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48 Cards in this Set

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Channel Differences
How the forms of each mode supplement the linguistic content
Paralinguistic Features
Implicit features within spoken language such as: intonation, pitch and stress
An adjective that displays the most extreme value of its quality, e.g. Most, biggest, smallest (mostly ending with 'est')
Imperative Sentence Mood
When a sentence is issuing a command
When a sentence is making a statement
Interrogative Sentence Mood
When a sentence is asking a question
Level of formality within a text
Informal language usage
When parts of a written structure are missing. In texts, sometimes they are indicated by three full stops in a row, denoting perhaps a significant pause... Do you see?
The way words form sentences to create meaning
an aside within a text created by sectioning off extra information between brackets, dashes or between 2 commas
When a rhetorical question is immediately followed by an answer
Deliberate over-exaggeration of things for effect
Deliberate down playing of things for effect
Grouping in threes, either through repetition or through structures
A descriptive or metaphorical use of language to create a vivid picture
A descriptive technique where the descriptive words come before the thing they are describing
Where descriptive words follow afterwards
A comparison that states that something is actually something else. "Take a leaf out of her book"
Field Specific Lexis
The language of a certain area, e.g:- field Specific Lexis for IT would be: RAM, GB, monitor
Lexical bundle
a recurrent sequence of words or a collection of words that, through repetition of use, just naturally go together, e.g: I don't think
Words that, through usage just naturally go together. We collectively understand that they are inextricably linked: e.g:- salt and vinegar
A newly invented word, created by merging two words together. ('chillax' = Chill + Relax)
Taboo language
Words considered socially unacceptable to say in polite, civilised society, e.g: swear words
When a speaker accidentally uses the wrong word that sounds the same, or like it should belong in their sentence: 'I will illiterate you from my memory'
The study of spoken language
The mode of text and how it is presented.
Prosodic features
sound effects of spoken language
Emphasis placed on certain words through volume or pause
The rise or fall of an individual's natural speaking voice or the variation of tune to keep listeners engaged.
The rise or fall of speaking voice
Adjacency pair
a moment in turn taking where one utterance constrains the response in some way, e.g: a question leads to an answer
Back Channelling
The process of giving feedback through encouraging noises and positive comments when a speaker is talking to encourage them
Running repair
The process of socially organising a conversation If two people engage in accidentally simultaneous speech
Topic marker
An utterance that establishes the topic
Topic Shifter
An utterance that moves the conversation to another topic, e.g: 'Anyway'
Tag Question
A question tagged onto the end of a statement
Code switching
The ability of a speaker to alter the register or clarity of their speech to suit a different social situation
The speech patterns of an individual
The vocabulary and spoken grammar which is particular to a certain social group
Discourse marker
Words and phrases which are used to signal the relationship and connections between utterances and to signpost what is said can be followed by the listener or reader. E.g. 'first', 'on the other hand', 'now', 'what's more', 'so anyway' etc
The omission or sluring [eliding] of one or more sounds of syllables- e.g: gonna = going to; wannabe = want to be; wassup = what is up
Tone of voice. A person's tone can be used to state, imply, reinforce, undermine and so on.
An approach to discourse analysis which focuses less on structures and more on contexts and purposes of people talking go each other. Crystal: 'Pragmatics studies the factors that governs our choice of language in social interaction and the effects of our choice on others'.
To exclaim. Eg 'Oh no!' Normally affective context (shows emotion).
Almost imperceptible gap that appears between words so that we can distinguish them
Two words spoken at speed and running together produces new sound
Where original conversation is suspended and then resumes once the interruption has been dealt with.