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114 Cards in this Set

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Constantine defeated the former tetrarch Maxentius at the Battle of _____
The Milvian Bridge
As the new Roman Emperor, Constantine adopted and promoted this new religion:
Constantine celebrated his victory with a triumphal arch and a new building which most Romans would have called a temple, and Christians consider the first official Christian Church:
Church of St. Peter
The architects of the new church of St. Peter used this type of Roman public building as a model:
Classical artists typically indicate the physical presence of God in naturalistic (if idealized) sculpture. Early Christian artists prefer this type of representation:
Symbolic representations
Despite the biblical prohibition against worship of "graven images" the 3rd Century synagogue at Dura Europos is decorated with murals, but ___ is never represented in figural form.
In the Consecration of the Tabernacle scene, the figure of Aaron is larger than the other figures because _____
He is the most important
Aaron is shown as flatter than the other figures because ____
it emphasizes that Aaron is a symbol rather than a physical likeness
The earliest Christian paiting in Rome survives in this context:
In the first centuries of Christianity, Roman Christians buried their dead in a network of underground passages called ____.
Among the type of subjects represented on the walls and ceilings of these underground passages might be:
Scenes of salvation
Roman burials were always ____ the city walls.
One concrete method by which the early Christians express their belief in immortality of the soul, and suggest and the unimportance of physical death might be ____________
Allowing dead body inside church
The earliest figures which may represent Christ show Him in this role:
Good shepherd
The altar of a Christian church is typically aligned towards this cardinal point:
Requirements for a Christian church include a place for the congregation to meet, but the focus of the liturgy is the celebration of the _____
Models for churches include another type of Roman building, such as Costantia's ____
mausoleum - tomb
The church of Santa Constanza in Rome and the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia both served two functions; they were used as ___ and as ____.
tombs and churches
The four books of the New Testament are the four _____.
Name the Four Evangelists and their symbols:
Matthew: man
Mark: lion
Luke: bull
John: eagle
Roman burials are invariably outside the city walls; why did Christian churches incorporate dead bodies?
Memorial to the dead & way of showing how unimportant the physical body was
Early Christian and Byzantine churches are typically decorated in this medium:
Mosaics may use tesserae of glass and gold deliberately placed at irregular angles to create this effect:
The gold glitters & gives effect of heavenly glow
Adherents of Jewish and Christian and Muslim religions were referred to as _______
people of the book.
Indications of Roman royal or imperial statues include this color, adapted to signify the statue of Jesus:
Mosaic decorations of churches tell a story and convey a message; the theme of the mosaics in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore is ______
the history of human salvation
Some of the representations seem deliberately un-naturalistic; in the scene of Lot and Abraham, why does the artist insert a slive of gold between the two figures?
Emphasizes their separate choices
For the "People of the Book", the written word of God is important. In the 4th century, the format of books changed from _____ to _____
Scroll to bound codex
In the first few centuries after the birth of Christ, Christianity was an "underground" religion; by 359 CE, the "Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus" lets us know that Christianity is an important official religion because:
sarcophagus belongs to an important official of the Roman Empire
In the 4th Century, Constantine moves the capital of the Roman empire from ___ to the small trading port of Byzantium, which re renames ________.
In 394 C.E. the sacred games at Olympia were ___ and Roman temples were ____.
ended & closed
Churches in the ____ tend to be in basilica form and churches in the ____ tend to use a central plan.
West, East
The figures of Justinian in San Vitale are described having no physical form or eartly space, but as existing in an eternal present; how does the artist create this effect?
Very flattened figures, w/o modeling, feet seem to float with pointed toes
What are Justinian and Theodora holding? Why?
