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83 Cards in this Set

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In spring fertility and rituals, the Thracians worshipped Dionysus, the greek god of fertility.
A Greek God

about 75 years later, a man named Thespis added and actor who interacted with the chorus.
a Greek actor

In 534 b.c Pisistratus ruler Athens, the greatest city-state in Greece
a ruler of ancient Greece

They used a rhythmic, chanting form of speech known as the dithyramb.
a chant

now the two actors related directly to each other, using dialogue and action to tell the story.
a conversation in a play

Theater began there as a religious ceremony.
activities done on an important occasion

the chorus added commentary and insight to what was occurring between the actors
a series of comments or explanations

Tragedies were written as a sort of morality play, which shows the right and wrong paths in life
wheather an ant is right or wrong

Athens, as well as other major greek cities, built large theaters to accommodate this increasingly popular pastime.
to make room for

about 75 years later, a man named Thespis added and actor who interacted with the chorus.
to talk with someone

he was taking to prisoner by the Genoese during a battle in the maditerranean sea.
pertaining to Genoa or its people

but finally, in 1292, he allowed then to accompany a mongolian princess who would be traveing to persia by sea.
pertaining to mongolian or its people

the khan, the ruler of the area, warmly welcomed them, and he hired the polos into his service.
a ruler of ancient china

They traded silk, porcelain, and other exotic good over the Silk Road.
a fine, white ceramic material

Born in Ital in the middle of the 13th century, Marco polo was part of a weathly merchant family.
a person whose job is buying and selling things

But finally, in 1292, he allowed then to accompany a mongolian princess who would be traveing to persia by sea.
to go along with

used as a heading
doubt or unbelief

Marco was sent on diplomatic mission all over the empire.
pertaining to relationship between nations

In prison, he met Rustichello, a relatively famous writer of romance and tales of chivalry.

His father and uncle had already been trading extensively with Middle Eastern countries.
large in amount

Buccaneer were frence, English and Dutch pirates who specifically targeted spanish commerce ships in the spanish main (the coastal areas from northern florida through the caribbean and along south america)
a pirate who attacked spanish ships

Sir Francis Drake, famous for being the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe, was a privateer for England.
to sail compeletely around the earth

Book and movies like Peter Pan or Treasure Island have romanticized them.
to make romantic

Unlike other types of pirates, these sailors plundered ships from all nations strictly for their private gain.
to make things by force

piracy is different from other types of robbery because it occurs outside the jerisdiction of any one government.
territory ruled by a goverment.

Because they came form various countries and differed in their intentions,they were called pirates, privateers, buccaneers, or marooners.

The articles included rules of conduct for ship, punishments for crimes committed, and rules of engagement with other ships.
an encounter, conflict, or battle

although criminals still sail on the high seas, international law, trade regulations, and naval patrols ensure that piracy will never again return to the intensity of its golden years.
concerning two or more countries

although criminals still sail on the high seas, international law, trade regulations, and naval patrols ensure that piracy will never again return to the intensity of its golden years.
a rule or law

although criminals still sail on the high seas, international law, trade regulations, and naval patrols ensure that piracy will never again return to the intensity of its golden years.

Initially, the expansion of the British Empire was based on mercantilism, or trade.
an economic system developed in France and Britain that stressed government control of the sconomy and trade

The empire began with explorion and acquisition of the eastern coast of north america and with the west indies a chain of island stretching from coast of florida to south america.
something you get that becomes your own

Like many European countries, great Britain sought to expand its power and wealth by acpuiring territories overseas.
any large area of land

Gradually, Britain's possessions dwindled.
a territory that is under the rile of a foreighn country

This decline of a great emire culminated with the return of hong kong to china in 1997.
to reach the final point

In some cases- as in canada and Australia- the Birtish government granted that autonomy.
independence or freedom

The primary reason is that the individual territiries got tired of being under British rule.
singal and distinct

Once Britain had the land, they felt it was their duty to bring " civilized" British culture to the lands inhabitants.

West Africa, for example, had had rich deposits of gold and plenty of ivory
a natural layer of minerals in the earth.

