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27 Cards in this Set

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Mountain pose

Root chakra


Aligns the spine, tones the ab muscles and buttocks, Increase focus, opens the chest, improves posture, develops will power, reduces mild anxiety

Mountain pose is the foundation for all of the standing postures and improves posture, groundedness, stability and confidence.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the shoulders.

Virabhadrasana 1

Warrior 1

Heart Chakra


Strengthens the arches, ankles, knees,and thighs. Stretches the hips and shoulders, broadens the chest, increases muscular endurance, builds focus, Stimulates the mind

Warrior I strengthens the legs, opens the hips and chest and stretches the arms and legs. Warrior I develops concentration, balance and groundedness. This pose improves circulation and respiration and energizes the entire body.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the hips, knees, back or shoulders.

Modifications: Keep the hands on the knees or the hips.

Variations: A) Reach the arms out to the sides or hold on to opposite elbows above the head. B) The back foot can be turned in to be flat on the floor.

Virabhadrasana 2

Warrior 2

Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus chakra


Strengthens the arches, ankles, knees,and thighs. Stretches the hips and shoulders, broadens the chest, increases muscular endurance, builds focus, Stimulates the mind, lengthens the spine

Warrior II strengthens the legs, opens the hips and chest . Warrior II develops concentration, balance and groundedness. This pose improves circulation and respiration and energizes the entire body.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the hips, knees or shoulders.

Modifications: Place hands on hips.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Dog

All Seven Chakas


Improves digestion, energizes the body, relieves insomnia, stretches the palms, chest, back, strengthens the arms legs, and torso, develops willpower, improves focus

Downward facing dog deeply stretches the back, opens the chest, and builds upper body strength. This posture stimulates the brain and nervous system, improving memory, concentration, hearing and eyesight.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the back, hips, arms or shoulders, unmediated high blood pressure.

Modifications: A) Use blocks under the hands or head. B) Place a folded towel under the wrists. C) Press both heels against a wall.



Root, Sacral, Brow chakra

Strengthens the arches, ankles, knees, and thighs,Stretches the hips and shoulders, Opens the chest, Stimulates digestion, Increases muscular endurance, Builds mental focus, Develops willpower, Stimulates the mind


Extended Triangle Pose

Heart Chakra

Prasirita Padottanasana

Standing Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose

Root, Sacral, Crown chakras


Improves digestion and circulation, reduces minor backaches,strengthens the feet,ankles, knees, inner thighs and lower back, calms the mind, builds focus

Wide-Legged Forward Bend pose lengthens the spinal column and stretches the backs of the legs and the back muscles.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, back or shoulders.

Modifications: If the hands do not reach the floor, either walk the feet wider apart or place yoga blocks under the hands.

Variations: There are multiple variations on the placement of the hands: A) Wrap the middle and index finger around the big toe, B) Scoop the fingers under the outside edges of the feet, C) Hold on to the ankles with the hands, D) Place the hands on the hips, E) Bring the hands in reverse Anjali Mudra behind the back.


extended side angle pose

Solar Plexus chakra


Strengthens the ankles, calves, knees, and thighs, opens the hips and groin, increases lung capacity, lengthens the spine, improves digestion, stimulates the mind, reduces stress

Extended Side Angle pose opens the side of the body from the feet to the fingers, energizes the body and strengthens the legs.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the hips, knees, neck or shoulders.

Variations: A) Straighten the lower arm and reach the hand to the floor. B) Wrap the top arm around the back and the lower arm under the bent knee to grasp hands for Bound Extended Side Angle


Tree Pose

Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Brow chakra


Remedies flat feet, lengthens the spine, improves balance and circulation, opens shoulders chest thighs and hips, calms the mind, cultivates poise and focus

Tree pose increases balance, focus, memory and concentration and strengthens the ankles and knees.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic knee or hip injury.

Modifications: A) Bring the arms out to the sides for more stability. B) Practice next to a wall, placing a hand on the wall for support.


Boat pose

Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus chakra


Builds core strength, improves posture, opens the chest, shoulders and throat, lengthens the spine and neck, improves concentration, develops focus

Boat pose tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles, improves balance and confidence, and stretches the backs of the legs.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the abdomen, knees, hips, arms or shoulders.

Modifications: A) Keep the hands on the floor, behind the hips or out to the sides. B) Wrap a yoga strap around the feet and hold onto the strap with both hands.

Variations: Interlace the middle and index fingers around the big toes.

Virabhadrasana 3

Warrior 3

Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Brow chakra


Strengthens the arches, ankles, knees, and thighs,Stretches the hips and shoulders,Broadens the chest,Increases lung capacity, Stimulates digestion and circulation, Builds focus, Develops willpower, Stimulates the mind Enhances muscular endurance Lengthens the spine

Warrior III improves balance, memory and concentration, and tones and invigorates the whole body.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, back or shoulders.

Variations: A) Hold on to opposite elbows with the arms over your head. B) Bring the arms out to the sides. C) Place your hands on your hips.

Uttitha Padangusthasana

Extended hand to big toe

Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Brow chakra

Improves balance, Strengthens the arches, ankles, calves, and thighs, Stretches the hamstrings Lengthens the spine, Builds focus, Develops willpower, Stimulates the mind, Cultivates poise



Root, Sacral, Brow chakra


Balancing Table pose improves balance, memory, focus and coordination. This posture builds core body strength and lengthens the spine.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the knees, back, arms or shoulders.

Modifications: Place a folded blanket under the knees to protect them from pressure and stress.

