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58 Cards in this Set

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-A style of art with imagery that resembles what we see in the world around us

Representational Art

-Art that presents nature, people and objects from the world in recognizable form

Idealized Art

-A style of art in which natural imagery is modified in a way that strives for perfection according to the values and aesthetics of a particular culture


-A style of art communicating heightened emotions and often a sense of urgency or spontaneity


-A style of art w/ bizarre, dreamlike, or fantastic arrangement of images or materials drawn from the subconcious

Nonobjective Art

-Artwork that has no object that resembles the natural world

Abstract Art

-Art w/ imagery that may or may not be recognizable, but it has derived from reality by distorting it

Cultural Style

-Recurring and distinctive features that we see in many works emanating from a particular place and era.

Artist Style

-Refers to distinguishing characteristics of one artists work


-The analysis and critique of an artwork based on it composition and the arrangement of its elements and principles.


-The study of visual images and symbols within their cultural and historical context

Biography and Autobiography

-An examination of a work of art based on the creators biography or autobiography


-Art criticism that holds that art should be studied as the product of individuals who are shaped by their pasts, their unconscious urges and their social history


- Holds that understanding a single work of art based on the overall structure of art and the complex interrelationship of all its parts, because structure gives the meaning to an artwork like a sentence determines the meaning of individual words within.


-Concerned w/ the patriarchal nature of culture and ways in which art oppresses or marginalizes women's perspectives.

Gender Studies

-Exams the intersection between art and gender identity/representation. It is a diverse field that includes studies of women.


-Study of art that enforces the concept of "otherness"and ignores the perspective of colonized peoples instead assigning cultural identity.

Critical Race Theory

-A critical examination of society and the intersection between race, law, power and culture.


-The highest ground in an ancient Greek city; originally fortified and, later, the site of temples


-A branch of western philosophies that is concerned w/ critical reflections on art, beauty and taste

-A critical reflection on art within a culture and reflects the preferences of a large segment of the cultures population


-The belief that all things in nature contain a spiritual force or soul.


-A line of arches placed side by side on piers or columns that may be freestanding or attached to a wall.


-A curved structure made of stone or brick that supports weight over an opening.


-The underlying framework on which clay, wax or plaster is placed; used in making sculptures


-Sculptures made from various found objects or prefabricated parts that are put together.


-The exaggeration of natural features usually seen for comic or satirical effect


-A type of sculpture in which unwanted materials are removed from a large block of material like stone, wood, or styrofoam


-In a drawing, the use of various tones (black, white and grays) to create the illusion of volume


-A row of columns that supports an entablature or lintel


-The organization of elements of an artwork in such a way that harmony, balance, unity and variety are achieved.


-A standing pose in which the body weight rests on one straight leg, with the other relaxed and bent, giving the torso an s-shaped curve.


-Consists of the external conditions that surround a work of art, such as historical events religious attitudes, social norms, and so on.


-A paint medium in which pigments are mixed into heated beeswax

Freestanding sculpture

-Intended to be see from many viewpoints



Hierarchical Proportions

-A system of proportion of figures or subject matter in a work of art that gives emphasis to what or who is considered to be the most important

Kitab Khana

-In the Ottoman Empire, a royal atelier of artists and craftspersons who copied and illuminated books.

Lost Wax

-A sculptural method in which a cast is made from a wax model by coating the model with an investment material that can be heated to high temps. The wax melts away, leaving a negative mold of the model, into which molten metal is poured or clay is pressed, creating a hollow duplicate of the original wax work.

Memento Mori



-A religion distinguished by the belief in only one god.


-An image or decoration created by covering a surface with small pieces of variously colored material, such as metal, glass, or stone.


-The round opening in the center of a dome.


-A belief that a divine spirit permeates everything in the universe


-A composition of many photographs, or of one using many prints to create a new image


-Colors in powder form, mixed with binders to create paint


-The belief in many gods with distinct functions

Readymade Sculpture

-Already existing objects incorporated into a sculpture or assemblage. Ready-mades refer to found objects that are presented almost in their original form as finished sculptures


-A board that contains imagery or visual motifs, often, several registers are stacked one above the other to convey a narrative sequence

Relief Sculpture

-Sculpture that projects from or is carved into a flat surface. When the sculptural form is at least half round or more, it is called a high relief; when it is less, it is called a low or base relief.


-A vessel or receptacle designed to house a holy relic




-The cutting or scratching of the skin in various designs that will heal as permanent body decoration

Silk screen

-A printmaking technique in which ink is applied through a stencil that has been adhered to a stretched cloth

Site-specific sculpture

-A sculpture designed to fit into and interact with the elements in one specific location


-A style of Dutch painting in which the theme is the transitory nature of earthly things, alone with the inevitability of death


-A terraced, flat-topped pyramid surmounted by a temple, from the ancient Near East

Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

-Doric - plain (dork)

-Ionic - decorative "Scrolls"

-Corinthian - Leaves (fancy)

Barrel Vault, Dome, Load-bearing, post and lintel

*Barrel Vault -

*Dome -

*Load-bearing - wall, holds roof

*Post and Lintel - Stonehenge