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80 Cards in this Set

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Tai Zi Shen*

generates BFs; weakly tonifies Qi and Yin
Tan Xiang **
unblock stg. Qi in the chest. stops pain; adjust MJ; regulate Qi
Tao Ren**
LU & fixed intestinal masses; stops cough/wheezing; moistens intestines; small parasties: contagious & demonic illnesses special pair: Hong Hua
Tian Hua Fen*
generates BFs, clears/drains Lu Heat; mositens dryness; resolves toxicity/expels pus: breast abscesses
Tian Ma**
very imp for treating internal stirring of LR Wind; controls spasms; extinguishes W-P for wind phlegm patterns. Bi-Syndrome HDI: Sedatives special pair: Gou Teng
Tian Men Dong**
VERY COLD; T+ Yin of the LU & Ki; generates BFs; coold heat d/t Yin Xu
Tian Nan Xing*
stubborn Phlegm; disperses wind phlegm/stops spasms: obstruction d/t W-P
Tian Zhu Huang-
extinguishes Wind; stops palpitations, dislodges Phlegm to open orifices; calms Shen "like Zhu Li but stronger on palpations and tremors. this acts slower and has the advantage of calming spirit"
Ting Li Zi-
drains LU; reduces Phlegm; calms wheezing; moves water to reduce edema HYDROTHORAX/ASCITES
Tong Cao**
promotes lactation by raising ST Qi; facilitates fluid metabolism of LU
Tu Bie Chong-
promotes regeneration of tendons a& sinews; rejoins bones; strongly removes bld sts
Tu Fu Ling**
syphilitic skin leasions & M spasms; promotes urination; clears D-H from skin: recurrent ulcers; bladder and liver cancer
Tu Si Zi**
T+ Yang & Yin of KI, secures essence, warms primal Yang; T+ KI and LR & improves vision; T+ SP Qi: stops diarrhea loose stool, fatigue d/t Sp Qi Xu: calms fetus
Wang Bu Liu Xing-
promotes lactation; lin syndrome;. in upper part of body it promotes lac/in lower part it unblocks menses
Wei Ling Xian*
strongly mobilizes all 12 channels to open & unblock Bi-Sindrome. stops pain by eliminating W & D. txforms Phlegm and softens areas of hardness.: AB masses, breast lumps. softend lodged fishbones
Wu Gong**
cleans/dissipates toxic stg. unblocks C&C; relieves pain. (extinguishes wind; stops spasms, siezures, convulsions) special pair: Quan Xie
Wu Jia Pi**
dispels W-D, strengthens sinews and bones: chronic W-D-B. Bi-Syndrome/weak LB warms KI and LR Yang: developmental delays in motor fxn (walking) in childrean. transfomrs damp/reduces swelling: C-D leg Qi/edema
Wu Ling Zhi**
a/dysmenorrhea; AB pain; epi/Chest pain; stops uterine blding d/t bld stg;
Wu Mei*
inhibits LU Qi leakage; binds intestines: stops diarrhea; expels roundworms.
Wu Wei Zi**
atringes LU Qi; stops cough. T+Ki. binds essence; stops diarrhea; inhibits sweating. generates BFs; contains Ht Qi: calms spirit.
Wu Yao-
warms KI; disperses Cold; relieves pain; regulates Qi; (helps with prostititis)
Wu Zhu Yu**
GUIDING HERB: JUEYIN LIVER & VERTEX POWERFULLY warms MJ/LJ. stops N/V d/t Cold. alleviates chest and AB pain d/t cold. dredges LR to treat cold.
Xi Xin Cao-
clears heat & toxins. stops itching. calms shen.
