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118 Cards in this Set

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Why did people move west?

For economic reasons and economic opportunities.

Era of Cowboys

The cowboys were the heroes of their days because they made a lot of money for rounding up cows for a three month journey to the train station to be sold.

Homestead Act 1862

provided western settlers 160 acres of land as long as they farmed on it for a least 5 years.

Transcontinental Railroad

it was the first railroad that went from coast to coast

was used to transport goods and people and stock and products.

Chinese Exclusion act of 1882

Excluded the chinese immigrants from entering for 10 years and also kicked the chinese immigrants labor workers out of their jobs.

Indian wars

the wars that got rid of all the indians in the U.S.

almost all of them died because of the buffalo shooting that killed so many

Sand Creek Massacre

Was a massacre of indian people

the U.S. troops shot at the indians b/c they didn't want them there.

Custer's Last Stand (Battle of Little Bighorn)

Sitting bull and his fellow indians were attacked by Custer and his men but Custer and his men weer all killed

Sitting Bull

the chief of his tribe and he had the vision of the Ghost Dance which led him to his death

General Philip Sheridan

US Army commander who supposedly said "The only good Indian is a dead Indian."


the Buffalo were shot for fun and killed b/c the gov't was trying to get rid of the indians source of food to get rid of them and they killed over 3.5 million buffalo

Ghost Dance

Ritual taught by Wovoka that Native Americans hoped would bring back the dead buffalo and family members and would bring earth back to normal before the white people were there.

Wonded Knee

150 of Bigfoot's Sioux are killed by members of the 7th Cavalry and Bigfoot was shot in the knee


This party formed in the 1870s whose platform included various measures like expanding money supply to benefit farmers in the W and S.

Deflation Vs. Inflation

Inflation is where the value of them money goes down. and Deflation is where the value of money goes up.

Populist Party

U.S. political party formed in 1892 representing mainly farmers, favoring free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other monopolies


A system allowing unrestricted money flow backed up by the gold and silver

William Jennings Bryan

United States lawyer and politician who advocated free silver and prosecuted John Scopes (1925) for teaching evolution in a Tennessee high school (1860-1925)

Impact of Westward movement on Native americans

the native americans were killed and slaughtered and starved to death by the white people and the bison almost died. the whites got all the land that the indians were kicked off of.



Why did Industrialization Happen

Because the amount of natural resources


rise of railroads

rise of industries and factories over agriculture.

Gilded age.

Appears to sparkle but beneath the surface lies corruption, crime, poverty, and disparities in wealth

Inventions (Bell Edison)

Bell: Telephone

Edison: electric Light bulb and audio recording

Bessemer Steel process

Andrew Carnegie used the bessemer steel process to mass produce steel for the first time and become a very wealth man off of it.

Wright Brothers

Airplane invented the first airplane

Henry Ford (Assembly Line)

Dumbed down production and more people could work that were not skilled unskilled labor


An economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of or interference in commerce beyond the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate according to its own economic laws.

Social Darwinism

Survival of the Fittest theory every one of those monopolists used that theory as an excuse of not giving any money back to the poor







He started out having one ferry to having a fleet and then selling it and investing in railroads and then getting rich and monopolizing the railroads.


Andrew Carnegie - Owned US Steel (a monopoly), a company that made more steel than all of Great Britain. He gave his money away to libraries, school, and music halls. He used the Bessemer steel process from french guy to mass produce steel

he had a monopoly on steel


Owned Standard Oil. Controlled almost all of the refined oil. he had a monopoly on oil cause he bought out all the other companies and shut them down. he sold his standard oil for a very low price and used Vanderbilt's trains.

J.P. Morgan-Finance

railroads; king of banking and finance; U.S. Treasury had to borrow $62 million; had a monopoly on the railroads; intimidating


A business that has many owners called stockholders who share in the profits.Advantages: great way to raise a lot of capital; you only lose your invested amount.

Monopolies "trusts"

Having complete control over the price and production of a good

Horizontal vs. Vertical Integration

Horizontal: Owning that one kind of product making sure that no one else has the single one thing that you have

Vertical: Owning all the steps in the process

the steps is like getting the product, making something out of the product, packaging the product, and selling the product, without anyone telling you how to any of the steps

Ex: Meat-packing Industry

Gospel of Wealth

bessemer process. the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass-production of steel from molten pig iron. the gospel of wealth. an essay written by Andrew Carnegie in 1889 that described the responsibility of philanthropy by the new upper class of self-made rich.

Positive and Negative impacts of Industrialization

Positive: everything advanced from agriculture to cities and factories and industries from the MEN WHO BUILT AMERICA mostly and all the people that came and were in America

Negative: The working conditions for the workers were so bad that many died. The living conditions were so horrible that they lived 10 to one room and the manure was in the streets and homeless people everywhere.

the gap between the rich and the poor was very large.



Why did immigrants come to America?

Because they were given a chance at a America rather than their home where it was much worse.

