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22 Cards in this Set

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__= a good or service that has 2 characteristics; nonrivalry in consumption and nonexcludability
public good
__= the situation inwhich increased consumption of a good by one person does not decrease the amt available for consumption by others
__= the sitation in which no one can be excluded from consuming a good
__= a problem arising in the case of public goods bc those who do not contribute to the costs of providing the public good cannot be excluded from the benefits of the good
free-rider problem
__= a fee charged for the use of a good normally provided by the gvt
user fee
__= an appraisal of a project based on the costs and benefits derived from it
cost-benefit analysis
__= an estimation of the willingness to pay for a project on the part of consumers who may benefit
contingent valuation
__= situation in which the costs of producing or the benefits of consuming a good spill over onto those who are not producing or consuming the good
-Ex; production of goods that cause pollution
__= situation in which costs spill over onto someone who is not involved in producing/consuming the good
-cause a negative effect/cost on well-being of others
-Ex; ppl smoking around u and you getting second hand smoke
negative externality
__= situation where benefits spill over onto someone who is not involved in producing/consuming the good
-positive effects/benefits
-Ex; gettting the flu shot protects you from getting the flu and others from catching it from you
positive externality
__= the marginal cost of production as viewed by the private firm or individual
-less than the true marginal cost
marginal private cost
__= the marginal cost of production as viewed by society as a whole

-this equals marginal private cost + marginal external cost
marginal social cost
__= the marginal benefit from consumption of a good as viewed by a private individual
-less than true benefit to society
marginal private benefit
__= the marginal benefit from conumption of a good from the viewpoint of society
-the true benefit to society
- this equals Marg. private benefit + marg. external benefit
marginal social benefit
__= the process of providing incentives so that externalities are taken into account internally by firms or consumer
__= procedure that eliminates or internalizes externalities without gvt action other than defining property rights
-define property rights and create market for the externality
private remedy
to alleviate problems caused by the externality..
gvt provision
command and control
internalize the externalities
taxes, subsidies
tradable permits
__= rights over the use, sale, and proceeds from a good or resource
property rights
__= the idea that private negotioations btw ppl will lead to an efficient resolution of externalities regardless of who has the property rights as long as the property rights are defined
-no matter who is assigned the property rights, the negotiations will lead to an efficient outcome
-assignment of property rights determines who receives the compensation
coase theorem
__= costs of buying/selling in a market, including search, bargaining , and writing contracts
-must be small compared to the cost of the externality itself
-they are the time and efforts needed to reach an agreement
transaction costs
__=form of alleviating externalities ;the regulations and restirctions that the gvt uses to correct market imperfections
-through commands, gvt controls what the private sector making externalities internal to the firm, and act like it is taking externalities into account
command and control
__= form of alleviating externalities that is good; a gvtally granted license that can be bought and sold
tradable permits