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124 Cards in this Set

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the carotid sinus is innervated by what nerve?

sinus nerve of hering

(branch of glossopharyngeal)

the aortic body is innervated by what nerve?

vagus nerve

the carotid sinus is a dilation of which artery?

internal carotid artery

what are the branches of the middle meningeal artery called?

lenticulostriate arteries

(aka "stroke arteries")

where are berry aneurysms usually found?

circle of wills

(likely to cause a stroke)

what is a sinusoid?

a small blood vessel similar to a capillary but with a DISCONTINUOUS endothelium

where will we find sinusoids?

Bone marrow

endocrine organs


lymphoid tissue



which tunic layer of blood vessels is the only one present in vessels of ALL sizes?

tunica intima

atherosclerosis is found between what layers in a blood vessel?

between basement membrane and endothelial cells of tunica intima

the most predominant functional component of the tunica media of small arteries is?

smooth muscle

(and in large arteries elastic fibers)

what is found within the tunica media layer of blood vessels?

smooth muscle

elastic fibers

what is found within the tunica adventitia of the blood vessel?

fibroelastic fibers

collagenous fibers

where do we see vasa vasorum?

within larger vessels in the tunica adventitia layer

do arteries or veins have a thicker tunica media?


do arteries or veins have a thicker adventitia?


where is the velocity of blood flow slowest?


how will a decrease in vessel diameter affect resistance to blood flow

increase resistance

what is the main determining factor of blood flow?

vessel radius/diameter!!!!

what type of epithelium are capillaries made of?

simple squamos

the portal triad is a distinctive arrangement in the liver and is composed of:

hepatic artery

portal vein

bile duct

what is unusual about hepatic circulation?

both hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein empty into the same sinusoid

what is the path of hepatic circulation?

hepatic artery and vein empty into same sinusoid-->central vein-->hepatic vein-->inferior vena cava

the highest pressure of circulating blood is found in which vessels?


where is the lowest pressure of circulating blood?


which artery supplies the submandibular gland?

facial artery

(branch of external carotid A)

what is the blood supply to the palatine tonsils

dorsal lingual artery

ascending palatine artery

tonsilar branch

ascending pharyngeal artery

lesser palatine artery


what are the cervical branches of the facial artery



ascending paaltine


what structure is located superficially to the lingual artery loop?

hypoglossal nerve

what are the branches of the lingual artery

suprahyoid a

sublingual a

dorsal lingual a

deep lingual a

when giving a inferior alveolar nerve block, where are we aiming the needle to go?

pterygomandibular space

(medial surface of ramus)

what does the maxillary artery end up becoming?

sphenopalatine artery

which artery supplies the hard palate posterior to the maxillary canine?

greater palatine artery

what artery supplies the mucosa of the hard palate anterior to the maxillary canine?

nasopalatine artery

which two nerves supply the hard palate?

greater palatine nerve

nasopalatine nerve

what is kiesselbachs area?

anterior portion of the nasal septum that is a highly vascularized area

what vessels supply the kiesselbachs area?

posterior branches of sphenopalatine a

anteriior septal branches of the anterior ethmoidal artery

when severe nasopharyngeal bleeding occurs it may be necessary to ligate which artery?

maxillary artery in pterygopalatine fossa

which artery runs on the superficial surface of the tongue?

dorsal lingual artery

which artery delivers blood to posterior superficial tongue?

dorsal lingual artery

which arteries supply the tongue?

lingual a

tonsillar branch of facial a

ascending pharyngeal a


which artery supplies the apex of tongue?

deep lingual a

which nerve innervates most of the tongue?


which nerve innervates the palatoglossus m?

vagus n

which nerve provides sensory info to the anterior two/thirds of tongue?

lingual branch of V3

which nerve provides sensory info to the posterior 1/3 of tongue?


which nerve provides sensory innervation to the area near the epiglottis?

internal laryngeal nerve, branch of vagus

which nerve provides taste to the anterior 2/3 of tongue?

facial nerve via chorda tympani

which nerve provides taste to the posterior 1/3 of tongue?

glossopharyngeal n

which arteries arise off from the common trunk of the external carotid artery

lingual a

facial a

which artery supplies the mucous membrane od the floor of the mouth

sublingual a (branch of lingual from external carotid)

which artery supplies the dura matter?

middle meningeal a

which artery is at risk of a epidural hematoma?

anterior portion of the middle meningeal a

all the arteries that supply the stomach are directley or indirectly derived from?

celiac trunk (celiac artery)

where does the celiac artery originate?

abdominal aorta

what are the three terminal branches of the celiac artery?

splenic a

left gastric a

common hepatic a

what are the branches of the splenic a (from celiac a)?

pancreatic branches

left gastroepilopic a

short gastric a

where will we find the splenic a in relation to the pancreas?

to the left

which artery enters the lienorenal ligament and runs to the hilum of the spleen?

splenic a

what are the branches of the common hepatic artery?

gastrodudoenal a

right gastric a

hepatic artery proper

which branch is the cystic a derived from?

right hepatic a of the common hepatic a

the fundus of the stomach is supplied specifically by what a?

