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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the arm? the forearm?
Arm = brachial, from shoulder to elbow
Forearm = antebrachial, Elbow to wrist
What is the distal continuation of the musculocutaneous n?
Lateral cutaneous n. of the forearm
What cutaneous n comes directly from the brachial plexus?
Medial cutaneous n of the arm and forearm
What is the major branch off of the brachial a.?
Profunda brachii a.
What are the terminal branches of the brachial a?
Radial and ulnar aa.
Where should you nerver ligate the brachial a?
Between the subscapular and profunda brachii b/c there is no collateral circulation here
What typically gives off the interosseous a?
Ulnar a.
Where do the cephalic and basilic vv run and what do they merge to form?
Cephalic - runs laterally (thumb side) down upper extremity
Basilic - runs medially down upper extremity
merge into the axillary v
What does the median cubital v often connect?
Cephalic and basilic vv in the cubital fossa
Dermatomes picture
Dermatomes picture
What runs deep in the arm and terminates at the axillary artery?
Brachial vv
Where do the following lymphatics drain?
Superifical of the lateral arm and forearm
Medial arm & forearm + deep lymphatics of the arm
Some from the medial forearm & hand?
i. infraclavicular nodes
ii. lateral axillary nodes
iii. 1st to supratrochlear nodes then lateral axillary nodes
What nerve supplies all muscles of anterior compartment of the arm?
Musculocutaneous C5,6,7
What n. supplies all muscles of the posterior compartment of the arm?
Radial C5,6,7,8 T1
Which nerves have no branches in the arm?
Median and ulnar n.
Which muscles in the arm are flexors? Extensors? where are most nerves located?
Flexors - anterior muscles
Extensors - Posterior muscles
Most nerves are medial
How many anterior muscles are there? Posterior muscles?
Anterior - 3 muscles & musculocutaneous n.
Posterior - 1 muscle 3 heads - radial n
What does the musculocutaneous n supply?
Dermatome on the forearm, and the biceps brachii, coracobrachailis, brachialis
What a. does the radial n. travel with?
Profnda brachi a.
Where is the radial nerve located, and what might happen if the humerus breaks?
Sits almost on top of the shaft of the humerus. Most likely to be damaged in a break
What is the origin, insertion, Action and nerve of the biceps brachii?
O: Long head - supraglenoid tubercle, short head - coracoid process. I: radial tuberosity & biciptial aponeurosis. A: flex forearm/arm supinate hand. N: Musculocutaneous C5-7
What is the origin, insertion, Action and nerve of the coracobrachialis?
O: Coracoid process. I: Middle 1/3 of humerus. A: flex and abduct arm N: Musculocutaneous C5-7
What is the origin, insertion, Action and nerve of the Brachialis?
O: Distal 2/3 of humerus. I: Coronoid process & tuberosity of ulna. A: Flex forearm. N: Musculocutaneous C5-7
What are the three anterior flexor muscles of the arm?
Biceps Brachii, coracobrachialis, brachialis
What is the posterior extensor muscle of the arm?
Triceps Brachii
What is the origin, insertion of the triceps Brachii
O: Long head infraglenoid tubercle, Lateral head - posterior and lateral, Medial head - posterior surface of Distal 1/2 of humerus. I: Olecranion
What is the Action and N. of the triceps brachii?
A: Extend forearm; extension and adduction of arm. Radial C5-T1
What is the cubital fossa and what are its borders?
Cubital fossa is a triangular space anterior to the elbow.
Boundaries: Base of triangle - imaginary line between epicondyles. Medially - pronator teres m, laterally - brachioradialis m. Floor - brachialis and supinator mm
What are the cubital fossa?
Medial -> lateral
Median N., Brachial A., Tendon of biceps brachii m, radial n.
What nerve runs along the surgical neck?
Axillary n.
What nerve runs along the humeral shaft?
Radial n.
What nerve runs along the Distal humerus?
Median n.
What nerve runs along the medial epicondyle?
Ulnar n.
What is a possible issue of drawing blood from the cubital fossa?
A superficial ulnar a. that might spurt out, be painful, or send medicine the wrong direction
Where do you listen when taking blood pressure?
brachial pulse in the cubital fossa
What is a sail sign at the elbow mean?
Means the fat pads are displaced outward, indicates joint effusion
What can a supracondylar spur entrap, and what does this entrapment seem like?
Entraps the median n. looks like carpal tunnel. A small piece of bone projecting from distal humerus
What can fluid in a joint be indicative of?
Subtle fracture
What tendon is used to test C5,6 nerves
Biceps brachii tendon
What is damage of the capitulum specific to?
certain sports - baseball