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26 Cards in this Set

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What are the terms bond length and bond angle?
Bond length - Distance between the nuclei of 2 bonded atoms
Bond angle - Angle between two covalent bonds
What is the bond angle of a tetrahedral?
107.5 degrees
What is the electron pair repulsion theory?
Lone Pair - Lone Pair repels more then Lone Pair - Bond Pair repels more than Bond Pair - Bond Pair.

How many lone pairs and bond pairs are in a pyramidal shaped molecule?
3 Bond Pairs
1 Lone Pairs
e.g. NH3
What is the name given to this term?
'Different forms of the same element in the same physical state'
What makes Diamond different to Graphite? (3 differences)
1.The Carbon in Diamond has 4 bonded electrons where as in Graphite it has 3 bonded electrons.
2.Due to the bonding Diamond doesn't conduct electricity where as Graphite does.
3.Graphite has weak intermolecular forces between layers where as Diamond doesn't due it's rigid structure.
What is electronegativity?
a measure of the tendency of a atom a covalent bond to attract other bonding electrons
Why does electro-negativity increase along a period?
Atomic radius decreases so outer electrons are more attracted to the nucleus.
No. of protons in nucleus increases so greater puller on electrons.
Why does electro-negativity decrease down a group?
Atomic radius increases so outer electrons are far away from the nucleus therefore less attracted
What character will a molecule resemble when the electro-negative difference is large and when the difference is small?
Large electronegative difference = Ionic character
Small electro-negative difference = Covalent character
When do polar bonds exist?
When there's a difference in electro-negativity between 2 atoms
What does a positive and negative dipoles indicate about electro-negativity in a molecule?
Positive dipole - atom is slightly positive
Negative dipole - atom is slightly negative

Electro-negativity - Negative dipole > Positive dipole
Why do noble gases have on electro-negative value?
They have full outer shells therefore wouldn't have a tendency to attract other atoms
What properties do polar molecules share?
1.Different bonds
2.Identical bonds and lone electron pairs on central atom
What do non-polar molecules share?
2.Same bonds
3.No lone pairs
What does the term intramolecular mean?
Bonding within a molecule e.g. ionic, covalent bonding
What does the term intermolecular mean?
Forces of attraction between molecules, they determine melting and boiling points. e.g. London forces and hydrogen bonds
What are the 3 main intermolecular forces?
1.Hydrogen bonds (strongest)
2.Permanent dipole-dipole attraction
3.London forces (weakest)
What are London forces also known as?
Van Der Waals forces
What are London forces?
Intermolecular forces that exist between molecules. They arise from temporary attraction between neighbouring dipoles.
Which of the 3 main intermolecular forces is the strongest?
Hydrogen bonds
Why is ice less dense than water?
The hydrogen bonds in solid ice holds the molecules further apart than in a liquid
What type of bond holds the double-helix in DNA (deoxyribonucleic)?
Hydrogen bonds between base pairs
What property does a substance have if it can form hydrogen bonds with water?
Becomes more soluble e.g. ethanol
What bond does HF form (hydrides)?
Hydrogen bonds
What bond develops when a molecule has many electrons?
Strong London forces