A loaf of bread & cup of wine - elements of the sacrament of the eucharist transformed into body & blood of Christ. Emperor & Empress are main actors in this important ritual
The square nave of Hagia Sophia is roofed with a circular dome; the triangular architectural feature makes a transition between the two shapes is called a :
The dome of Hagia Sophia seems to float because ____
A row of closely spaced windows at the base
Procopius describes the church, and suggests that the purpose of the design and decoration is ___
one's mind is "lifted up towards God...feeling that He cannot be far away"
Hagia Sophia does not quite look as it did in Justinian's time because this is missing from the walls ____
the figural mosaics
The windows at the base of the dome of Hagia Sophia serve this practical function:
to admit light
And this expressive function:
to suggest the light of God
In a 6th Century ivory in the British Museum, the presence of St. Michael is described as compelling because of it's disembodied quality; how does the artist create this effect?
Inconsistent relationship between the figure & architecture (arms in front of & feet behind the columns)
An ivory or a paining made in two parts hinged together is called a _______
In the illustrated page of the Vienna Genesis, why is the Virgin Mary on a donkey represented twice?
Two episodes in the same story
A typical feature of Byzantine art are images which may be portable objects used for personal devotion:
Controversy in the 8th Century concerned the use of images - whether they were useful aids to worship, or graven whose use was akin to worshipping idols. Emperor Leo III encouraged the destruction of all images; this destruction is called ____
In the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faiths, the prohibition against the worship of idols comes from this document:
10 Commandments
The "Middle" Byzantine church of Daphne uses a central plan decorated with narratives; to read the images in order one must circulate through the church. This movement may intend to evoke this kind of journey:
Hallmarks of Byzantine art include stiff figures and gold grounds, a style descrbied in Italy as _____
the Greek style
Static images glowing with the radiance of heaven might be effectively represented in mosaic, but the dramatic images of the anastatsis at the Church of Kariye Camii in Istanbul are in this medium:
painted in fresco
The city once known as Constantinople is now the modern city of _______.
The ____ is the area where the congregation sits
____ are the "arms," at right angles to the nave.
The passages to the sides of the nave and transepts.
Elevated semi-circular area at the East end, usually behind the altar.
The holy book of Islam, the Word of God, is called after the Arabic word meaning "word" _____
The Word of God was revealed by the angel Gabriel to the prophet
The biblical name Abraham is the Arabic name Ibrahim, and the biblical name Isaac is ____
This event including Ibrahim or Abraham is represented in the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus and commemorated in the Dome of the Rock:
Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac
The Arabic word for God is ____
Worship of Islam didn't require a basilica-type structure because the practice of worship was different; what are the requirements for a mosque?
Space for the individual to pray
The Five Pillars of Islam are ____, ____, _____, _____, ______.
belief in one god,prayer, alms, fasting during Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca
According to Muhammand ibn Mahmud, writing is important because ____
Writing the word God = form of worship
Script is an important element in the decoration of religious structures; the Dome of the rock includes a frieze with texts from this book:
The function of a minaret:
tower so people can hear the call to prayer
A niche in the wall of a mosque which marks the direction of Mecca is called
In a Delaware mosque, the niche will be on the ____
side of the building East
A type of decoration with intertwined strap-like lines may be flowing swirls or geometric shapes; the pattern is called
The art of writing so beautifully that the letters themselves are decoration:
The decoration of Islamic religious texts and buildings and objects are always aniconic; in what context do Islamic artists use figural images?
in non-religious works
Division of Islam into Shi'ite and Sunni derives from a controversy about the nature of religious authority; Shi'ite followers believed that community leaders must be ____
direct physical descendants of the Prophet Mohammad
The period referred to as "Early Medieval" or the "Dark Ages" have this muddled name because _________
the period incorporates the traditions of a variety of different groups, with different languages, legal codes, gods, etc.
What might one assume about the lifestyles of people whose art consists of small, decorated, useful, and portable objects?
