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29 Cards in this Set

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Christ and Disciples on the road to Emmaus
Santiago da Compostela, c. 1100
---Christ like a pilgrim. He has a shell on his bag. The bag is a pilgrim’s bag and the shell is the souvenir.
nave, 1120-32
---The apse is gothic. Central aislse. Rounded arches. barreled vaults.
Saint Bernard Clarivaux-stands in front of troops calling the second crusade in?
Cluny III
11th-12th century
---World headquarters of monasteries. Makes rules on how churches function. The sons of rich people become part of cluny community. Community was incredibly corrupt. Lots of pilgrims making lots of donations.
Pre mogeniture-First son inherit everything, everyone else joins the monastery.
St. Lazare
Autun: tympanum of the Last Judgment (w. portal) sculpted by Gislebertus, ca. 1130-1140.
---Little souls on the bottom that is being pulled up. Facing the maker. Bodies are full of emotions-fear, contrician-to be sorry for what you have done. Sorry for their sins. Scene of profound spiritual anxiety. Gislebertus-important because we usually do not know the artists in the middle ages. Only here was the artist named.
Dearm of the Magi
Autun, c. 1130, Gislebertus, historiated capital.
---A capital adorned with a story. The birth of christ. Childlike style. Eyes opened-dawn of a new day.
Abby Church, Fontenay
---unadorned, no elaborate carvings. Do not want people to be distracted from god.
Moissac, South Portal, trumeau
c. 115
---Mission of the Apostles. Romanesque. Open melancholy gesture. Prophet Jeremiah. site specific monumental relief sculptures.
12th century, 31”
---Very small, made of wood. Hands huge. Sitting like she’s a chair and christ is a little man. (Romanesque)
Lady with the Unicorn
c. 1500, Cluniac Tapestry
---Very expensive and a story of the lady and the unicorn. How you catch a unicorn? He can only be caught in the lap of a virgin.
Codex Manesse
c. 1300
---German, two lovers. Girl has long curly red hair. broad high forehead, slender waist, ideal beauty of northern europe.
Commentary on Aristotle
14th century
---University lecture hall. Professor going with his business. Big institutions in cities. Higher education. Before for education, you would go to monasteries.
Corporeal vs. Spiritual Vision
Psalter of Saint Louis, 13th century.
---Louis-King of France. The letter B with two different scenes inscribed. On top is the story of David. Looking. corporeal-pertaining to the body. Falls in love with Batsheba. Bottom is a spiritual vision. King louis is worshipping Christ on the right. Christ is wearing a purple robe and holding an orb. King having a vision of christ.
Abbey Church of Saint Denis
---First gothic church. Built in mid-12th century. In paris. where french kings were crowned. Has national political significance. Stained glass windows, lots. Back of church. The ambulatory has lots of light and windows. Found a way to build with thinner walls and taller buildings. Piers and ribbs. Like a tent. The building is held up like a human body. Like skeleton body made of stones with skin covering. Light is the symbol of divinity. ---Abbot Suger of this monastery was advisor to Louis VI and Louis VII (married to Eleanor of Aquitaine) and he was the mastermind of the building of this church. It was a romanesque church but rebuilt in the gothic period.
---architectural feature of the Gothic: ribbed vaults, buttressing-supports on the outside, pointed arches.
Facade of Saint Denis-back of the church--ambulatory--relics are here. Space opens up/flowing open space. Light filled place with chapels that flow into each other. Colorful light. Pledging yourself to god and national piety. Idea of nation state.
Chartres, West facade, portals, rose window, north spire
1134-1220; portals c. 1145; rose window c. 1216; north spire 1507
---Later Gothic. Rose window-only possible with gothic engineering.--Mary-Rose without thorns-unblemised, a virgin. The relic here is a shirt of her which protects the building. Buchtresses-stick out and land on the ground. They are flying. You have these stone walls and they want to bend out but you put this buttresses and holds them. Outward of wall, inward of buttress. Interior-ribbed vaulting. Radiating chapels that flows in the ambulatory. Two towers. West entrance-main entrance
Chartres, West Portals
---Tympanum, lintel, archivolt, and the jambs. Right Portal-Virgin mary sited here. She’s god bearer, making like a chair and christ is sitting straight. Lots of space around her.
