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58 Cards in this Set

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Objective Personality Test
(Milan Clinical Multiaxial Inventory)
Objective measure of personality.
Corresponds closely with DSM
Normed on clinical population so should not be used with normal population as it exaggerates pathology
(California Psychological Inventory)
Used for normal, non-clinical population for organizational and educational settings.
Raven's Progressive Matrices
Best nonverbal test of intelligence and g factor.
children and adults
Children IQ test
Adult IQ test
Stanford Binet
children and adults
Projective personality test of 10 inkblots
Exner scoring system most often used
(Thematic Apperception Test)
Projective Personality Test
Bender Gestalt
pt copies nine drawings
Good for Neuropsych assessment screening, projective personality
(Wide Range Achievement Test)
Achievement Test for Academic Achievement.
(Wechsler Individual Achievement Test)
Achievement Test for Academic Achievement.
The Vineland
Test of adaptive functioning used, along with IQ, to assess MR
(Wechsler Primary & Preschool Scale of Intelligence)
For Children 2.6 to 7.3
(Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children)
For Children 3 to 18
(Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test)
For ages 4 through 90. Brief screening of crystallized and fluid (nonverbal) intelligence.
Denver II
(Denver Developmental Screening Test II)
Birth to 6 years of age. Screening test for developmental delays. Can be administered by paraprofessionals
Fagan Test of Intelligence
Infants 3 to 12 months. Used to identify mental retardation or cognitive impairments
AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scales
includes School scale (3-21 yrs) and Residential/Community scale (18-80 yrs). assess adaptive functioning for MR
Cognitive Assessment System
For Children ages 5-17
Slosson Tests
(SIT-P-1) (SIT-R3-1)
SIT-P-1 for Children & Adults
SIT-R3-1 screening test of crystallized intelligence for ages 4 through 65. Can be used with individuals with visual impairments
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale
originally developed for children with CP also used for those with brain damage, MR, hearing loss, & limited English
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
Nonverbal intelligence test, developed for those with orthopedic disabilities, aged 2.5 to 85.
Haptic Intelligence Scale
For Blind and visually impaired individuals aged 16+. Can be administered alone or with WAIS
Hiskey-Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude
For ages 3 to 17 who have hearing impairments
Leiter International Performance Scale
Culture-fair measure of cognitive abilities for ages 2-21. Also useful for those with language or hearing problems.
Kulman-Anderson Test
Group test for K-12. Verbal, quantitative, and Total scores.
Woodcock Johnson III
Group tests for ages 2-90+. Cognitive, academic, and ability-achievement discrepancies.
Wonderlic Personnel Test
12 minute paper and pencil test of mental ability for adults. Several forms available. Used in industry, but may discriminate against culturally diverse groups.
Curriculm-based measurement
standardized assessment of school children
Performance-based assessment
Clinton administration-evaluate pupil actually carrying out activity
Differential Aptitude Test
for educational and aptitude counseling
General Aptitude Test Battery
Developed by US Government for vocational counseling and job placement.
What type of tests are the Minnesota Paper Form Board and the Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test?
Mechanical Aptitude Tests.
What type of tests are the Purdue Pegboard and the Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test?
Psychomotor tests.
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
Based on Murray personality theory. Ipsative. Provides info on the 15 needs he identified (like Achievement, Exhibitionism, Autonomy)
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
(16 PF)
Developed by Catell to assess personality traits
NEO Personality Inventory-Revised
Used to assess Big Five Personality Traits.
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery
To assess brain damage. can be used in conjunction with WAIS and MMPI
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery
Tests for Brain Injury. Considered better then the Halstead-Reitan (H-R)
Benton Visual Retention Test
Used to assess brain damage.
Beery Developmental Test ofVisual-Motor Integration (Beery-VMI)
Assesses visual-motor skills of children ages 3 to 18 to identify deficits that might lead to learning and behavior problems.
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
used for ages 6.5 to 80, sensitive to frontal lobe damage and impaired performance has been linked to alcoholism.
Stroop Color-Word Association
Measures cognitive flexibility and selective attention. Poor performance linked to frontal lobe damage, ADHD, Autism, and Depression.
Mini Mental State Exam
Mini Mental Status. Diagnostic for dementia. Maximum score is 30, 23 or 24 cutoff scores.
Beck Depression Inventory II
to assess Major Depression
0-13 minimal
14-19 mild
20-28 moderate
29-63 severe
Beck Hopelessness Scale
Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation
Scales to assess suicide risk
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities
for ages 5-12.11
evaluates child's linguistic abilities
Wide-Range Achievement Test
For ages 5-75. Estimates grade level functioning in reading, spelling, arithmetic. Often used to assess learning disabilities.
What tests are used to assess ADHD?
Broad Band Tests: Behavioral Assessment for Children, Child Behavior Checklist
Narrow Band Tests: ADHD Rating Scale, Stroop Color-Word Associations.
What tests are used to assess autism?
The Child Autism Rating Scale, The Autism Behavior Checklist, & The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Checklist for Autism in Toddlers. Embedded Figures Test-Autistic Children tend to find embedded figures better then those without autism.
Strong Interest Inventory
Test for Occupational themes and interests
Kuder Occupational Interest Survey, Kuder Career Search
Occupational tests
Career Assessment Inventory
Helps to identify career options
Self-Directed Search
Developed by Holland. Is a self-administered, self-scored, self-interpreted vocational interest inventory (identifies RIASEC)+
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Objective personality test that assesses four personality dimensions derived from Jung’s personality types – i.e., extraversion/introversion, sensate/intuitive, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving
Downward extension of MMPI, for adolescents aged 14 through 18 who can read at the 6th grade level or above
Mini Mental State Exam scores
23 or above considered normal