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112 Cards in this Set

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Binaural interaction at the level of the brain stem permits what to occur?
identification and location of the direction of the sound
When an otoscope examination is performed on an elderly client, the tympanic membrane may be observed to be what?
whiter than expected
The Weber test is generally performed on an individual who complains of
hearing better in one ear than the other
What are the functions of the middle ear?
sound conduction

reduction of sound amplitude

pressure equalization
At the peripheral level of hearing, what takes place?
conversion of vibrations into electrical impulses
Mr. Rucker is a 57-year-old patient who presents with a complaint of hearing difficulties. As the health care provider, you know that a conductive hearing loss occurs when
a mechanical dysfunction of the external or middle ear occurs
The labyrinth of the inner ear is responsible for maintaining the body's:
Mrs. Kitts is a 29-year-old patient who is in her first trimester of pregnancy. During her examination, she brings up concerns about exposure to rubella. As the health care provider, you explain that, if she contracts rubella, her developing fetus is at risk for damage to what?? (Note: This damage could lead to hearing impairment.
Organ of Corti
A condition in which conductive hearing loss occurs as a result of gradual hardening of the foot plate of the stapes is identified as:
An individual who may act irritable or show a startle reflex when hearing a raised voice is demonstrating
Mrs. Saturen is a 53-year-old patient who comes to the clinic for a routine follow-up examination. During your assessment, you notice the patient behaves in a manner that is a clue to the possibility of hearing loss. What behavior did you observe?
the patient's voice had a flat, monotonous tone
The eardrum is connected to which of the middle ear ossicles?
Mr. and Mrs. Caper bring their son to the office for a routine examination. What would best describe ears that appear larger than expected (> 10 cm vertically)?
During examination of a 39-year-old female patient, you ask her to swallow while holding her nose (insufflation). This procedure is performed to assess the:
mobility of the tympanic membrane
When testing the hearing of a newborn infant, what responses should you observe after the examiner makes a loud noise, such as a hand-clap?
the infant displays the startle (Moro) reflex
Which of the following separates the middle ear from the external ear?
tympanic membrane
The nasopharynx is connected to the middle ear by the:
eustachian tube
The middle ear functions to:
reduce amplification of sound to protect the inner ear
The vestibule and the semicircular canals of the inner ear are primarily responsible for:
Binaural interaction at the level of the brain stem permits what to occur?
identification and localization of the direction of the sound
Bone conduction of sound permits direct transmission of sound from the bone to:
Mr. Scotts is a 38-year-old patient who was diagnosed with a perforated tympanic membrane in the emergency room. He comes to the clinic for follow-up. An individual with this condition is at risk for experiencing what type of hearing loss?
What individuals would be most at risk for developing presbycusis?
A 75-year-old individual who lives in an assisted-living apartment
Mrs. Oliver is a 52-year-old patient who complains of hearing loss. During your assessment, you determine that she has tinnitus. What must the examiner consider as possible causes?
what order should you do the ear exam in?

otoscopic exam


hearing tests
ears smaller than 4cm vertically

is called
ears larger than 10cm veritcally

is called
pain with auricle movement occurs with what?
otitis externa and furuncle
pain at the mastoid process occurs with what?
mastoiditis or lymphadentitis
absence or closure of the ear canal
purulent otorrhea suggests what?
otitis externa or media if the drum has ruptured
light reflex where on the tympanic membrane?
5 o'clock in the right ear

7 o'clock in the left
yellow-amber colored drum occurs with what?
otitis media with effusion
red colored drum occurs with what?
acute otitis media
air/fluid level or air bubbles behind drum indicate what?
otitis media with effusion
perforation of the TM shows as what?
a dark oval area or as a larger opening on the drum
Weber test

tests for
sound lateralization (sounds louder in the ear with lateralization)
Rinne test

2 : 1
Romberg test

tests what?
the ability of the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear to help maintain standing balance
low set ears or deviation in alignment

may indicate what?