Chartres, Portal of the Liberal Arts
c. 1145
---Christ enthroned in heaven, on the bottom is christ in his tomb. Organized composition. Have an axis that goes through. 7 liberal arts in the archvaults. 7 fields of study, personified in the little figures.
Maestas Domini Portal
Old Testament figures
jamb sculpture, central portal, west facade, 1145-70. ---vertical, looks like columns. Looks somewhat detachable.
Church of ste.-Madeleine
Towards choir, 1120-1135 (Gothic)
Chartres, south portal
Saints theodore, Stephen, Clement, and Lawrence, c. 1220
Reims, West Facade
---Ornate, gothic church.
(angel 1245-1255; Virgin c. 1230) and Visitation, c. 1230, Reims, right jamb, central portal, west facade.
---Classical influence. Wet drapery style on the visitation (two figures on the right)
Sainte Chapelle
1243-1248, Paris
---Royal Chapel. Radiating Gothic style. Exterior view: Looks like a jewel, windows are very colorful and looks fragile. Relics are contained here from constantinople from the 4th crusade. Lots of buttressing where the weight is contained.
(Rayonnant Gothic)
Queen Blanche of Castille and Louis IX
Moralized Bible, 1226-34
---Moralized--written words or pictures that tells you what you are reading.
(Rayonnant Gothic)
Abraham and Sarah
Psalter of Saint Louis, 1253-70
---represents two different scenes. Abraham near the tree. Angels are approaching Abraham. On the other side, the angels are asking them to take them in. (Hospitality). Presenting food. Significance-three angels-father, son, holy ghost. Gothic churches with rose windows in the background.
(Rayonnant Gothic)
Bonaventura Berlinghieir
St. Francis and Scenes from His life, 1235.
---Altarpiece. St. Frances is in the middle. A biography of a holy person is called a Hagiography. St. Frances is a preacher. He left the monastery and traveled to town and stood in town square and preached. Urban preacher. Famous for his discipline, charity, humility. He even preached to the birds. Hole in his hand-stimagtic-he is so holy that he receives the wounds the christ. He was popular and the church took control of his Hagiography and make his stories go back to christ instead of people just paying attention to him. (Make the people not forgot who christ is). Big painting.
(Rayonnant Gothic)
Folio from the Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux
---14th century France, a manuscript that is a new style, a new way of representing the human figure. A new kind of color scheme and very small-2.5 x 3 inches. A prayer book that tells you what prayers to say when and what time. Got popular with the leity. Mimics the lives of the clergy, thinks it’ll make them more holy. Style: Grisaille-comes from the french word gray. There are predominately colors of gray with washes of color. The effect is to make the figures look a little bit like sculptures. If they look like sculputures they’ll look more 3D. Space itself is defined. There are designs in the margins-marginalia which are kind of flat and floating against the parchment. Seems like there is a puncture in the middle because of grisaille. Jean Pucelle is the artist. We know the patron and artist. They size is what makes it precious.
Arena Chapel
Giotto, 1266?-1337, Enrico Scrovegni (the patron), 1305.
---14th century, the black plague-half the population in Europe dies and Giotto infuence is put off. This is the interior, small space. Covered with fresco-water based paint and applied to wet plaster. An entire series of scenes. The patron does this because he is scared of going to hell. Him and his family got really rich because they practiced usury-charging and lending out money at very high rates of interest--avarice/greed--greed is one of the deadly sin that sends you to hell. The scenes in the chapel relates to the idea of charging interest. Interest is money begetting money--money giving birth to money--evil. Golden legend--most stories do not come from bible but were passed down orally and finally written down. Christian but not biblical. The stories begin on one side and then wrap around. Pure legend-stories of the virgin and her parents on one side and the stories of christ on the other side.
--Expulsion of Joachim-Joachim is the father of the virgin. Him and his wife did not have children and they could not be in church because they have no children so they are cast out. Has a neutral background. Bodies that are large and occupying space. Abbreviated background, 3D huge bodies and lots of emotions. Human figures of the holy.