Old vs. New Immigration

Old: these immigrants were skilled and had some education and usually had some money

People from northern and western Europe

New: these immigrants were unskilled and had rarely no education and usually had no money

People from eastern and southern Europe

Ellis Island

Every body that came in from the east coast and into New York City saw Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty symbolizing freedom and liberty


Strong feeling that your country is the best



Growth of Cities and the Urban Areas

Better conditions


An overcrowded urban street that contained of many poor people

Conditions were absolutely horrible

Child Labor

Child labor was used a lot in factories and was very dangerous for them and many of them died and they only made a few cents a day or none

Labor Unions

an organization of workers who join together to improve working conditions, pay and hours

Knights of Labor

Founded 1869, by Terrence Powderly for skilled and unskilled workers Goals: Hours, equal pay for equal jobs, work conditions *didn't believe in strikes.

Samuel Gompers

Labor union leader very significant.

Is responsible for the formation of one of the first labor unions. The American Federation of Labor worked on getting people better hours and better wages. The formation of this triggered the formation of various others that would come later.


American Federation of Labor

Samuel Gompers led it

they worked for better hours and better wages.

Haymarket Strike

100,000 workers rioted in Chicago. After the police fired into the crowd, the workers met and rallied in Haymarket Square to protest police brutality. A bomb exploded, killing or injuring many of the police. The Chicago workers and the man who set the bomb were immigrants, so the incident promoted anti-immigrant feelings.

Homestead Strike

It was one of the most violent strikes in U.S. history. It was against the Homestead Steel Works, which was part of the Carnegie Steel Company, in Pennsylvania in retaliation against wage cuts. The riot was ultimately put down by Pinkerton Police and the state militia, and the violence further damaged the image of unions.

Pullman Palace Strike

This was a nonviolent strike which brought about a shut down of western railroads, which took place against the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago in 1894, because of the poor wages of the Pullman workers. It was ended by the president due to the interference with the mail system, and brought a bad image upon unions.

Political Machines

political entities controlled by a boss that wielded enormous influence over the government of urban cities.

§ Very corrupt, controlled tax rates, gave tax breaks to their allies and controlled prices and business, etc.

§ Stole millions from taxpayers using fraud and over inflation

§ Did minor philanthropy to boost their public image

§ Gave money to support businesses, immigrants, and the poor in return for their votes.

Boss Tweed "Tweed Ring"

boss of the Tammany hall political machine

"Gilded Age" Presidents

The Presidents were Laizze-Faire, they were hands off while the men who built america took over the whole system pretty much and had control over the senate.

Leisure Activities during Gilded Age

People had started to have extra time so they did fun stuff like sports

Baseball and Football

How were immigrants Americanized?

They were put through difficult mental and health tests that many did not past



Progressive Era

1880's through the early 1900's

Things grew progressively fast.

Social Gospel

Protestant clergymen supported the cause of social justice for the poor; meant the importance of applying Christian principles to social problems; led by NY minister, Walter Rauschenbusch; encouraged many middle-class Protestants to attack urban problems

Jane Adams

a middle-class woman dedicated to uplifting the urban masses; college educated (one of first generation); established the Hull House in Chicago in 1889 (most prominent American settlement house, mostly for immigrants); condemned war and poverty; won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931


Young Men's and Women's Christian Associations; established before Civil war and combined physical and other kinds of education with religious teachings.

Salvation Army

a new denomination of religion that came from England; gave out free soup.

Florence Kelley

a woman who worked at the Hull House; successfully lobbied in 1893 for an Illinois anti sweatshop law that protected women workers and prohibited child labor; lifelong battler for the welfare of women, children, blacks, and consumers; later moved to the Henry Street Settlement in New York and served for three decades as general secretary of the National Consumers League


Women's Christian Temperance Union

18th Amendment

Prohibited alcohol but the people drunk more of it.


The nickname given to young reporters of popular magazines. These magazines spent a lot of money on researching and digging up "muck," hence the name muckrakers. This name was given to them by Pres. Roosevelt- 1906. These investigative journalists were trying to make the public aware of problems and corruption that needed fixing.

Jacob Riis

A Danish immigrant, he became a reporter who pointed out the terrible conditions of the tenement houses of the big cities where immigrants lived during the late 1800s. He wrote How The Other Half Lives in 1890.

Ida Tarbell

A leading muckraker and magazine editor, she exposed the corruption of the oil industry with her 1904 work A History of Standard Oil.

Upton Sinclair

muckraker who shocked the nation when he published The Jungle, a novel that revealed gruesome details about the meat packing industry in Chicago. The book was fiction but based on the things Sinclair had seen.


Food and Drug Act

The food and drugs had to be inspected by inspectors especially the meat so the meat wasn't diseased


National American Women Suffrage Associtation

19th Amendment

Allowed women to vote

Plessy vs. Ferguson

Seperate but equal

allowing segregation in schools and public facilities.