short gastric a (of splenic a)

which artery supplies the anterior wall of the body from the clavicle to the umbillicus

internal thoracic a

the internal thoracic a is a branch of what a

subclavian a

where does the internal thoracic artery descend in regards to the sternum

lateral to sternum

what are the branches of the internal intercostal a


perforating arteries

mediastinal a

superior epigastric a

pericardiacophrenic a

anterior intercostal a

musculophrenic a

the inferior epigastric a is a branch of what artery?

external iliac a

the aorta passes into the abdominal cavity through the aortic opening of the diaphragm in front of which vertebrae?


at what vertebra level does the aorta divide into two common iliac arteries


the main characteristic of the aorta is that is contains ____in its tunica media?

a lot of elastic fibers

what are the branches of the ascending aorta?

right coronary a

left coronary a

what are branches of the aortic arch

brachiocephalic a

left common carotid

left subclavian

how many bronchioles arteries are on the right side and left side of the body?

right side: one

left side: two

pterygomaxillary fissure communicates laterally with the infra temporal fossa through:

pterygomaxillary fissure

pterygomaxillary fissure communicates medially with the nasal cavity through:

sphenopalatine foramen

pterygomaxillary fissure communicates superiorly with the skull through:

foramen rotundum

pterygomaxillary fissure communicates anteriorly with orbit through :

inferior orbital fissure

which area is commonly involved in chronic epistaxis (nosebleeds)

kiesselbachareas area

what arterial blood supply to the jejunum and ileum comes from?

branches of superior mesenteric a

what supplies the ascending colon?

ileocolic a and right colic branches of superior mesenteric a

the distal third of the transverse colon is supplied by:

left colic artery (branch of inferior mesenteric a)

the proximal 2/3 of the transverse colon is supplied by:

middle colic artery (branch of superior mesenteric a )

the descending colon is supplied by:

left colic a

sigmoid branches of inferior mesenteric a

what artery will be a direct contincuation of the inferior mesenteric a?

superior rectal artery

which artery arches over the apex of the lung?

left subclavian artery

the head and neck are supplied by which arteries?

right and left common carotid


what are the branches of the left subclavian artery?

VITamin C and D


Internal thoracic


Costocervical trunk

dorsal scapular

the common carotid a travels a a sheath deep to which muscle?


what is held within the carotid sheath?

common carotid artery

internal jugular vein

vagus nerve

branches of the first(mandibular part) of the maxillary artery:

deep auricular

anterior tympanic

middle meningenal

inferior alveolar

accessory meningenal a


branches of the second (pyerygoid part) of maxillary a:

masseteric a

deep temporal a

pterygoid branches

buccal a

branches of the third (pterygoid-palatine) artery:

posterior superior alveolar a

infra orbital a

artery og pterygoid canal

pharyngeal branch

descending palatine a

sphenopalatine a

the urinary bladder is supplied by what artery

internal iliac arteries

the axilla artery is a continuation of which artery?

subclaviian artery

what is the first part of the axillary artery?

superior thoracic a

the first part of the axillary artery is located where?

medial to pectoralis minor

the second part of the axillary artery contains:

thoracoacromial a

lateral thoracic a

the second part of the axillary artery is found where?

behind the pectoralis minor m

the third part of the axillary a contains what?

subscapular a

anterior humeral circmflex a

posterior humeral circumflex a

where is the third part of the axillary a located?

lateral to pectoralis m

at which level will the vertebral arteries arise?


what is the main blood supply to the brainstem?

basilar artery

which arteries are responsible for the circulation to the cerebellum?

vertebral arteries

basilar artery

vertebral arteries give rise to:


posterior inferior cerebellar artery

Basilar artery gives rise to:


anterior inferior cerebellar artery

what is the ulnar nerve located between?

medialepicondyle and trochlea

what are the branches of the facial nerve:

the zebra bit my cheek






what are the tributaries of the portal vein?

splenic vein

superior mesenteric vein

inferior mesenteric vein

gastric vein

the azygos vein is formed by the union of which veins?

right ascending lumbar v

right subcostal v

where will we see the azygos vein in relation to the heart and vertebrae:

right side of aorta


where does the azygous vein empty?

superior vena cava

most posterior intercostal veins will empty where?

azygous veins

what forms the superior vena cava

union of two brachiocepahic veins

what forms the right brachiocephalic vein?

right subclavian v

right internal jugular v

the subclavian vein is a continuation of which vein?

axillary vein

where will we find the external jugular vein?

superficial fascia deep to the platsyma

where does the thoracic duct drain:

into the junction between the left internal jugular and subclavian

what is the only fetal vessel to carry blood that is rich in oxygen and nutrients

umbilical vein

how does blood return to the placenta?

through the umbilical arteries

what is the path of emptying for the two cavernous sinuses

superior petrosal sinuses-->transverse sinus-->sigmoid sinus

when the sigmoid sinus ends what will it become?

internal jugular veins

what will pass through the cavernous sinus:

internal carotid a

abducens n

what will characterize someone with a cavernous sinus syndrome:

1.edema of eyelids

2. conjunctiva of the eye

3. paralysis of cranial neves that course though cavernous sinus

what will the pterygoid plexus connect?

facial vein

retromandibular vein

what will the cavernous sinus connect?

facial vein

sigmoid sinus