a genitourinary malformation
ears should be positioned within how many degrees of vertical
what direction do you pull the adult pinna?
up and back
what direction do you pull the child pinna?
straight down

hearing acuity
startle (Moro) reflex

acoustic blink reflex
3 to 4 months

hearing acuity
acoustic blink reflex

infant stops movement and "listens"

halts suckling

cries/stops crying
6 to 8 months

hearing acuity
turns head to localize sounds

responds to own name
no intelligent speech by what age is abnormal?
2 years

reddish blue discoloration and swelling of auricle

ear necrosis may ensue
otitis externa

swimmer's ear

severe painful movement of pinna and tragus
otitis externa

infection of the outer ear

prevent by using rubbing alcohol or 2% acetic acid eardrops
branchial remnant and ear deformity

skin tag

occur mostly in preauricular area
if skin tags are bilateral, there is an increased risk of what?
renal anomalies
cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea

oily fluid

tests positive for glucose
sebaceous cysts

commonly behind lobule

nodule filled with central black punctum indicates locked sebaceous gland

filled with waxy sebaceous materal

often multiple
sebaceous gland

blocked sebaceous gland

small, whitish-yellow, hard, nontender nodules in or near helix or antihelix

contain greasy, chalky material of uric acid crystals
tophi causes
chondrodermatitis nodularis helicus

painful nodules on the rim of the helix

small, indurated, dull red, poorly defined, very painful
chondrodermatitis nodularis helicus

repetitive mechanical pressure or environmental trauma

overgrowth of scar tissue

common in dark-skinned people

at ear, most common at lobule at the site of a pierced ear

scar tissue

ulcerated crusted nodule with indurated base that fails to heal

bleeds intermittently

refer for biopsy

single, stony hard, rounded nodule that obsures the drum


overlying skin appears normal

attached to inner third, the bony part, of canal


more common than osteoma

small,body hard, rounded nodules of hypertrophic bone, covered with normal epithelium

arise near drum but usually do not obstruct the view

painful, reddened, infected hair follicles

occur on tragus or on cartilaginous part of ear canal

redder than surrounding skin

bleeds easily

foul, purulent discharge

chronic ear disease
yellow-amber color of ear drum

indicates what?
serum or pus
prominent landmarks of ear drum

indicates what?
retraction of drum
air/fluid level or air bubbles of ear drum

indicates what?
serous fluid
absent or distorted light reflex of ear drum

indicates what?
bulging of eardrum
bright red color of ear drum

indicates what?
infection in middle ear
blue or dark red color of ear drum

indicates what?
blood behind drum
dark oval areas of ear drum

indicates what?
white dense areas of ear drum

indicates what?
diminished or absent landmarks of ear drum

indicates what?
thickened drum
black or white dots on drum or canal

indicates what?
colony of growth
yellow-amber color of ear drum

suggested condition
serous otitis media

chronic otitis media
prominent landmarks of ear drum

suggested condition
negative pressure in middle ear from an obstructed EUSTACHIAN tube
air/fluid level or air bubbles

suggested condition
serous otitis media
absent or distorted light reflexes of ear drum

suggested condition
acute otitis media
bright red color of ear drum

suggested condition
acute purulent otitis media
blue or dark red color of ear drum

suggested condition

skull fracture
dark oval areas of ear drum

suggested condition
drum rupture
white dense areas of ear drum

suggested condition
sequelae of infections
diminished or absent landmarks of ear drum

suggested condition
chronic otitis media
black or white dots on drum or canal

suggested condition
fungal infection
Weber test

sound lateralizes to which ear?
the better ear
3 parts of the ear


function of the external auditory canal
funnels soundwaves into the ear
function of middle ear
transmit soundwaves to inner ear
parts of the middle ear


infection of the bony labyrinth causes what?
function of the cochlea
transmit sound waves from inner ear to CN VIII (8)
the main organ of hearing
organ of corti
which nerve is responsible for hearing?
a mechanical dysfunction of the external or middle ear is what kind of hearing loss?
presbycusis may cause what kind of hearing loss?
how might the TM appear in a newborn?
thick and opaque
describe the eustachian tube in the infant?
shorter & wider

more horizontal
common cause of conductive hearing loss in young adults
decreased/fixed mobility of ossicles

is called what?
a gradual sensorineural loss caused by nerve degeneration in the inner ear or auditory nerve
otitis media incidence is higher in what groups of people?
Native Americans
middle ear infection

is also known as
otitis media
hearing loss is highest among what group?
if maternal rubella occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy, it can damage what?
the organ of carti

impairs hearing
aminglycosides, if taken in the first trimester, can can affect the fetus how?
hearing loss

can be caused by what medications?
non-steroidal anti inflammatories



certain antibiotics
when it feels like the ROOM spins, it is what kind of vertigo?
when it feels like the PERSON spins, it is what kind of vertigo?
what is considered recurrent otitis media in infants?
3 episodes in 3 months

4 episodes in a year