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55 Cards in this Set

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Baron Cuvier
Fossil collector who pushed the idea of "Catastrophism"
Raymond Dart
Discovered and described the Taung Child-Australopithecus africanus.
Eugene Dubois
Discovered fossils in Java, first known as Pithecanthropus erectus and later as homo erectus.
Louis and Mary Leakey
Associated with fossil finds such as Zinjanthropus, and Laetoli footprints.
Charles Lyell
Wrote Principles of Geology and proposed the idea of "uniforitatianism" to explain geologic changes in the past.
Sven Nilsson
Suggested that humankind went through 4 stages of development: Stone Age, Pastoral Age, Agricultural Stage, and Civilization.
Lewis Binford
Published a series of papers in the 1960's that called for archaeology to become more "scientific", and is associated with the beginning of processual archaeology.
Homo Habilis is associated with what tool?
Oldowan ( stone tools used by prehistoric Hominins during the Lower Paleolithic)
A METHOD for making stone tools...?
Levalloisian (distinctive type of stone knapping developed by humans during the Palaeolithic period.)
Neanderthal is associated with which tool type..?
Mousterian (predominantly flint tools (or industry) associated primarily with Homo neanderthalensis and dating to the Middle Paleolithic, the middle part of the Old Stone Age.)
Homo erectus (ergaster) is associated with which tool type (and this type is not associated with homo habilis)...?
Acheulean (stone tool manufacture associated with early humans during the Lower Palaeolithic era across Africa and much of West Asia and Europe. )
Who was the linguist who deciphered the hieroglyphic writing on the Rosetta Stone?
Jean-Francois Champollion
The scientific approach to modern archaeology, which involves formulating hypotheses and testing them by gathering data is referred to as...?
Processual Archaeology
T or F: Only anthropologists do archaeology.
Archaeology that is primarily concerned with the Pleistocene is...?
Prehistoric Archaeology
Archaeology that is primarily concerned with Greek and Roman civilizations...?
Classical Archaeology
A hoax perpetrated, perhaps, by Charles Dawson in England that claimed the discovery of an ape-like fossil.
Piltdown Man
Studies the past by controlled and directed replication of artifacts and features.
Experimental Archaeology
Analysis of living human groups to gain insight into the life ways of past human groups.
All the ARTIFACTS and ECOFACTS collected from a site constitute..?
An assemblage
Software that analyzes spatially based information...?
Geographic Information System
Soil that has been created by human action..?
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Capital of the Khmer Empire
What is Hydrology?
The study of the action and process of water
What is Inhumation?
What is a Midden?
A garbage heap.
What is an Ossuary?
A vessel or room for bones.
What is Primary Context?
Something lying in its original position.
What is Manuport?
Object transported to a site that, strictly speaking, is not an artifact.
What is Secondary Context?
An object that has been moved from its original position.
What are Casual Tools?
Tools rarely recognized as such in the archaeological record.
What is a Composite Tool?
Tools that contain multiple parts.
What is an Artifact?
Tools, ornaments, or objects manufactured by people.
What is a Feature?
Non-portable objects used or constructed by people.
Approach in which archaeological interpretations become narratives, or stories archaeologists tell about the past...?
Postprocessual Archaeology
A theoretical framework based on the idea that human social life is a response to the practical problems of earthly existence...?
Cultural Materialism.
An archaeological analysis of living peoples to gain insight into peoples of the past...?
Sometime called the "New Archaeology" it marks the shift from a historical approach in archaeology to a scientific approach...?
Processual Archaeology.
According to the Madaba Plains Manual, excavation is to be done in...?
5X5 meter squares.
Tall or Tells, are...?
Mounds covering archaeological sites.
The most important thing to remember while doing archaeology is to...?
Keep accurate records.
Near the end of the Pleistocene, a corridor between the glaciers opened up from Alaska to the lower part of North America. About when did this happen?
20,000 years ago
The best way to find archaeological sites is to...?
-Consult historical documents
-Talk to people
-Satellite/aerial photography
-Go out and look
in situ mean...?
Discovering artifacts in place.
Ground penetrating radar is?
used for remote sensing.
A Datum point is ...?
The reference point for an archaeological site.
A Provenience is...?
The actual spatial location of an artifact in a site relative to the reference point.
What is a Trench...?
excavation units that are 1 to several meters wide and as long as necessary.
What is the Standard Excavation Unit...?
In the US, 1 or 2 meter squares make up a unit.
A Curation is...?
Managing of the data collected in the field.
Statistical Sample....?
The random selection of units for excavation.
Test-level excavation...?
Guided by surface features or collections, this type of excavation consists of digging pits to see what is there.
Surface Collection...?
Systematic retrieval of artifacts exposed on the ground.
In order to do archaeology on federal or state owned land in the United States, you must have...:
An archaeology permit
After an archaeological project is completed, it is a professional obligation for the archaeologist to...?
Report and publish the findings...