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52 Cards in this Set

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What is Form?
It refers to the visual elements of art and architecture.
forms are things u can touch and see
What are the formal elements?
Line, Color, Texture, Spatial Attributes, and Composition.
there are 5
Formal and Formalist mean?
"relating to form"
A formal element(usually drawn or painted) made by more-or-less continuous mark.
Probably the most basic visual(formal) element.
____ can be clearly visible, or it may be implied, as when the movement of the eyes over the surface of the work of art follows a path that replicates a ____ or _____(s).
The _____, ____, or ______ of an object is percieved as line, and it is this "line" that defines shape.
outline, edge, silhouette
Line can be angular(or_____), curvy (called_____), delicate, assertive, solid, or sketchy.
geometric, curvilinear
In art historical writing, the word _____ describes the artist's reliance on line to give form to the image.
Color has several attributes, these include, ____, _____, and _____.
Hue, Value, Saturation
____ is what we think of when we hear the word color.
Red, yellow, and blue are primary ____ (colors) because they mix together and make the secondary colors.
The primary colors are....
Red, Yellow, and Blue
The secondary colors are....
Purple, Orange, and Green
Red, orange, and yellow are regarded as ____ colors.
Warm colors are colors that ____ toward us.
Green, blue, and purple are called ___ colors.
Cool colors seem to _____.
The word _____ refers to the general range of colors used in a work.
A painting in greens, blues, and purples can be described as being of a ____ ____.
cool palette
A painting of reds, oranges, and yellows can be described as being of a ____ _____.
warm palette
The use of more than one color is ______.
Polychromy means "____ ____"
many color
_____ is the relative degree of lightness or darkness of a given color.
_____ is created by the amount of light reflected from an object's surface.
Which has a deeper value, dark green or light green?
dark green
You see only value in ____-____-_____ reproductions of colored objects.
A drawing made w' just black ink possesses only ____, not ____ or _____ of the attributes of color.
value/ hue/ saturation
Monochramatic means "____ _____"
one color
Referred to sometimes as Intensity?
Saturation is sometimes referred to as ______.
______ is a color's quality of brightness or dullness.
A color described as ______ saturated looks vivid and pure; a hue of ____ saturation may look muddy.
highly/ low
_____, another attribute of form, is the tactile (or touched-percieved) quality of a surface.
Words like smooth, polished, rough, grainy, pitted, oily, and the like describe what formal element?
Texture relates to two aspects of an art object: the texture of the artwork's _____ surface and the texture of the _____ but _____ surface of the object that the work represents.
actual/ implied/ imaginary
Spatial Attributes (another formal element)that includes the following ____, ____, and ____.
Space, Mass, Volume
_____ is what an object occupies.
a spatial attribute
Sculpture and architecture use ___ and __-____ space.
actual/ 3-dimensional
Space is represented _______, when artists represent recession into the distance on two-dimensional, flat surfaces(walls, paper, or canvas)by various means in composition.
____ and ____ are the two spatial attributes that are properties of 3-dimensional things.
Mass/ Volume
_____ is matter( whether sculpture or architecture) that takes up space; it can be solid or hollow.
_____ is the space organized by mass, whether by enclosing it or partitioning it.
_______(a formal element) is the organization, or arrangement, of form in a work of art.
The possibilities for ______ any subject are nearly endless.
The choices an artist makes about how to position (compose)various elements usually reflect the tastes of the _____ and the ______ the work of art was created as well as the _______.
time, place, artist's personal sesibilities
Very general terms that can characterize _______ are balanced, static, asymmetrical, dynamic, and the like.
A specialized aspect of composition is ____ _____ (spatial recession), in which the three-dimensional world is represented in two dimensions on a flat surface, or _____ _____.
Pictorial Depth, Picture Plane
The are "behind" the picture plane is called the ____ ____ and contains three "zones": ____, _____, and _____.
Picture Space/ Fore-Ground, Middle Ground, Ground Plane
Various techniques for conveying a sense of pictorial depth have been devised and preferred by artists in dif' ____ and at dif' _____.
cultures, times
In Western art, the use of various systems of ____ has created highly convincing illusions of recession into space.
In other cultures, _____ is not the most favored way to treat objects in space.