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37 Cards in this Set

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The ____ era (23 million to 5 million years ago) saw an explosion in the number of hominoid species
Evidence that the genus ___ walked upright is found in a trail of footprints left in volcanic ash at the site of Laetoli in Tanzania
The ___ of a ca. 47.5 million year old recently found fossil primate, which resembled a lemur, suggests it could be a missing link in human evolution
Opposable thumbs
Recent analysis of Australopithecus ___, a new species studied by TAMU anthropologist D DeRuiter and others, suggest they may be an intermediate form leading to the genus Homo.
The archaeological sites of Chesowanja and Zhoukoudian both contain
Tentative/controversial evidence of fire use
Skeletal remains from the sites of Ubeidya (Israel) and Dmansi (Georgia in the middle east) are widely attributed to
Homo erectus
Atapeurca, Spain is a site with hominin and other animal remains and stone told dated to about ___ years ago
Over ___ years ago, prehistoric chimpanzees were using stone tools to smash nuts in the west African rainforest, a new study suggests
Neanderthals lived about ____ years ago.
Modern humans had evolved by about ____ years ago.
Homo floresiensis is an extinct species from ___.
Southeast Asia
In Africa, the Acheulian industries were replaced between 300,000 and 200,000 years ago by ___ industries.
Middle Stone Age
Which of the following is NOT among the Upper Paleolithic stone tool industries in Europe?
As per current understanding, modern humans were established in Australia by about ___ years ago.
The general trend through time to expend more energy per unit area to feed more people is known as ___.
Land-use intensification
According to Binford, the temporal order of intensification of primary foods was a follows:
Big game, small game, aquatic foods, wild plants, domestic plants and animals
The important site in South America (Chile) known as Monte Verde _____________.
Argues against the Clovis-first model
Mound building at the Watson Brake site in Louisiana began about _____ years ago, based on radiocarbon and luminescence dating.
There is evidence-remains of earth ovens with charred root foods- for pre-agricultural revolutions in Tx and other parts of western North American by ___ BP,
While there is little direct evidence for cooking fires at Clovis sites in NA, inferential evidence has been presented for such at the well known ___ site in Tx.
The Fertile Crescent is a ______.
Mediterranean climate that arcs across the Middle East
Exploitation of a wide range of plant and animals by hunter-gatherer societies is referred to as ______.
Broad spectrum adaptation
The terminal-Pleistocene state of affairs, at ____ BP, included people living most everywhere on earth, populations high relative to available food resources and existing technology, and continuing rapid growth/packing.
In the Pacific NW, “quasi” agriculture in natural camas meadows, as documented ethnographically, included______.
Weeding/tilling and burning/demarcating
How was the emmer wheat rachis significant to plant domestication
As a tough seed axis to hold seeds in place
The _____ site is the earliest known large-scale architectural feature in the Middle East, ca 12,000-10,800 years ago
Jericho tower
Recent research suggests that domestic dogs and bottle gourds were widespread in the Americas by _____ years ago, well before domestication of grains and animals for food.
Evidence, including from studies by TAMU archaeologists, indicates that ______ can be recovered from fire cracked rocks in ancient earth ovens, just as they have been recovered from stone tools.
Plant food microfossils
______, a ca 11,000 year old site in Turkey, is one of the world’s earliest ceremonial centers with monumental architecture.
Gobekli Tepe
According to your text, ____ is a wild grass found in the highlands of Mexico that is this wild ancestor of corn (i.e., maize).
The model of human behavior that assumes that choices people make reflect rational self-interest to maximize efficiency in collecting and processing resources is called _____ theory.
Optimal foraging
The Richard Beene site, south of San Antonio, Tx, yielded evidence for____.
Hunting and Gathering
Pre- Colombian Agriculture was widely practiced in Tx with the exceptions of the BC/S Area (post-oak savannah), coastal regions (parries and marshes), and which of the following areas?
South Texas, brush lands
A ca. 8,500 year old dung layer in the back of Uan Afuda, a human occupied cave in the Sahara desert, is attributed to penning/keeping wild Barbary _______.
The Cotton Preceramic period began about 5,700 years ago when sites with monumental architecture flourished on the coast of _____.
Small villages of _____ existed across northern Africa during the period of increased rainfall in the Sahara, some 9,000-6,000 years ago.
Rice was independently domesticated in _____ and _____.
West Africa and China