A kind of decoration which uses ribbon-like forms twisted into knots:
On the animal head from the Osberg ship, the ribbon-like forms are zoomorphic, i.e. ______________
in the shape of animals
The earliest Christian monasteries were deliberately placed in this kind of environment:
as far from civilization as possible
Books in the Roman empire were in this form ___ but books in the Middle Ages were ______
scrolls / codex
A book written by hand is a
In 793 C.E. the ____ attacked the Monastery of Lindisfarne
On the ships of their attackers, the monks of Lindisfarne probably saw a work such as this:
Osberg ship head
The Viking king at Osberg and the Anglo-Saxon king interred at Sutton Hoo were buried in
"Carolingian" art is called after "Carolus Magnus" whom we typically refer to as
Charlemagne saw himself as reviving an ancient empire, so on Christmas day in the year 800 he was crowned Emperor in the city of _____.
The doors commissioned by Bishop Bernwald for the monastery church at Hildesheim are in this medium:
The subject of the images of the left door is ____ _____ _____, and the right is _____ _____ _____.
Old Testament stories, New Testament stories
The images on the Hildesheim doors might be seen as horizontal pairs, a typology in which the Old Testament is a prefiguration of the New Testament; the overall message of the doors might be _____
the origin of sin and method of redeption
What did the artist of the scene representing Christ washing the feet of His apostles want a plain gold background to the figures?
The gold makes flat background which makes it easy to see essential gestures
Why did the artist represent Christ with one arm longer than the other?
Allowing us to read the gesture clearly is more important than anatomy
The subject is now so familiar that it is difficult for us to recognize the innovation of the Gero Crucifix, but Christ is represented in a new way:
first surviving representation of Jesus which shows Him suffering
The first representations of Christ which show him as suffering on the cross seem to have been made at around this time:
In a village, town, or city in Europe in the Middle Ages, the largest structure would be a ____.
Builders designing churches in Europe in c. 1000 AD borrowed construction techniques from surviving Roman buildings; what kind of buildings or structures might they have seen?
Aquaducts, basilicas, amphitheatures
Many churches in the Romanesque period were much larger than required for local congregations because they were on the routes of _______
An object which belonged to a holy person is called a _____.
A container for these objects is a ______.
The most popular subject for a sculpture above the main entrance to a Romanesque church:
Last Judgement
In a Roman structure like the Pont du Garde, the arches standing side-by side support one another; the arches in a Romanesque church are supported from the outside of the church by masonry supports called _____.
In Northern Europe from the early Middle Ages onward, most churches were built with a floorplan in this shape: ____.
The side wings or "arms" of the church plan are called
The political system of Europe in the Romanesque period in which people owed allegiance to a local lord _____
In the Middle Ages, the only institution which transcended local boundries was the ___
church, headed by the Pope in Rome
In the Romanesque period an image of a man fighting an animal might be interpreted as an allegory of _______
God vs devil
Churches in the Romanesque period often look as solid and massive as a fortress, and the christian church of this period is sometimes described as "militant" what was the Church fighting?
For scholars in the Middle Ages, a spiritual life might take a contemplative form: one might live thus:
As a monk
For scholars in Middle Ages, a spiritual life might take an active form; one might fight in the:
The Abbot of Saint Denis who argued that we might apprehend God thru the visual beauty and magnificence of gold & jewels is named ______.
Abbot Suger
The ideal in a Gothic church was to have walls filled in with ____ ____.
Stained glass
In Medieval architecture, building in the _______ style tend to have the appearance of solid block-like shapes, and building in the _____ tend to have the appearance of tall thin linear shapes.
In Medieval sculpture, figures in the _____ style tend to have the proportions of an average person, and figures in the ____ style tend to look improbably tall, thin, attenuated.
In a church in the Romanesque style, the vaults use arches in this shape: _____ and in the Gothic style, the vaults use arches in this shape: ____.
When the Romanesque cathedral of Chartes was destroyed in a fire, who decided to rebuild?
citizens of Chartres
In the ____ style, artists seem to prefer to show figures as structural forms, rahter than as free standing figures.
In the ___ style, artists seem to prefer to show free-standing figures.
A circular window of stained glass is called a _____ window.
Light was so important in a Medieval church to see by, but also because light was a symbol for __.