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35 Cards in this Set

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Deposition, Louvain, Belgium
artist: Rogier van der Weydon, oil on wood
ca. 1435 CE
Name the artist, period, content question and date
Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride, Artist: Jan van Eyck, oil on wood,
Northern Renaissance, Flemish
1434 CE
Name the artist, content question, period and date
Man in a Red Turban, artist: Jan van Eyck,
oil on wood,
Northern Renaissance, Flemish 1433 CE
Name the artist, period, date and content question
Garden of Earthly Delights, artist: Bosch, oil on wood, Northern Renaissance, Flemish 1505-1510 CE
Name the artist, date, content question and period
Arena Chapel (Capella Scrovegni),
Padua, Italy,
Early Italian Renaissance
Name the artist, content question date and period
Lamentation, Arena Chapel, Padua, Italy, Artist: Giotto di Bondone fresco, Early Italian Renaissance, 1305 CE
Name the artist, date, content question and period
The Annunciation and the Nativity, Artist: Nicola Pisano, Pisa, Italy, Early Renaissance, 1259-1260 CE
Name the artist, content question, period, and date
Florence Cathedral, Architect: Arnolfo di Cambio,
Florence, Italy
Early Italian Renaissance begun 1296 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
Dome, Florence Cathedral, Architect: Brunelleschi
15th c. Italian Renaissance
1410-1452 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
Sacrifice of Isaac
Artist: Brunelleschi,
Competition panel for Florence Baptistery Doors, Bronze relief

15th c. Italian Renaissance
ca. 1400 CE
Name the artist, date, content question and period
North Doors, Baptistery of Florence Cathedral, Artist: Ghiberti 15th c. Italian Renaissance, ca. 1400 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
Gates of Paradise, East Doors of Baptistery, Florence Artist: Ghiberti
15th c. Italian Renaissance 1424-1452 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
Isaac and His Sons, Artist: Ghiberti, bronze relief, East doors of Florence Baptistery, 15th c. Italian Renaissance, ca. 1425-1452 CE
Name the artist, period, date and content question
Zuccone (Habbakuk),
Artist: Donatello
Florence Cathedral
Marble, architectural sculpture
15th c. Italian Renaissance 1425 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
David, Artist: Donatello, bronze
15th c. Italian Renaissance, 1440 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
Mary Magdalene, Artist: Donatello, wood and gilded gold,
15th c. Italian Renaissance, 1455 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
Holy Trinity, artist: Massacio, fresco from
Santa Maria Novella, Florence 15th c. Italian Renaissance, 1425
Name the artist, date, content question, and period
Annunciation, Artist: Fra Angelico, fresco from San Marco, Florence
15th c. Italian Renaissance, 1440 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
Madonna and Child with Angels, Artist: Fra Filippo Lippi, tempera on wood
15th c. Italian Renaissance, 1455 CE
Name the content question, artist, date and period
Ceiling of the Camera degli Sposi (Room of the Newlyweds), Ducale Palace, Mantua Artist: Mantegna
15th c. Italian Renaissance, 1474 CE
Name artist, content question, period and date
Dead Christ, artist: Mantegna, tempera on canvas, 15th c. Italian Renaissance ca 1500 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
linear perspective, single vanishing point) Christ Delivering the Keys to the City, Artist: Perguino, fresco from the Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome 15th c. Italian Renaissance ca. 1480 CE
Name the artist, content question, period and date
Birth of Venus, Artist: Sandra Botticelli, tempera on canvas
15th c. Italian Renaissance, 1482 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
Tempietto, Rome,
Architect: Bramante
High Renaissance
ca. 1500 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
New St. Peter’s, Rome
Architects: Bramante, Michelangelo

High Renaissance
ca. 1550 CE
Name the artist, date, period and content question
Dome, New St. Peter’s, Rome
Architect: Michelangelo

High Renaissance
ca. 1550 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
Last Supper, Refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan
Artist: Leonardo, Fresco, oil and tempera
High Renaissance 1495-1498 CE
Name the artist, period, content question, and date
Mona Lisa,
Artist: Leonardo

Oil on wood

High Renaissance, ca. 1500 CE
Name the artist, period, date and content question
Pieta, New St. Peter’s, Rome Artist: Michelangelo
High Renaissance ca. 1500 CE
Name the artist, date, period, and content question
David , Florence
Artist: Michelangelo


High Renaissance, ca. 1500 CE
Name the artist, date, period and content question
Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Sistene Chapel, Vatican
Artist: Michelangelo
High Renaissance 1508-1512 CE
Name the artist, content question, date and period
Temptation and Expulsion, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Artist: Michelangelo, Bond Fresco
High Renaissance, 1508-1512 CE
Name the artist, date, period, and content question
Last Judgement,
Sistine Chapel,
Wall behind altar
Artist: Michelangelo
Bond Fresco
High Renaissance
1534-1541 CE
Name the artist, date, period, and content question
Name the artist, period, content question and date
The Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel Ceiling
Artist: Michelangelo
Bond Fresco
High Renaissance,1508-1512 CE
January, from Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry
Artists: Limbourg Brothers

French Manuscript, Ink on Vellum
Northern Renaissance
ca. 1413-1416 CE
Name the artist, date, period, and content question