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61 Cards in this Set

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Indigestion, upper abdominal discomfort associated with eating.
Also known as GAS
What is the primary nursing intervention with a patient who is going to have an Upper GI Tract Study
Education on Clear liquid diet to NPO after midnight prior to the study
AM meds are held esp. insulin
Aids in the diagnosis of ulcers, Varices, tumors, regional enteritis, malabsorption syndromes. May extend to duodenum and small bowel
Upper GI Tract Study
Visualization of the Upper GI Tract with Flouroscope using contrast barium sulfate
Upper GI Tract Study
Visualization of Lower GI tract after Barium instilled rectally
Lower GI Tract Study
Detection of polyps,tumors, or lesions of the small intestines.. Each part of the colon is observed.. takes 15 - 20 mins and xray images are obtained
Lower GI Tract Study
What are the Nursing Interventions for a patient undergoing a Gastroscopy
-Emptying and cleansing the bowels
-Low residue diet 1-2 days prior
-Clear liquid diet & Laxatives in the evening
-NPO after Midnight
-Cleansing Enemas until returns are clear the following am
What is contraidicated in patients with inflammatory bowel disease?
Barium Enemas
Visualization of inside the colon and rectum. Also known as a bowel prep.
Detects inflammed tissue, ulcers, and abnormal growth, cancers.
What souldnt patients drink before a colonoscopy procedure?
Red or purple dye liquids
What are acceptable liquids to drink before a colonoscopy
-fat free bouillon or broth strained.
-Fruit Juice
-PLain coffee
-plain tea
- Sports drink: Gatorade
What might me required the night before a colonoscopy?
-Laxatives -pill form or powder dissolved in water.
-Enema:sometimes w/mild soaps
what is not permitted for 24 hours after a colonoscopy
driving to allow the sedative to wear off
Colonoscopy Procedure
-Notify MD regarding meds
-Pt lies on left side on exam table.
-Light sedative & Pain Med's to help keep pts relaxed.
-Monitor Vitals
-Long flexible scope is inserted into anus
-Intestines is inflated with C02 gas for better view
Complications of colonoscopy
Bleeding and puncture of large intestines
Lab test performed for chief complaint of GI system
Occilt Blood
What is the sequence of assessement
Things that you may inspection
Skin Color
Pigmentation Changes
Term defined as Swelling outward or bulging
Ascetic fluid sinks with gravity, while loops of bowel float to the top.
Suggest fluid caused by ascities
Protuberant abdomen with bulging flanks
Ecchymosis of left flank, indicates retropertioneal bleeding, Usually due to hemorrhagic pancreatitiscan be minimal or massive
Turners sign
This sign can take upto 24-48 hours. It can predict a severe attack of acute pancreatitis
Turners sign
Bluish discoloration around umbilicus due to intrapertioneal hemorrhage into abdominal wall.
Cullens Sign
Active bowel sounds are
Normal bowel sounds are
Hypoactive sounds are
1-2 sounds/2 mins
Hyperactive sounds are
5-6 sounds in less than 30 sec
Absent Bowel Sounds are
No sounds 3-5 mins
the use of the bell in the abdomin for
Aortic Bruits
-Renal Arteries
-Iliac Arteries
-Femoral Arteries
High pitched sounds that are auscultated over spleen and liver during respiration
Friction Rubs
Stomach growling
Doppler is used for
Fetal heart rates & umbilical artery in pregnancy
Used to determine the size and solid abdominal organs and presence of masses.
This is done in al four quadrants, Liver, Spleen and bladder if indicated
Fluid and gas can be used with ..
Percuss Gas Sound
Percuss Fluid
Percuss Solid Mass/Organs
Protuberant Abdomen with tympany indicates
intestinal obstruction
How do u check for fluid wave
Pt will push down midline abdomen and nurse taps one flank and feels other flank for wave
When palpating the abdomen the RUQ organs are...
Liver & Lower part of right kidney
When palpating the abdomen in the RLQ the organs are
Ascending colon and Cecum
When palpating the abdomen in the LUQ, the organs are
Transverse colon
When palpating the abdomen in the LLQ, the organs are
Descending and Sigmoid colon
True or false is it normal to have tenderness upon deep palpation
What is the normal liver span? Where is the location?
6-12 cm in right midclavicular line
Percussion of the Liver
-Measure verticle span of liver dullness right mid-clavicular line.
-Begin below the umbilicus & percuss up from area of dullness where liver begins
-lightly percuss from lung resonance down towards liver dullness
-measure the cm in distance between 2 points
Palpation of the abdomen
-light palpation first
-Id any masses or superfical organs
-Involuntary Rigidity
Involuntary ridgity would indicate?
peritoneal inflammation
Deep Palpation is required to detect? and what should be noted?
Abdominal Masses
Note size consistency, Shape,Tenderness, pulsations and mobility
When palpating the kidneys what are u assessing for?
Posterior organs, Upper portions are protected by the ribs
Where would you assess for Kidney tenderness
Over the Costroverbral Angle
What is located at the lower border of 12th rib and transverse process of upper lumber vertebrae
Costroverebral Angle
Costovertebral Angle Tenderness
-First palpate lightly, then deeply at 12th rib
Assess for movement tenderness
Indicator for significant abdominal inflammation most often due to gallbladder or liver disease
Murphys Sign
Can be accomplished by deep palpation of liver and gallbladder by placing hands just right under the rib cage having patient take a deep breath and pushing up and in
Murphys sign
What indicates a positive Murphys sign
When patient cant take a deep breath due to pain created
A Sign of appendicitis
palpation of the LLQ that causes pain in the RLQ bc of eliciting of deep nerve pain over irritated /or inflamed pertineal lining and organ
Rovsings Sign
Associated with appendicitis
Pain in the abdomen RLQ with movement of hip flexor muscles
Iliopspas Test