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61 Cards in this Set

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Name in latin the joint between the Scapula & Humerus? (Shoulder Joint)

Articulatio Humeri
Name in latin the joint between the Humerus & Radius / Ulna? (Elbow Joint)

Articulatio Cubiti
Name the main parts of Symphysis Pelvina

Symphysis Pubica

Symphysis Ischiadica

Lig. Arcuatum Ischiadicum

Lamina Fibrocartilaginea Intercoxalis

Name the three main tyoes of Articulationes

Artt. Fibrosae

Artt. Cartilagineae

Artt. Synoviales

Name the three subgroups of Articulationes Fibrosae




Main characteristics of Articulationes Fibrosae

Have no Joint Cavity

Bones united by Dense Connective Tissue

Characteristics of Syndesmosis

-Bones joined by Fibrous CT forming Membrana Interossea or Ligamentum.

-Permits only Slight Movement.

Examples of Syndesmosis

Membrana Interossea Antebrachii,

Metacarpal / Metatarsal bones in horse,

Ligaments of Vertebral Column

What are Sutura joints

Fibrous joints between the bones of the skull
List the five different types of Sutures

Sutura Serrata

Sutura Squamosa

Sutura Foliata

Sutura Plana


Explain Sutura Serrata

Give Example

Participating bones are united by irregular interlocking processes resembling the teeth of a saw.

Sutura Interfrontalis.

Explain Sutura Squamosa

Where is it found?

Formed by the overlapping of contiguous bones like tiles of a roof.

Between Parietal and Temporal Bones.

Explain Sutura Foliata.

Give Examples.

Edge of one bone fits into a fissure or recess of an adjacent bone.

Sutura Parieto-Occipitalis

Sutura Interparietalis

Explain Sutura Plana.

Give an example.

The bones meet at an essentially right-angled edge or surfaces.

Sutura Internasalis.

Explain Schindylesis.

Give an example.

A thin plate of one bone is revieved into a cleft in another.

Sutura Vomeroethmoidalis.

Explain Gomphosis.


The attachment of a tooth to the bone of its socket

Alveolus Dentalis.

List the two Articulationes Cartilagineae.

(bones united by cartilage)



Explain Synchondrosis.

Give an Example.

Bones rigidly fused by cartilage.

Synchondrosis Intersternebralis.

Explain Symphysis.

Give Examples.

Union between two bones is effected by fibrocartilage without a synovial membrane.

Symphysis Intervertebralis.

Symphysis Pelvina.

List the four features of Articulatio Synovialis.

Facies Articularis

Cartilago Articularis

Cavum Articulare

Capsula Articularis

Describe Facies Articularis

Specialized layer of compact bone on the surfacces that articulate with other bones
Describe Cartilago Articularis

Layer of Hyaline Cartilage covering the articular surface

Describe Cavum Articulare

Space between the adjacent bones of the joint surrounded by the joint capsule.
Name the two types of Articulationes Synoviales according to numerical criteria.

Art. Simplex - 2 Bones.

Art. Compositea - More than 2 bones.

What are the two layers of Capsula Articularis?

Stratum Synoviale

Stratum Fibrosum

Examples of Art. Spheroidea (ball & socket)

Art. Humeri

Art. Coxae

Examples of Art. Trochoidea

(Pivot/Rotary Joint)

Art. Atlantoaxialis

Art. Radioularis Proximalis (dog)

Examples of Art. Condylaris (Art. Sellaris)

Artt. Costotransversaria (cattle)

Artt. Interphalangeae

Examples of Art. Elipsoidea

(Spheroidal, Synovial Joint)

Art. Atlantooccipitalis

Art. Radiocarpea (dog)

Examples of Ginglymus

(Hinge, Joint axis perpendicular to long axis of bone)

Art. Cubiti (Elbow)

Art. Tarsocruralis (Ankle)

Examples of Art. Plana

(slight, gliding motion)

Art. Sacroiliaca

Art. Carpometacarpea


Movement in the sagittal plane that tends to decrease the angle between segments forming a joint.


Movement in sagittal plane that tends to increase the angle between segments forming the joint.


