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85 Cards in this Set

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Arthropod characteristics

-Jointed appendages

-Covered with chitinous exoskeleton

-have a hemocoel

-simple circulatory system

-variety of resp. systems


-reproduce via eggs

Why are they important in vet med?

-primary parasites of domestic animals

-produce venom or toxic substances

-serve as intermediate host for protozoan and helminth parasites

-serve as vector for other pathogens


Mites, ticks


Aquatic anthropods


Centipedes and millipedes

(Not found in North America)


Centipedes and millipedes


Cockroaches and grasshoppers




Moths and butterflies


True bugs


Sucking lice


Chewing lice


Two-winged flies



Ctenocephalides felis

Common name=cat flea

*most common flea of cats and dogs*


Only adult females feed on blood




Anopheles quadrimaculatus, aedes aegypti, culex

Chrysop, Tabanus


Common name= black flies, Buffalo gnats

Found by streams

Bites very painful

Prevention= Keep cattle and equine in barn during daylight hours, repellents


Common name=new world sand flies

Found in dark moist environments

Tiny and covered in hair

Transmit Leishmania


Common name=no-see-ums, punkies

Found in aquatic areas

Very painful bites

Horses can become allergic to bite (sweet itch)

Intermediate host of onchocerca

Vector for blue tongue virus in sheep

Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Aedes aegypti, Culex

Common name=mosquito

Found near still water

Voracious feeders

Chrysop (deer flies)

Tababus (horseflies)

Very large flies with big eyes

Found near ponds and lakes

Vector for anthrax, anaplasmosis, equine infectious anemia


Both males and females feed


Stomoxys calcitrans

Haematobia irritans

Meliphagus ovinus


Common name=Tsetse fly

Only found in Africa

Resembles a wasp

Intermediate for Trypanosoma

Population control through release of sterile males

Stomoxys calcitrans

Common name=stable fly, biting house fly, legsticker

Found in central and southeast US

Prefer cattle, horses, and tips of pointy eared dogs

Haematobia irritans

Common name=horn fly

Found on cattle throughout North America

Causes most losses in cattle

Significant irritation

Leads to decreased weight gain and milk production

Intermediate host for Stephanofilaria stilesi

Prevention through use of insecticides and trap

Ctenocephalides canis

Common name= dog flea


Melophagus ovinus

Common name=sheep ked

Affects sheep and goats

***wingless and permanent***

Significant anemia

Ked feces damages the wool by staining


Adults feed on mucus,tears,saliva

Musca domestica

Musca autumnalis

Calliphora, Lucilia, Phormia, Phaenicia



Musca domestica

Common name=house fly

Sponging mouthparts

Vomit drop feeders

Facultative myiasis

Musca autunmalis

Common name=face fly

Affects cattle

Sponging mouthparts

Vector for pinkeye

Calliphora, Lucilia, Phormia, Phaenicia

Common name=bottle flies, blow flies

Sponging mouthparts

Vomit drop feeders

Facultative myiasis


Common name=flesh fly

Found only in North America

Sponging mouthparts

Vomit drop feeders

Facultative myiasis


Common name=dog penis gnat

Found in North and South America

Affect canines and bovines

Facultative myiasis producing flies

Normally free living larvae that adapt themselves to a parasitic dependence within the subcutaneous tissue

Attracted to=skin with a wound, hair matted with feces

Adult female flies feed at sites and lay eggs

Eggs hatch and turn into maggots

Development of maggots is called a fly strike


Obligatory myiasis producing flies

Cochliomyia homnivorax


Hypodermic lineatum, bovis

Ctenocephalides simplex

Common eastern rabbit flea

Odontopsylla multispinosus

Giant eastern rabbit flea

Echidnophaga gallinacean

Common name=poultry flea

Siphonaptera (flea) pathology

Primary diseases=flea allergy dermatitis, discomfort, anemia

Intermediate=dipylidium and A. Recnditum

Vector for human disease= (plague and typhus)

Siphonaptera diagnosis

Flea dirt, add water and red (blood) will show

Siphonaptera treatment and prevention

Adulticides=kill adult flea

IGR=prevent juveniles from developing

Adulticide/IGR combo

Treat the yard, house, animal

Diptera (two-winged flies) general info

All adults have one pair of wings

-vary in size, food preference, developmental stages

Diptera classification

Only adult females feed on vertebrate blood

Both adult males and females feed on vertebrate blood

Adults fees on mucus, tears, and saliva

Obligatory myiasis producing flies

Fly larvae infect GI tract

Fly larvae infect resp tract

Cochliomyia hominivorax

Common name=screwworm

Found in North America but has been eradicated


Adult female lays eggs in fresh wounds

Cimex lectularius

Common name=bed bug

Affects humans, rabbits, poultry, and pigeons

Nocturnal feeders

Not a vector for any disease

Hymenoptera: stinging insects

Fire ants

Bees, wasps, and hornets

Africanized honeybees, “killer bees”

