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63 Cards in this Set

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(a) - The rate of change of velocity. Measured in metres per second squared (ms⁻²)
(s/x) - The distance between the initial and subsequent positions of a point or particle. Measured in metres (m).
The product of a quantity and its perpendicular distance from a reference point. Measured in Newton-metres (Nm).
(N) - Unit of Force. Equivalent to kilograms per metres second squared, kgms⁻².
Principle of Moments
For a body in rotational equilibrium, the sum of the clockwise moments equal the sum of the anticlockwise moments.
Resultant Force
(R/r) - The net force is the sum of all forces in a system. Measured in Newtons (N).
A quantity with magnitude but no direction.
The vector product of the radius from the axis of rotation to the point of application of the force and the force vector. Measured in Newton metres (Nm).
A quantity with both magnitude and direction.
(v) - The rate of change of displacement. Measured in metres per second (ms⁻¹).
(W) - The gravitational force on a body, the product of mass and a gravitational field. Measured in Newtons (N).
Braking Distance
The distance travelled while decelerating to a stop.
Thinking Distance
The distance travelled from realising the need to stop and then applying the brakes.
Stopping Distance
The sum of the braking and thinking distances.
Conservation of Energy
A law stating that energy can be neither created or destroyed, but changes form.
(J) - Unit of energy. The work done when a force of one newton acts through a distance of one metre. Equivalent to Watt Second (Ws).
(W) - The product of the force and the distance through which a body moves. The transfer of energy from one physical system to another. Measured in Joules (J) or Newton metres (Nm).
Elastic Deformation
An object will revert back to its original form after the force deforming it is removed.
Elastic Limit
The point at which elastic deformation becomes plastic.
Hooke's Law
The principle that the stress imposed on a solid is directly proportional to the strain produced, within the elastic limit.
Plastic Deformation
An object will not revert back to its when the deforming force is removed, it is permanently contorted.
The extension per unit length.
The force per unit cross-sectional area. Measured in Pascals (Pa) or Newtons per metres squared (Nm⁻²).
Ultimate Tensile Strength
UTS - The maximum tensile force that an object can sustain before it breaks. Measured in Pascals (Pa) or Newtons per metres squared (Nm⁻²), often in the region of Mega Pascals (MPa).
Young's Modulus
(E) - The ratio of tensile stress to extensional strain, practically measured in Mega/Giga Pascals (M/GPa) or (Nmm⁻² / kNmm⁻²).
(F) - A vector quantity that produces an acceleration of a body in the direction of its application. Measured in Newtons (N).
(m) - A property of a physical body which determines the body's resistance to being accelerated by a force and the strength of its mutual gravitational attraction with other bodies. Measured in Kilograms (Kg).
Resultant Velocity
(R/r) - The net velocity is the sum of all velocities in a system. Measured in metres per second (ms⁻¹).
Terminal Velocity
The velocity at which an object's drag force equals its accelerating force, therefore having zero acceleration and a resultant force equal to zero.
(ρ) - Mass per unit volume. Measured in kilograms per cubic metre (Kgm⁻³).
Kinetic Energy
(Ek) - The energy of motion of a body, equal to the work it would do if it were brought to rest. Measured in Joules (J).
Potential Energy
(Ep) - The energy of a body or system as a result of its position in an electric, magnetic, or gravitational field. Measured in Joules (J).
(P) - The work done, or energy transferred, per unit time. Measured in Watts (W).
A material that has a tendency to break when subject to high stress, undergoing very little strain reaching their elastic limit, at which they break. Doesn't exhibit plastic deformation.
A material's ability to deform under tensile stress; often characterised by the material's ability to be stretched into a wire. Thus exhibiting a large amount of plastic deformation.
Elastic Potential Energy
(Ep) - Potential energy that is stored when a body is deformed, such as in a spring. Measured in Joules (J).
(x) - The change in length of an object under the application of a force. Measured in metres (m).
Force Constant
(k) - The constant of proportionality in Hooke's Law. Measured in Newtons per metre (Nm⁻¹).
Tensile Force
(T) - A force exerted causing an object to stretch. Measured in Newtons (N).
Acceleration of Free Fall
(g) - The acceleration of a body under gravity, for Earth: 9.81. Measured in metres per second squared (ms⁻²).
Average Speed
(s) - A measure of the total distance travelled in a certain time. Measured in metres per second (ms⁻¹).
Centre of Gravity
The point at which the entire weight of an object can be considered to act.
Compressive Force
A force exerted causing an object to shorten.
Two equal forces operating on an object in parallel but opposite directions, meaning a resultant moment but no resultant force. Measured in Newtons (N).
The resistive force that acts on a body when moving through a liquid. Measured in Newtons (N).
(s) - Distance travelled per unit time, measured in metres per second (ms⁻¹).
Time Interval
(t) - A measure of duration. Measured in seconds (s).
Buoyancy - The force exerted by a fluid on a floating body, which opposes the force of gravity and is equal to the body’s density. Measured in Newtons (N).
Crumple Zone
An area of a vehicle designed to increase the distance which the vehicle decelerates, reducing the average force acting upon it.
(P) - Force per unit area. Measured in Pascals (Pa) or Newtons per metre (Nm⁻¹).
The ratio of useful output energy to the total input energy.
(E) - The capacity of a physical system to do work. Measured in Joules (J).
Gravitational Potential Energy
(Egp) - The energy due to the position of a body or object in a gravitational field. Measured in Joules (J).
(W) - Unit of Power. Equivalent to Joules per second (Js⁻¹).
(kWh) - Unit of energy used by electricity companies. 1kWh = 3.6MJ.
Tensile Stress
The tensile force per unit cross sectional area. Measured in Pascals (Pa) or Newtons per metre (Nm⁻¹).
(d) - The extent of space between two objects. Measured in metres (m).
Drag Coefficient
A characteristic that determines the amount of a drag that acts on an object.
Instantaneous Speed
The speed of an object in a given moment in time.
A force that propels a body or object in the required direction of motion. Created by engines.
Turning Force
One or more forces that if unbalanced will cause rotation.
(V) - The amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object or region of space. Measured in metres cubed (m³).
A material that has the properties of a polymer; many smaller molecules and long chains, allowing it to exhibit very large strain.