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28 Cards in this Set

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Olduvai Gorge

Early stone tools,

Stone circle at DK,

possible early base camp


Austrolopethicine footprints in volcanic ash (can be dated)

Taung child

A. africanus

2.8 mya


Very early hominid


A. Afarensis

3.2 mya


Oldowan industry

2.5 mya

Unifacial choppers and flakes

Least work, but involves movement of materials

Homo erectus

1.9-1.5 mya

First hominin to leave Africa

Elongated cranium, robust brow

Enlarged brain

Acheulean Industry

1.76 mya initial appearance

Bifacial hand axes and resharpened flake tools

500 kya becomes common

1.4 mya

H. Erectus dispersal across Europe, Asia


earliest traces of H. Erectus migration, Acheulian tools


rare site where early humans occupied Western Europe 1.7 mya


cave site in China that yielded 100k tools, 300-500kya

Gran Dolina

Spain; 800kya, 30 hominin fragments and stone tools, oldest reliable evidence of human occupation of Western Europe

Neanderthal traits

Occipital bun, heavier, less chin, elongated skull

Burial of dead, fire usage

Sima de los Huesos

cave site in Spain w/ 30 complete H. heildelbergensis individuals, possible ceremonial

Amud Cave

red deer bone buried with Neanderthal child


old individual found who survived several injuries,


Germany, 3 spears, stone tools and animal bones found together 400 kya

Kebara cave

Neanderthal site dating 50 kya, hearths found, sides of cave used as a dump

Middle Paleolithic

Europe; Neanderthals using prepared core technology

Middle Stone Age

Africa; wide tool diversity, sophisticated bone tools, hunting and shellfish usage, modest artwork

Upper Paleolithic

Genesis of Modern Humans in Europe;

more developed use of bone


dope art

composite tools

Omo 1

Genesis of H. Sapiens

Klasies River Mouth

Genesis of H. Sapiens


Genesis of H. Sapiens

H. heidelbergensis

600-200kya, larger brain than H. erectus,

large brow ridges, low forehead

Chauvet Cave

Super dope cave paintings

Dolni Vestonice

Venus figurine of fertility idol