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14 Cards in this Set

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Artigos Defindos (Definite Articles)
THE in English = o, os (masc.)
a, as (fem.)

They agree in gender and number with the noun they proceed
- o aluno (the student)
- os alunos
- a professora (the professor)
- as professoras
Use THE article:
1. before nouns
2. before names of countries (Os Estados Unidos)
3. before names of continents (a África)
4. mostly not before names of cities (Miami)
5. Some states
6. Optional before proper names (Suzana or o A suzana)
2. No definite articles before Angola; Cabo Verde; Cuba; Honduras; Israel; Moçambique; Porto Rico; Portugal; São Tomé
4. definite articles before: O Rio de Janeiro, o Porto, o Cairo; Recife or o Recife
Artigos Indefinidos (Indefinite articles)
- A, AN, Some in English = Um, Uns (masc.)
Uma, Umas (fem)

often used to make nouns less specific, indefinite. indefinite articles also agree in gender and number with the noun they proceed
Um aluno = a student ; Uns alunos (some students)
Uma aluna = a student ; Umas alunas (some students)
Gênero (gender)
Os substantivos e adjetivos têm gênero. Podem ser masculinos ou femininos.
Portugues nouns and adjectives have gender. They are either mas or fem.
1. Generally: Masc. nouns usually en in ...-o
and feminine nouns usually end in... -a
1. some words that end in ...-a are masculine:
o dia (the day);
o mapa (the map);
o climia (the climate);
o guaraná (the guarana);
o planeta (the planet);
o programa (the program)
2. Palavras terminadas em ---- ã e --- ção são femininas: a irmã (the sister)
a lição (the lesson)
3. Palavras terminadas em ----em e ----dade são femininas
a abordagem (the approach)
a cidade (the city)
4. Palavras terminadas em ----ema e ---oma são masculinas:
o telefonema - the phone call
o problema, the problem
o idioma - the language
5. Palavras termindadas em ---ente,---- auta, ----esta são occupations e são masculinas ou femininas:
o presidente, a presidente;
o diplomata, a diplomata;
o dentista, a dentista
Adjectives always agree in gender and number with the nouns they qualify - i.e. adjectives take on a masculine or feminine, singular and plural forms.
Some adjectives in masculine and feminine forms are the same:
1. inteligente (smart)
impaciente (impatient)
competente (competent)
incompetente (incompotent)
contente (content)
inocente (innocent)
coerente (coherent)
incoerente (incoherent)
calculista (arithmetician)
populista (populist)
comunista (communist)
masoquista (masoquist)
Some adjectives in masculine and feminine forms are the same:
2. those ending in ---ável, --ível, ---il, --al
confortável (comfortable)
terrível (terrible)
difícil (difficult)
Some adjectives in masculine and feminine forms are the same:
3. ruim (bad)
triste (sad)
simples (simple)
comum (common)
grande (big)
alegre (joyful)
feliz (happy)
pobre (poor)
incomum (unusual)
árabe (arab)