Movement in which the angle between the segements is increased beyond 180degrees (a straight line)


Twisiting movement of a segemtn around its own axis (e.g. shaking the head 'no' - between the axis and atlas)

Movement toward the median plane,

e.g. m. pectoralis transversus

m.pectoralis profundus

m. adductor



Movement away from the median plane

Rotates an extremity so that the dorsum is up.

Movement that rotates an extremity so that the palmar or plantar aspect of the limb is up.

Combines the other types of movement with the exception of rotation. It may be describes as movement in which the limb describes a cone.
List the joints of the skull (Synchondroses Cranii)



Art. Temperomandibularis

Art. Temporohyoidea

Art. Intermandibularis

Joints of Hyoid Apparatus

Joints of Auditory Ossicles

Where does art. temporomandibularis lie?

Between the Ramus of the Mandible &

The squamous part of the Temporal Bone

List the comopenets of Art. Temporomandibularis

Capsula Articularis

Membrana Synovialis Dorsalis

Membrana Synovialis Ventralis

Discus Articularis

Lig. Laterale

List the components of Art. Intermandibularis

(unites R & L mandible bodies)

Synchondrosis Intermandibularis (smaller part)

Sutura Intermandibularis (larger part)

List the components of Art. Atlantooccipitalis

Membrana Atlantooccipitalis Dorsalis

Membrana Atlantooccipitalis Ventralis

Lig. Laterale

List the components of Art. Atlantoaxialis

(between C1 & C2)

Membrana Atlantoaxialis Dorsalis

Lig. Atlantoaxiale Dorsale

Membrana Tectoria

Lig. Apicis Dentis

List the components of Symphysis Intervertebralis (between adjacent vertebrae)

Discus Intervertebralis

Nucleus Pulpsosus

Anulus Fibrosus

List the Long Ligaments of the Vertebrale Column

Lig. Longitudinale Dorsale

Lig. Longitudinale Ventrale

Lig. Nuchae

Lig. Supraspinale

Where does Lig. Longitudinale Dorsale lie?

Inside the floor of the vertebral canal,

dens axis --> sacrum

Where does Lig. Longitudinale Ventrale lie?

Ventral surface of the vertebrale bodies form Th8 --> Os Sacrum
Where does Lig. Nuchae extend from?

Axis (car) or Os Occipitale (eq, bo)


Lig. Supraspinale

List the two components of Lig. Nuchae

Funiculus Nuchae

Lamina Nuchae (abs dog)

Where is Lig. Supraspinale located?

The tips of spinous processes of Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae
List the Short Ligaments of the Vertebrale Column

Ligg. Flava (connects ventral arch)

Ligg. Intertransversaria (in transverse process of Lumbar vertebrae)

Ligg. Interspinalia (in spinous process of vertebrae) - abs in cars

List the main parts of Symphysis Pelvina

Symphysis Pubica

Symphysis Ishiadica

Lig. Arcuatum Ischiadicum

Lamina Fibrocartilaginea Intercoxalis

List the main components of Art. Sacroiliaca

Ligg. Sacroiliaca Ventralia

Ligg. Sacroiliaca Interossea

Ligg. Sacroiliaca Dorsalia

Lig. Sacrotuberale (ca)

Lig. Sacrotuberale Latum (Ung)

Foramen Ischiadicum Majus

Foramen Ischiadicum Minus

Name a joint with Discus Articularis

Symphysis Intervertebralis

Art. Temporomandibularis

What type of joint is Art. Humeri?

List its components.

-Art. Spheroidale.

Labrum Glenoidale

Lig. Coracohumerale (ung)

Ligg. Glenohumeralia (car)

What type of joint is Art. Cubiti?

List its components

-Art. Trochoidea.

Art. Humeroulnaris

Art. Humeroradialis

Lig. Collaterale Cubiti Mediale

Lig. Collaterale Cubiti Laterale

List the components of Art. Carpi

Lig. Collaterale Carpi Laterale (radius)

Lig. Collaterale Carpi Mediale (Ulna)

List the components of Art. Coxae

Labrum Acetabulare

Zona Orbicularis

Lig. Capitis Ossis Femoris

Lig. Accessoirum Ossis Femoris (eq)

Lig. Transversum Acetabuli