Booker T. Washington

education and then fight

created schools for blacks

W.E.B Du Bois

Led by Susan B. Anthony until 1900, then by Carrie Chapman Catt.

§ Adopted the Winning Plan - grass-roots organization with tight central coordination for woman's suffrage.

§ Insisted on "organized womanhood" for a better society

§ 1911 California approved woman suffrage


formed by Du Bois and other blacks.

§ Called for sustained activism to achieve political equality for blacks and full integration into American life.

Temperance Movement

tried to keep people sober

What were the Goals of the Progressive Movement?

to get better working conditions

What impact did the progressive movement have on women and african americans?

some good was done and some bad stuff.



City Commissions/Town Councils

they were put in to regulate their town in case of an emergancy like the dam flooding in and killing a bunch of people.


Methods developed by Progressives in order to make the state governments more democratic: allowed citizens to vote on proposed laws printed on their ballots


where voters could compel a legislature to consider a bill_______ allowed citizens to vote on proposed laws printed on their ballots________


enabled voters to remove a corrupt politician while still in office by majority vote

17th Amendment

Passed in 1913, this amendment to the Constitution calls for the direct election of senators by the voters instead of their election by state legislatures.

Teddy Roosevelt (progressive)

He was a trust buster he had a conservation of the environment. he broke up a lot of the monopolizers and rich factory bosses.

Square Deal

Three C's Control of corporations, Conservation, and Consumer protection

Woodrow Wilson(Progressive)

Roosevelt campaigned for female suffrage and a broad program of social welfare, such as minimum-wage laws and "socialistic" social insurance. Wilson's New Freedom favored small enterprise, desired to break up all trusts.

16-19th amendments

16: Income tax

17: Direct election of voters for the electors

18: Prohibited alcohol selling and using it

19: allowed women to vote.

Federal Trade Commission

Established to preserve competition by preventing unfair business practices and investigate complaints against companies.

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Lengthened Sherman Anti-Trust Act's list of practices. Exempted labor unions from being called trusts, legalized strikes and peaceful picketing by labor union members.

Federal Reserve

Established to preserve competition by preventing unfair business practices and investigate complaints against companies.

What were the Accomplishments of the Progressives?

the powerful people with lots of money, their monopolies were broken up all over and the other competitors were given a chance.

The conditions for workers improved by a lot

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

This act banned any formations that would restrict trade, not distinguishing between bad and good trusts. The act was a hamper on worker unions, but it showed that the government was slowly moving away from laissez faire ideals.


trust buster was nickname given to teddy when he broke up the trusts of monopolists.

Reclamation Service

Act which established the Reclamation Service which oversaw the creation of dams and irrigation systems to bring water to the southwest, thus creating farmable lands.

William Howard Taft

Teddy's succesor "" so he thought

got stuck in a bathtub

broke up x2 as many trusts as he did.

"Bull Moose Party"

Nickname for the new Progressive Party, which was formed to support Roosevelt in the election of 1912

Election of 1912

Teddy ran for re-election against Taft

ended up Woodrow Wilson as president



Social Darwinism

Survival of the fittest

White Man's Burden

it was the white man's burden to make sure that the other dumber people (IMMIGRANTS) get their education job and their life good.


gained hawaii all for trade reasons

Open door Policy china

US declared that all countries could trade with china assuming that they had lots of power

Spanish American war

we fought the spanish out of cuba for cuba's indpendence

Uss Maine

declared war on spain once the "spanish" blew the ship up

it was a boiler malfunction

Yellow Journalism

When people write all the bad things that are happening and show it to the rest of the wealthy part of the country to show how it is and show that it needs to be fixed

Rough Riders

were a group of American volunteers that formed to fight at San Juan Hill in Cuba. Many of them were cowboys, ex-convicts, and other rugged men. Colonel Leonard Wood led the group, but Theodore Roosevelt organized it. They were named "Wood's Weary Walkers" because by the time they got to Cuba to fight most of their horses were gone.

Filipino War

we fought them for some time to gain their country so we could trade with china

Big Stick Diplomacy

tread softly but carry a big stick

Roosevelt Corollary

stated that the U.S. would use the military to intervene in Latin American affairs if necessary.

Panama Canal

helped panama get its indpendence to build the panama canal and to use it for free once we gave their country back to panama

Anti-Imperialist League

(1898-1921) diverse group formed in order to protest American colonial oversight in the Philippines. It included university presidents, industrialists, clergymen, and labor leaders. Strongest in the Northeast, the Anti-imperialist League was the largest lobbying organization on a U.S. foreign-policy issue until the end of the nineteenth century. It declined in strength after the United States signed the Treaty of Paris (which approved the annexation of the Philippines), and especially after hostilities broke out between Filipino nationalists and American forces. (682)

Why did the us practice imperialism

to get rich off of it and become very powerful

what are examples of US imperialism?

taking control of Filipino and Hawaii and the islands around those two places for trade and power.