Its a heading
relating to merchants

As Gandhis campaign wore on, people who did not approve of the changes he was trying to enact often confronted him.
a series of activities for some specific purpose

As his reputation for compassion grew, Gandhi became known as the mahatme, or 'great-souled one".
sympathy for and a desire to help suffering people

South african whites considered the indians inferior just because they were indian.
lower in rank or importance

But when he sat down in the compartment, a white passenger complained about the predence of a dark-skinned man in first class.
an enclosed space, such as a room on a train

these incidents awoke Gandhi's awareness to the terrible racial injustices begin done in south africa
an event

As his reputation for compassion grew, Gandhi became known as the mahatme, or 'great-souled one".
how people think of someone

he sat through a cold winter night in a waiting room, trying to decide whether he should stay and fulfill his obligations to his law client or return to India.
something a person must do

Afraid of being thrown off and getting standed, Gandhi complied.
to act requested

He relinquished the lifestyle of a lawyer and began to live the simple, sparse life that we associate with Gandhi today
to give up

He relinquished the lifestyle of a lawyer and began to live the simple, sparse life that we associate with Gandhi today
to connect in thought or memory
a set of beliefs or moral pronciples
to set up permanently
to talk together
Lydia Barrington Darragh

lydia Barrington Darragh, a 48 year old women who had nine children spied on a meeting of british commanders.
a women who warned George Washington
Margaret Warne

Margaret warne was a physician from new jersey.
a women doctor who didnt charge a fee to patients
General lafayette

Susanna Boiling, a teenager, crossed a river alsone one night to inform General Lafayette of an attack the British were planning.
an army general

most americans know the story of paul reveres ride through the town. warning of british invasion
the entrance of an army into a country

Prudence Wright, from Massachusetts, actually commanded a regiment entirely made up of women dressed as men.
a military unit of any army

others defended their own homes against British occupation.
a job;a profession

in the years leading up to the war, the british ruled the people in the american colonies without representation.
the function of speaking for a group of people

Is the heading
failure to follow an order

During the war, british solders would often commandeer(take) farms, crop supplies, or homes in order to supply their armies.
to take, to seize

other women participated in a less official capacity.
a position; a function; a role

each state has two senators who are elected by the people.
members of the U.S senate

the supreme court has nine members, called justices.
the supreme court judges

the president, vice president, cabinet members, and exective agencies are all part of the exectutive branch of government.
governmental offices that help run things
letting someone know about something
to include or consist of

the supreme court can also declare laws or presidential action unconstitutional.
not in keeping with the U.S constitution

these justices are nominated by the president, but must be approved by congress.
to appoint to a job or office

justices do not have any term limitations; once they are appointed, they hold office for life or until they retire
something that keeps something lese from happening

both groups in congress mush vote in agreement for presidential impeachment to take place
the act of bringing a formal charge against someone to remove that perosn from office

both groups in congress mush vote in agreement for presidential impeachment to take place
having to do with the president of a country or organization

people come to the united states because they know that u.s citiuzens are guaranteed certain rights, such as the right to believe and practice any religion they want or the right to freedom of speech.
to promise that something will happen

people who have just moved to the united states from a foreign country are known as aliens.
people who are not sitizens of the country which they are living

The judge asks each of them why they want to be a citizen and if they are willing to take an oath of allegiance, or loyalty, to the united states.
loyalty to a government

this may be an easy or difficult process, depending on the country and the persons circumstance
event that affect other events

Each sitizen must do his or hern part to help the society to cumtinus to run smoothly
a group of people

people who live in ameican territories( such as puerto rico, guam. or the virgin islands) are known as nationals.
people who are member of a nation
in most cases, usually

full citizenship bring with it all of the protections and privileges guaranteed by the constitution.
the state of having the right and duties of a citizen

people who live in ameican territories( such as puerto rico, guam. or the virgin islands) are known as nationals.
a part of the U.S that does not have the status of a state

full citizenship bring with it all of the protections and privileges guaranteed by the constitution.
special rights