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49 Cards in this Set

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What are 4 major causes of ARF
What does ARF most commonly result from
Acute tubular necrosis

Less often from renal inflammation
What fraction of ARF dogs have a condition that predisposes them to ischemia
What is the most common infectious cause of ARF
What percentage of ARF cases are idiopathic
True/False: Renal ischemia is most likely to cause ARF in those patients that already have renal dz
How do NSAIDs cause ARF
Renal Ischemia
What are some extra-renal conditions that can affect USG
Endocrine Dzs
True/False: ARF is a potentially reversible condition
But it requires aggressive tx initially
How are clinical findings different b/t ARF and CRF
ARF- less than 1wk inapp, depress, v+; moderately to severely depressed; urine volume often decreased; good body condition; enlarged kidneys that are painful (but can be normal); bone density always normal

CRF- wks-mths inapp, v+, depress; often alert and responsive; PU/PD common; may be thin; kidneys small and irregular (but can be normal); bone density may be decreased
Which (ARF or CRF) do you expect to find moderate to severe metabolic acidosis

CRF is mild to moderate
Which (ARF or CRF) are you more likely to see casts
What is the K+ like in cases of ARF
Normal to increased

Can be decreased in CRF
How are BUN and Creat different in ARF than in CRF
In ARF, they are initially normal, and then progressively increase

In CRF, they are usually increased, but stable
What do patients w/ acute on chronic renal failure typically look like
They have features of both ARF and CRF
How might a patient's urine volume help tell b/t ARF and CRF
w/ CRF, they are often PU/PD

ARF patients usually show anuria or oliguria
How common are oral ulcers in ARF
What three dzs might icterus in a patient w/ ARF suggest
Anion gap values >40 are indicative of what
EG intoxication
What are the characteristics of proteinuria in cases of ARF
Usually mild (UPC<2) and transient
Why is a urine culture indicated in cases of ARF
Must R/O UTI
UTI can exacerbate renal dz

UTI is rarely the cause of the renal injury, though
Why is EU of limited use in renal failure cases
Kidneys poorly excrete contrast, and they may not excrete enough to make useful images
How often is renal bx done to dx ARF
May be good if cannot tell from CRF, though

Also good to help dx EG, esp. if has been way too long to use blood as a way to test for exposure
True/False: If Lepto is even a remote possibility as the cause of ARF, serum samples should be sent for Lepto titers

It is a treatable cause of ARF!
What are the 4 objectives of tx of ARF
1. Minimize additional renal injury

2. Treat for the treatable

3. Promote diuresis if oliguria exists

4. Combat metabolic consequences of uremia
What percentage of ARF cases end up w/ CRF
How should IV fluids be used initially in tx of ARF
Can use LRS or 0.9%NaCl
IV to rehydrate within 6hrs

Record BW after rehydrating to establish a "normal" to compare future weights to

Even if clinical dehydration is not apparent, assume 3-5%BW in cases of ARF
How should maintenance fluid therapy be initiated in ARF
AFTER rehydration, supply measured v+/d+/u+ losses and insensible losses (10-20mL/kg/day)

Recalculate this volume q 4-6hrs

Use Plasma-Lyte N or Normosol-M as maintenance fluid
Why should LRS and 0.9%NaCL not be used as maintenance therapy in ARF
They contain too much sodium
What can you use as maintenance fluids for ARF if you do not have Normosol-M or Plasma Lyte-M
Alternate LRS and 5% Dextrose
Use 0.45%NaCl/2.5% Dextrose

*You must add K+ to each of these substitutes
True/False: Depending on the severity of renal injury, you may need to provide IV fluids for 1-3 weeks
True/False: Urine formation means improved renal fxn

Not necessarily; But, it is easier to avoid edema and maintain electrolytes and acid-base when urine is being made
Why is Mannitol indicated if oliguria persists despite correction of dehydration
Osmotic diuretic

Urine should start being made w/in 15 minutes w/ the goal of 1-2mL/kg/hr production
Why is repetitive dosing of Mannitol dangerous if urine flow does not increase
Vascular overload may occur

But, if it works, you can start a CRI or give q 6-8hrs
When should loop diuretics like Furosemide be used in ARF
When osmotic diuretics have not helped or when patient is volume overloaded
How does DA work for ARF
Stimulates urine production by causing dilation of renal vasculature and increasing renal blood flow

But, rarely seems to work
What is the tx of choice for EG and salicylate toxicosis

But, finances are limiting as are availability, and intense labor
When should hyperkalemia be considered L/T
When >8mEq/L or signs of cardiotoxicosis occur

Give NaHCO3- or IV insulin w/ dextrose

Can give CaGluconate if L/T arrhythmias exist
True/False: Hypokalemia can occur in ARF

It can occur in the recovery phase if there is excessive urinary loss and decreased intake

Add KCl to fluids to correct
Besides K+, what other electrolyte can be increased in ARF
Phosphate- secondary to decreased renal elimination
Why does metabolic acidosis occur in ARF
Kidney cannot reabsorb HCO3- and excrete H+
When should NaHCO3- be given
When blood pH is < 7.2 or the TCO2 <12 mEq/L
What are two reasons for the v+ seen w/ ARF
Uremic toxins' effects on CRTZ and emetic center

GI ulceration from decreased renal elimination of gastrin and subsequent hyperacidity
What can be given to help control uremic gastritis
H2 blocker
True/False: Anti-Lepto Abx should be given if there is ANY possibility that Lepto could be the cause of the ARF

Give Doxycycline for 2 weeks
Px 70-80% Survival
Which ARF cases should have CVP monitored
Those w/ heart dz
Those w/ persistent oliguria/anuria

CVP used to determine if over or under hydrated
True/False: BUN, Creat, electrolytes, and anuria/oliguria can be used to predict ARF survival
What percentage of ARF cases die or are euthanized

EG has the highest Mt
Lepto has the lowest Mt
What percent of those that live through a case of ARF have a full recovery

60% get CRF