Variations: Reach the arm and leg out to the side wall.


Easy pose

Root, Sacral, Brow, Crown chakra


calms the mind. It lets you relax, concentrate on your inner soul & feel peace around you. gives a good stretch to your spine. helps in improving your body posture. gives a good massage to your calf muscles, knees & thighs as well

Accomplished pose is a comfortable seated position for meditation. This pose open the hips, lengthens the spine and promotes groundedness and inner calm.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic knee or hip injury or inflammation.

Modifications: Place folded blanket under knees or under the hip bones.

Variations: This pose is very similar to Easy pose, Sukhasana.


Seated forward fold

Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus chakra


Stretches the spine, hamstrings, and calves, Improves digestion, Stimulates the lymphatic and reproductive systems, Improves liver, kidney, and colon function, Alleviates high blood pressure, Reduces fatigue and insomnia, Soothes the nervous system, Relieves stress, anxiety, and mild depression

Seated forward fold provides a deep stretch for entire back side of body from the heels to the neck. Forward fold calms the nervous system and emotions and stimulates the reproductive and urinary systems.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the arms, hips, ankles or shoulders.

Modifications: If you cannot reach your hands to the feet: A) Use a yoga strap around the feet and hold on to the strap with both hands. B) Bend the knees enough to reach the feet with the hands and to place the head on the knees.

Variations: If you have the flexibility, reach the hands in front of the foot, clasping hand to wrist.


Standing forward fold

All seven chakras


Strengthens the feet, knees, and thighs, Stretches the hamstrings and calves, Improves the function of digestive and reproductive systems, Opens the hips and groins, Stimulates the liver, kidneys, and digestive system, Relieves menopausal discomfort, headache, insomnia, and fatigue, Soothes the nervous system, Relieves stress, anxiety, and mild depression

Standing Forward Fold pose lengthens the spinal column and stretches the backs of the legs and the back muscles. This posture stimulates digestive, uro-genital, nervous and endocrine systems.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, back or shoulders.

Modifications: Place yoga blocks under the hands.

Variations: There are multiple variations on the placement of the hands: A) Hold on to the backs of the ankles, B) Scoop the fingers under the feet until the toes reach the wrists, C) Cross the arms behind the legs and hold onto the front of the ankles with opposite hands, D) Clasp the elbows behind the legs.


Child pose

All seven chakras

Alleviates head, neck, and chest pain, Opens the pelvic floor, hips, and low back, Stretches ankles, knees, and hips, Opens the upper back, Calms the mind, Reduces stress, Lessens fatigue


Pigeon pose

Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus chakra

Energizes the body, Opens the hip flexors, thighs, chest, and shoulders, Improves circulation to the abdominal cavity and low back, Stimulates the digestive and reproductive systems, Energizes the mind, Relieves mild depression and anxiety, Reduces stress

Ardha Matsyandrasana

Half Lord Of The Fishes

Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus chakra

Benefits: Half Lord of the Fishes pose opens, lengthens, nourishes and realigns the spine. This pose stimulates the nervous, digestive and reproductive systems.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic hip, back or shoulder injury or inflammation.

Upavishta Konasana


Root, Sacral, Brow chakra

Strengthens the low back, Lengthens the spine, Opens the hips, groin, and shoulders, Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and inner thighs, Stimulates digestive and reproductive systems, Increases circulation to liver and kidneys,Soothes the nervous system, Relieves stress, anxiety, and mild depression

Setu Bandhasana

Bridge pose

Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat chakra

Improves flexibility in the spine and shoulders, Stimulates the nervous system, Aids digestion, Opens the chest, neck, and shoulders, Stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands, Increases lung capacity,Relieves menstrual and menopausal discomfort, Relieves high blood pressure, asthma, and sinusitis, Reduces fatigue, Energizes the mind, Relieves mild depression and anxiety, Reduces stress

Ardha Chandrasana

Half Moon pose

Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Brow chakra

Benefits: Half Moon pose improves balance, focus, concentration, and confidence. This posture opens the hips and strengthens the ankles, knees and lower body. Improves circulation

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, shoulders or back. Neck Pain , Low Back Pain, Low Blood Pressure


Crow pose

Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Brow chakra

Improves balance and coordination, Improves digestion, Strengthens the abdominal muscles, building core strength, Opens the hips and back, Strengthens the arms and wrists, Stretches the wrists


Corpse pose

All seven chakras

Lowers blood pressure, Relaxes and rejuvenates the body, Reduces fatigue, Reduces stress, mild depression, and anxiety, Reduces insomnia, Calms and centers the mind

Salamba Sarvangasana

Supported Shoulder Stand pose

Throat, Brow chakra

Stretches and strengthens the neck, shoulders, and rhomboids, Alleviates insomnia, Relieves sinus pressure, Improves circulation, Helps relieve menopausal discomfort, Stimulates thyroid, prostate function, Relieves mild depression and stress,Calms the mind


Plow pose

Root, Sacral, Throat, Brow chakra

Assists in relieving backache, Stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands, Stretches the shoulders, Strengthens the spine, Alleviates insomnia, Helps relieve menopausal discomfort, Calms the mind, Reduces mild stress and anxiety


Cobra pose

Heart chakra

Improves posture, Stimulates the circulatory, digestive, and lymphatic systems, Opens the chest, shoulders, and throat, Lengthens the spine and increases spinal flexibility, Strengthens the low back, shoulders, and legs, Reduces fatigue, Energizes the mind, Relieves mild depression and anxiety, Reduces stress