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42 Cards in this Set

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sun line
the royal Japanese line. all emperors have the right to rule because they are descendants of Amaterasu, the sun goddess.
Anamism and the belief in kami. the gods created everything special in Japan, so they could inhabit anything and make it sacred. Torii are gates to the world of the gods. tradition and familiy, narure, purity, honor the spirits.
jomon and yayoi culture
prehistoric people of Japan, about 10,000 BCE. Jomon were hunter gatherers and coexisted with and were absorbed by the yayoi agriculturalists by about 200 BCE. yayoi began growing rice as early as 900 BCE
uji, be, yatsuko
the three classes of ancient Japan. Uji were nobles that could trace their lineage to gods. Be were workers and peasants. Yatsuko were the slaved owned by the uji.
Yamato tomb culture
from about 250-552 BCE. rudimentary government with a council of state that divided prefectures into kune (like the Tang dynasty). this allowed the king to more easily watch over his land. large tombs are found from this Era with clay figures and fancy stuff, which demonstrates the weather of the leaders
Japanese colonies on Korea. acts as a cultural melting pot at modern day Pusan. scribes and Buddhism are imported at about 500 BCE, and Japanese missionaries are sent to China until 775 CE.
taika reforms
the sun line regains power to rule in 646 BCE after prince Naka works with the Fujiwara family to gain power from the Soga family by planning a coup. the reforms were based on Chinese grandure and government. capital moves to Nara and Confucianism is used to pick government officials. the jori system is created (equal field system)
Soga family
one of the most powerful families that was forced to adopt buddhism. they grew in strength and attacked the Mononobe. they became regents for the emperor, effectively running the country until the taika reforms in 646
Prince Shotoku
brought Confucianism over to Japan in the beginning of the Nara period (710). this created a ranked society and a constitution (Tenno). thought of as the Duke of Zhou of Japan.
the Japanese aristocracy beginning in the Heian Period. spent their time pursuing highly regimented culture and having parties, as they served no real purpose. lost power to uprising Daimyo after the Onin War in 1467.
emperor Tenmu
reorganized the bureaucracy, prohibited the private possession of weapons in 685, and created a conscripted army (after the Chinese model) in the Nara Period.
Jori System
created by the Taika reforms in 646, it was an equal field system where the emperor owned all the land. nobles were given money and tiles to come to Nara in exchange and allowed for more taxing of the peasants. the money was used for national projects and conscription.
Michinaga no Fujiwara
patriarch of the Fujiwara family who, through the regency, basically ran the country. he married 2 daughters into the sun line and was related to 2 emperors. 966-1027.
the regency for young upcoming emperors. created by the Fujiwara family. they would be replaced by kampaku regent when the child was crowned.
Shoen Estates
created by a need to support a growing population, acted as a tax-free incentive that nobles and monasteries took up. soon all of the land was on estates, with farmers working the land without paying taxes. the estates create powerful armies and leads to the break down of the government in the Heian period.
the retired emperors that went to monasteries. because of accumulating wealth and power, they created a network that was trying to counter the Fujiwara's power. led to the Hogen uprising of 1156.
Taira family
one of the more powerful Japanese families, along with the Minamoto and emperor. both chose opposite sides in the Hogen uprising in 1156, with the Taira siding with the emperor (Go Shirakawa) against the Insei. they win, and assume control over the Fujiwara and their regency.
Minamoto family
one of the most powerful families I the Kamakura period. factional disputes after the Hogen uprising of 1156 leads to a civil war (Gempei war 1180-1185) where the Minamoto kick the Taira family out of power and create the Kamakura shogunate (1185-1333). Minamoto no Yoritomo was the first shogun and established the Kamakura hegemony, AKA the bakufu making him the effective leader of Japan.
a military style of government first established by Minamoto no Yoritomo in 1185 during the Kamakura period. the shogunate existed in some form and with changing amounts of power throughout Japanese history until 1868.
Joei Code
a military code created in the Hojo regency (1203-1333) that set up a feudal system giving all the power to the shogun. this eliminated problems with the shoen estates and granted the emperor and kuge income. gave incentives to samurai to bring back heads.
the warrior class of Japan that emerged in the Kamakura period. they followed the Bushi Do code of honor that taught ethical ways of being a warrior and how to die a good death. only samurai could carry swords and all members of the shogunate were samurai.
Hojo Regency
1203-1333. when Yoritomo died, his wife and her Hojo family staged a coup, setting up a regency for the Shogun. their power increases as the Minamoto power decreases. they see out the rest of the Kamakura period.