Xi Xin**
GUIDING:SHAOYIN; sl. Toxic; warms Lu: txforms thin mucous; penetrates head to eliminate W-C-D: HA/toothache; warms & pierces through turbidity
Xi Yang Shen**
benefits Qi; generates fluids; nourishes yin; nutures LU; clears LU Fire
Xia Ku Cao**
clears Lr Fire: benefits the eyes; subdues Lr Yang: hypertenstion; disperses neck/inguinal NODULES d/t phlegm fire
Xian He Cao**
binds and inhibits ALL TYPES OF BLEEDING: uterin blding d/t all reasons: Cold, Heat, Xu, Shi. alleviated diarrhea; kills parasites/ tonifies blood
Xian Mao*
T+ KI Yang to invigorate Mingmen Fire; expel cold, eliminated damp: cold and pain in the LB & knees d/t C-D invastion
Xiang Fu**
frees LR Qi; promotes flow of Qi in ST & LR ch for wood/earth disharmondy; regulate menese; alleviates pain. special pair: Chuan Xiong (invirogate bld category)
Xiang Ru-
W-C attack or SUMMERHEAT w/ D in summer; harmonizes MJ
Xiao Hui Xiang-
HERNIA; severe pain in the lower AB. Testies Pain d/t cold in LR or KI
Xiao ji**
promote urination: D-H Jaundice; hepatitis; cools the blood to stop bleeding
Xie Bai**
Chest Bi-Syndrome; cold phlegm obst. reaches into areas of congealed constraing to unbind, warm, drain and benefit orifices.
Xin Yi Hua*
opens nasal passages: SINUSITIS
Xing Ren**
SL. TOXIC. stops cough/calms breathing d/t LU qi not descending. promotes BM
Xu Duan**
T+ LR & KI; strengthens sinews and bones; promtes regeneartion of tendon and bone; calms fetus
Xuan Fu Hua**
descends LU Qi to stop cough; descends rebellious Qi: stops vomiting hiccup, burp, reflux; softens hardened Phlegm to break-up accumulations; removes pathogenic water
Xuan Shen**
warm patho. enters Yin/Bld level. nourishes yin; softens hardness/dissipates nodules. *txforms pathological phlegm (yin)
Xue Jie-
promotes regeneration of tissue & heal wounds: regenerates new, protects old
Xue Yu Tan-
hematuria; promotes urination; generates flesh/resolves sores (topically)
Ya Dan Zi-
TOXIC; treast malaria, dysentery, warts and corns
Yan Hu Suo -
#1 for pain b/c is moves both Qi and Bld. pain anywhere in body d/t stg of both Qi & Bld.
Ye Jiao Teng**
nourishes Bld/unblocks Channels: genearlized weakness/soreness-esp at night; expels Wind/alleviates itching: external wash; nourishes HT & Bld & calms Spirit
Ye Ju Hua*
swollen, painful, red eyes; swollen toxic sores, boils, abscesses
Yi Mu Cao*
promotes urn/reduces swelling; clears heat/resolves toxicity: sores abscesses itchy rashes special pair: Ze Lan
Yi Tang-
tonifies Qi;moistens fluids to relax M spasms/relieves pain
Yi Yi Ren**
resolves Damp, tonifies SP/augments LU; eliminates Painful Bi-syndrome: joint immobility, tendon spasm; clears heat/pus: LU & appendicitis Abscess
Yi Zhi Ren*
Warms KI, retains essence, secures Urn; warms SP, stops diarrhea, controls saliva, improves appetite
Yin Chai Hu*
clears heat/reduces childhood nutritional impairment: FOOD STG
Yin Chen (Hao)**
PRINCIPLE HERB FOR TREATING JAUNDICE d/t D-H OR C-D; clears Heat: resolves damp sores and other skin dz esp. in LJ
Yin Yang Huo**
T+ KI, fortifies Yang to invigorate Mingmen Fire; dispesl Wind-Cold-Damo & unblocks flow of Yang Qi: spams, hand/feet cramping, numb limbs/extremities. also for contractures, numbness, hemiplagia following wind-Stroke
Yu Jin**
promotes LR Qi circulation to relieve constraint; cools blood: inverted menses; open orifices: ansxiety/FUZZY HEAT; normalize fxn of GB: relieves Gallstones d/t D-H in GB
Yu Li Ren-
moistens LI to promote BM; promotes urination to treat edema
Yu Xing Cao*
Lu abscess, Lu Heat; cough; thick yellow sputum; coughing bld/pus; promotes urination
Yu Zhu**
nourishes Yin; moistens dryness d/t Yin Xu; extinguisehs wind; softens and moistens the sinews. restores fluids injured by EPI w/out preventing expulsion of those pathogens.
