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42 Cards in this Set

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List two asana points for Adho Mukha Svanasana that relate to the 3rd platform.

1) Draw the shoulders away from the ears

2) Draw the shoulder blades into the back/chest

Define "counter action".

A set of instructions that bring a posture or a part of a posture into equilibrium. In a set of counter actions, the first instruction could move the body too far in one direction, causing not only positive effects but also potentially negative effects. This means that a second instruction is needed to bring it back to center. Instructing counter actions is important because it brings the body back to a state of balance and stability.

Name 3 general actions that are common to all platforms and must be performed at all times.

1) Align

2) Stabilize

3) Elongate

List 4 contraindications for inversion.

1) High blood pressure

2) Neck, shoulder, wrist problems

3) History of stroke

4) Serious osteoporosis

5) Pregnancy

6) First few days of menstruation

7) Fear

In Tadasana, if you root down from all 4 corners of your feet, what rebounds from there?

Knees, ankles

For Adho Mukha Svanasana, give 2 asana points for the arms.

1) Firm the biceps

2) Engage the triceps

What muscle group in the lower body needs to be warmed up for Parsvottanasana?


For Chaturanga Dandasana, name an area of the body that can be at risk if the pose is done incorrectly.



Lower Back


For Sirsasana, name 3 prep poses.

1) Adho Mukha Svansana

2) Dolphin Pose

3) Utthita Hastasana

4) Prasarita Padotannasana A

For Sirsasana, name 2 asana points for the 2nd platform.

1) Spin the inner thighs towards your back

2) Lengthen the sitting bones towards your heels

3) Release your buttocks flesh towards the ceiling

Name 2 counter poses for Sirsasana.

1) Salamba Sarvangasana

2) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

3) Any pose that brings the body to sit upright on the heels

Define "prep poses".

They are poses that address the component parts in order to prepare the body for difficult or challenging poses.

Define “Complimentary Action.”

A pair of actions that, when performed simultaneously, will help the body move in one direction. A complimentary action deepens and reinforces a specific action or instruction.

In Tadasana, name the asana points for the 2nd platform, and state what area of the body they serve to protect.

1) Spin the inner thighs in

2) Lengthen sitting bones to heels

This protects the lower back.

In Vashistasana, if I root down through my bottom hand, what rebounds up?

The top hand

Which pose is not appropriate for a beginner: Plank, Virabhadrasana 2, Eka Pada Apanasana, Sirsasana, or Samasthiti?


What is the best and most accessible pose to start a beginner's level class?


In Prasarita Padottanasana, name the risk areas in the body if the pose is done incorrectly.

Lower Back



Name 2 poses you can use to assess if a student is ready for Sirsasana. What are you looking for in these poses?

1) Adho Mukha Svanasana

2) Dolphin

We are looking for openness/flexibility in the thoracic spine and shoulders. These need to be open enough for the upper arms to be alongside the ears.

For Sirsasana, list 2 asana points for the foundation positions.

1) Fingers are interlaced

2) Elbows are shoulder-width apart

3) Crown of the head is on the floor

4) Back of the head touches the padding of the thumbs

5) Chin is parallel to the floor

For Urdhva Dhanurasana, name 1 transition pose.

1) Happy Baby

2) Apanasana

3) Anything where spine is neutralized and supported

Give 3 prep poses for Urdhva Dhanurasana.

1) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

2) Bhujangasana

3) Salabhasana

In Virabhadrasana 1, our actions are that we are working towards neutral in the transverse plane. But most people still can’t bring their pelvis to neutral, even though they try. Why is this so?

Their hip flexors are tight.

The back foot is turned

In Ardha Chandrasana, what is the position of the pelvis in the sagittal plane?

The pelvis is neutral in the sagittal plane.

In Tadasana, what are the asana points for the 1st platform?

1) Press down evenly through 4 corners of feet

2) Spread toes

3) Lift inner arches

4) Firm outer ankles in and up

In Adho Mukha Svanasana, list asana points for the pelvic girdle and the legs.

1) Draw pelvis back away from shoulders and off legs

2) Reach pubic bone and tailbone away from torso equally, neither arching nor rounding the lower back

3) Press the thigh bones (femurs) back

4) Straighten the legs by engaging the quadriceps

5) Reach back evenly through inner thighs and outer thighs (neutral rotation)

Define “Simple Action.”

A beneficial and general verbal cue for an asana. It will not throw the body out of equilibrium, nor will it need another action to bring the body back into balance.

In handstand, if the forearms rebound up, what is rooted?

The Hands

In Adho Mukha Svanasana, give the asana points for the hands.

1) Hands are shoulder-width apart

2) Wrist creases are parallel to the front edge of the mat

3) Press down through the entire palms

4) Spread the fingers

Name a transitional pose for Sirsasana.

1) Balasana

2) Adho Mukha Svanasana

Define “transitional pose.”

A pose that neutralizes the body. It enables a gradual shift to move into the counter pose.

List 4 benefits of Salamba Sarvangasana.

1) Cooling/calming to the nervous system

2) Balances lymphatic and endocrine systems

3) Reduces fluid retention in the legs and feet

4) Improves circulation

Name the 3 platforms of the body.s

1) The feet & ankles

2) The pelvis

3) The shoulder girdle

In Tadasana, what are the asana points for the 3rd platform? What do they protect?

1) Lift the sternum away from the navel

2) Spread across the collarbones

3) Release the shoulders down from the ears

4) Press the shoulder blades into the chest (while keeping the front ribs soft)

They protect the neck.

In a lower level YogaWorks class, why do we teach external poses before asymmetrical neutral poses?

Externals open up the hip flexors.

Thus, the sequence is from simple to complex.

Name a risk area in the body if Parivrtta Trikonasana is done incorrectly.

The Lower Back

True or false? Twists are beneficial to pregnant women in the third trimester.


What is a risk factor in Baddha Konasana?

The Hip

The Knee

What are the counter poses for Urdhva Dhanurasana?

1) Apanasana

2) Any twist

3) Any forward bend

For Sirsasana, what are the asana points for the 3rd platform?

1) Lift the sternum away from the navel

2) Spread across the collarbones

3) Release the shoulders down from the ears

4) Press the shoulder blades into the chest (while keeping the front ribs soft)

For Virabhadrasana 1, what is the action and the position of the back leg?

Position: slight external rotation

Action: effort towards neutral via internal rotation

True or false? YogaWorks teaches students to stack the hips in Ardha Chandrasana.
