the radii of the sphere that surrounds a black hole?
Schwarzchild radius
What does the size of a black hole's Schwarzchild radius depend upon?
on its mass
When does a stellar core become a black hole?
When the core shrinks to a size smaller than its Schwarzschild radius
T or F
The black hole still contains all the mass and has the gravity associated with the mass of the collapsed stellar core.
What is the term for infinitely tiny and dense point in the black hole's center?
T or F
Time runs more slowly on the clock nearer to the black hole
T or F
Tidal forces near a black hole are trillions of times stronger that the tidal forces of the Moon on the Earth.
What is the most promising location of a black hole that we know of?
An X-ray binary called CygnusX-1
T or F
Some gamma ray bursts seem to come from the formation of black holes
Why are gamma ray photons so difficult to focus?
Because they carry so much energy that they tend to penetrate through a telescope's mirror
How did we confirm the origins of gamma ray bursts?
When NASA launched the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory.
What is another name for the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory?
What did the Compton discover about the source directions of gamma ray bursts?
They are random coming from all directions in space
T or F
Gamma ray bursts come from inside our galaxy.
Gamma RAy Bursts come far outside our galaxy
What appear to be the most powerful bursts of energy that ever occur in the universe?
Gamma Ray bursts
Name the 2 types of gamma ray bursts:
1. type associated with explosions of massive stars; and
2. type lasting only a few seconds
What is thought to be the sources of gamma ray bursts?
1. the collision of a binary system with 2 neutron stars or
2. the collision of a neutron star and a black hole