Dictyoptera: cockroaches and grasshoppers


Vector for salmonella

Coleoptera: beetles

Serve as intermediate hosts for S. lupi, Gongylonema, M. hirudinaceus

Blister beetles

Lepidoptera: moths and butterflies

Adult stage (none affect)

Larval stage (caterpillars)

Arcarina: mites and ticks

General info

Infestation is called acariasis

4 stages (egg, 6 legged larval, 8 legged nymphal, 8 legged adult)


Common name=warbles

Found in North America

Occasionally affects dogs and cats but primarily seen in rabbits, squirrels, mice, rats, chipmunks

Adult female fly lays eggs near entrance to rodent burrows

Neck and head of dogs and cats become infested when they investigate burrows

Larva form lesion with breathing hole (looks like bullet hole)

Surgical removal is curative

Hypoderma lineatum, bovis

Common name= adults (gad flies)/larvae (cattle grubs)

Found in US and Canada

Affects cattle

H. lineatum migrates through esophagus

H. bovis migrates through spinal canal


Larvae that infect GI tract


Common name=adults(bot flies), larvae(horse bots, stomach bots)

Affects horses and donkeys

Adult female flies “glue” eggs on hairs on horses legs, chin, and shoulders

Egg laying is irritating so horse licks site and ingests them and are eventually passed through feces


Larvae that infect respiratory tract

(Oestrus ovis)

Common name=

adults(nasal not fly)


Affects sheep and goats

Female flies in nostril area

Lice general info


Mallophaga(chewing/biting lice)

Anoplura(sucking lice)

One of the most prolific ectoparasites

Wingless and dorsoventrally flat

Infestation referred to as pediculosis

Each lice species is host species specific, there is no crossover


Common name=chewing/biting lice

Parasitize birds, dogs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses

Head is wider than rest of body, they are yellow in color and are smaller than Anaplura lice

Clinical signs=pruritis, restlessness, scratching, alopecia

Lice: Anopluran

Common name=sucking lice

Parasitize many domestic species but not parasitize birds or cats

Hemiptera (true bugs)

Reduviid bugs

Cimex lectularius

Reduviid bugs

Common name=kissing bug

Affects dogs and humans

Intermediate host for Trypanosoma cruzi

Periodic parasite

Cimex lectularius

Common name=bed bug

Affects humans, rabbits, poultry, and pigeons

Periodic parasite

Nocturnal feeders

***not a vector***

Psoroptidae general info

Reside on skin surface of ear canal

Can live 2-3 weeks off host

Psorptes cuniculi

Common name=rabbit ear mite

Infest ear canal and puncture skin to obtain tissue fluid

Psoroptes ovis

Scabies mite of sheep

Wool loss

Skin becomes thick and cracked

Psoroptes bovis

Scabies mite of cattle

Papules, crusts, thick skin


Psoroptes equi

Scabies mite of horses



Reportable parasite


(Equi, bovis, caprae, ovis)

Common name=foot and tail mite, itchy leg mite

Species specific

Otodectes cynotis

Common name=ear mites

Affects canines, felines, ferrets

Highly transmissible

Infest ear canal

Trombidiformes general info

Large diverse order of mites

125 families, 22,000 species

Lack pedicles


Common name=mange mite or demodex

Disease is called demodicosis

Host specific

Alligator or cigar shape

Hymenoptera (stinging insects)

Fire ants

Bees, wasps, hornets

Africanized honeybees, killer bees

Trombicula alfreddugesi

Common name=North American chigger

Larval stage parasitizes

Trmbiculosis seen in late summer/early fall

Pneumonyssus canium

Common name=nasal mite

Affects canines



Can cause rhinitis

Ornithonyssus sylviarum

Common name=northern mite of poultry

Dermanyssus gallinae

Common name=red mite of poultry

Cheyletiella parasitivorax

Common name=walking dandruff

Affects dogs, cats, rabbits

Surface dwelling mites

Hook like mouthparts

Shield shape

Lynxacarus radovskyi

Common name=feline fur mite

Affects cats in warm regions

Attach to hair shafts

Coleoptera (beetles)

Intermediate hosts for s. lupi, gongylonema, and m. hirudinaceus

Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies)

No adults affect domestic animals

Larval stage are caterpillars, can sting

Sarcoptiformes general info

Sarcoptiform mites

Produce dermatitis

Tiny, barely visible to naked eye

Round or oval body

Legs have pedicels

Burrow within skin of host

Entire life cycle on host

Female dies after laying eggs


Sarcoptes scabei

Notoedres cati

Sarcoptes scabei

Disease is called scabies or sarcoptic acariasis

Host specific

Can infest humans (canis)

Legs have a sucker

Commonly affects dogs and pigs

Sarcoptes scabei canis

Common name=scabies mite of dog

Extremely contagious

Spread by direct contact

Sarcoptes scabei suis

Common name=scabies mite of pigs

Spread by direct contact and is contagious

Notoedres cati

Common name=notoedric mange mite of cats, feline scabies mite

Affects cats and occasionally rabbits