Jito and Shugo
two positions created by the Kamakura shogunate to help control the country. Shugo were military governors that oversaw the kunis, and collected taxes from the estates, while Jito were assigned to watch over shoen estates. they showed the power of the shogun.
a type of Buddhism brought over from China.
Mongol invasion
1271-1281. Khubilai Khan has taken over China (created the Yuan dynasty) and wants Japan. Japan denies requests to unite with him so he builds a big ass fleet in Korea of 900 ships and 30,000 men. but they weren't sailors and when they land in Hakata Bay, a typhoon destroys their ships so they have to retreat. happens one more time before Khubilai dies. drains China's resources and creating animosity. also leads to the end of the Hojo regency, as they are unable to reward the samurai that fought the mongols.
Go Toba Uprising
retired emperor tried to overthrow the shogun in 1221 by appointing the next emperor without the approval of the Shogun. attacks Kamakura with allies, but are crushed by the shogun and Go Toba gets exiled to Oki.
the god of typhoons. he along with Susa no o no defeated the mongols at Katana bay. instead of thanking the samurai, the shogun thanked the priests and monks who prayed so hard...that pissed some people off.
Go Daigo
a royal that was bypassed for the throne in the Muromachi period (1336-1600). but he had ambitions to bring power back to the throne. gets exiled by escapes and in 1332 makes a network of samurai (ashikaga and Nitta families). they defeat the Kamakura shogunate and Go Daigo is the ruler, becoming the Kemu emperor. leads to the Kemmu restoration (1332-39) where his son is made the mikitary leader. Ashikaga wanted to be made Shogun and get pissed off. then the Ashikaga shogunate happens because they depose him, but cannot exile him because of his popularity.
Ashikaga shogunate
post Go Daigo, grows in popularity until 1400. 1392 pulls the sun line together so there is a clear line of succession, gets rid of Insei, murges civil and military government and moves the capital to Kyoto. the shogun must be both a samurai and a noble.
Onin War and Sengoku Period
power shifting from the shogun to the Shugo (turned Daimyo) caused infighting between estates and eventually a rebellion from 1467-78 that destroyed Kyoto based on the line of succession for the shogun. completely destroyed power of the shogun and nobody won. shoen estates became fiefdoms.
opened up trade with Japan in 1543, swords and laquer for muskets, which the Japanese begin to create. Francis Xavier, a Catholic missionary tried to convert people, but they basically converted to get stuff. normal people latch on to Christianity in Sengoku period. Jesuits target Daimyo while Franciscans target the poor people.
Oda Nobinaga
After conquering much of Japan using strategy, he became the military leader of Japan. he repressed buddhism and disarms the peasants. by the time he is assassinated in 1582, he has 33% of Japan under his control.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
super smart sandal maker that avenged Nobinaga's death after being raised to a general and winning land for him. continues Sengoku period and was adopted by the Fujiwara so he could be a regent for the sun line. created a class structure in 1591 that prohibits mobility and gets his ass kicked by Korea. tortured and killed catholics and expelled missionaries in 1614.
Tokugawa Ieyasu
after Hideyoshi's death, the country splits in 2. Ieyasu is a powerful Daimyo and was against the son of Hideyoshi becoming leader. Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 names him shogun. puts the Daimyo back in their place through legislature and highly regimented marriage rules. leads to 268 years of peace.
Baku Han System
City of Edo (Tokyo). provinces are Han and are run by appointed Daimyo: collateral- related to the Tokugawa, house- fought with Tokugawa, outside- not trusted but are strong. only one castle per Han and shogun gets to keep one of your sons
Shimbara Rebellion
Tokugawa victory in 1637 that drove Christianity underground.
Tokugawa kick out all the foreign traders in 1639, only allowing them to come 2 times a year to designated trading posts on the outskirts of Japan.
Cheng He
a muslim eunuch buddy of emperor Yongle. he led many military expeditions for him including the fleets that Yongle sent to explore the world.
Eunuch Control
although Hong Wu hated eunuchs and knew their dangers to the civil government, Yongle loved them, and 70,000 ended up amassing great power in the civil government, effectively taking over.
after emperor Yongle died, his fleet was destroyed and the new emperor decided that they had seen enough of the world. they closed themselves off to trade and foreigners which plateaus social development as Europe hits the enlightenment and renaissance, closing the gap between the two continents.
treasure fleets
commissioned by Yongle in 1400 to travel the world and find more things for his encyclopedia, show off the majesty of China and eradicate pirates. 1,000 men, 60 large ships, much fancier than anything Europe was creating. sailed south then west, to Java, India, Shri lanka and Africa.
civil service ranks
Emperor Hong Wu reinstated the civil service exams and had them more regulated, so that anyone could have a chance to take and pass them.