Yuan Hua-
1.5-3g (decoct); 0.6g pdwr
Yuan Zhi**
txforms Phlegm, clears HT orifices, stops cough: emotional/mental disorientation, spasms, siezures or FUZZY head d/t P blocking HT; clams spirit, quiets HT, relives mental stress: excessive brooding, pent-up emotions
Zao Xin Tu*
calms fetus; warms ST:vomit d/t cold; warms blood/stops bleeding.
Ze Lan*
regluates menses; dispels Stg to stop pain: traumatic injury, post partum AB pain; promotes urn/relieves edema/ascites; "gentle & harmonious" special pair: Yi Mu Cao
Ze Xie**
promotes urn to open fluid pathways by draining damp/harmful BF; settles Ministerial Fire in the KI: LJ D-H
Zhang Nao*
TOXIC. expels W-D&kills parasites: tinea, itching, carbuncle; opens orifices of HT, expels turbidity; invigorates Bld; alleviates pain: toothahce
Zhe Bei Mu**
breaks down phlegmatic masses: goiter, scrofula, lumps, masses ANYWHERE IN THE BODY. clears and txforms P-H: acute Lu-Heat patterns w/ productive cough related: Chuan Bei Mu
Zhen Zhu Mu*
clears LR Heat; anchors ascending Yang; birghtens eyes; quiets Shen; sedates fear
Zhen Zhu**
nourishes LR Yin, eliminates superficial visual obstruction: NEBULA; promtoes healing, generates flesh, astringes: unhealing skin ulcer or canker sores: settles tremors & palp., sedates HT: insomina, easily frightened d/t HT shen disturbance.
Zhi Gan Cao**
Warmer, more T+ing to Ht & Sp; better able to harmonize other herbs than than Gan Cao
Zhi Ke **
eliminate food stg. & other accum.; wood OA earth; resolves Phlegm; relieves AB distention (chest/diaphragm/epigastrium)
Zhi Mu**
clears heat/drains fire from Qi level: 4 Bigs (+Shi Gao); enriches Yin/moistens Dryness/promotes BFs; clears deficiency heat; neutralizes drying effects of other herbs
Zhi Shi**
STRONGLY regulates Qi; eliminates food stg. txforms Phlegm. promtes qi flow: unblocks plugs
Zhi Zi**
keynote: anguish in the Ht & evil in the 5 Zang: blocks constrained heat; directs D-H down/out via urine; cools bld/stops bleeding; breaks toxic accumulations-topical heat sores
Zhu Li**
opens HT orifices and Calms shen. "this herb is like Tian Zhu Huang, but stronger for calming Shen and faster acting"
Zhu Ling*
diuretic: drains water for problems d/t stg of Damp: edema, scant urn, vag discharge, lin
Zhu Ru*
scours Phlegm; eases restlessness d/t GB Fire harboring Hot-Phlegm & disturbing HT; calms Shen; vomiting/nausea
Zi Cao*
slow skin eruptions; carbuncles/boils; promotes urination and defication in case of major skin outbreak
Zi He Che*
warms Ki Yang; T+ LU Qi; nourishes Bld and Jing
Zi Hua Di Ding-
deeply rooted sores & boils: mastitis, appendicitis; snakebite
Zi Ran Tong-
promotes regeneration of sinews & bones; carbuncles & burns
Zi Su Ye**
harmonizes MJ-Sp/ST stg: calms fetus; antidote to seafood poisoning
Zi Su Zi**
descends LU Qi; stops cough; resolves Phlegm; moistens LI for constipation d/t dryness
Zi Wan*
relieves cough expels Phlegm. various etiologies of cough: W-C, W-H, LU Xu, consumption. broad spectrum herb
Zong Lu Tan-

Uterine Bleeding; lingering diarrhea or dysentery