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46 Cards in this Set

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Who wins Election of 1816?
James Monroe (Dem), the destitution of Feds.
Convention of 1818
agreement w/ Britain; U.S. got access to Newfoundland fisheries; border fixed at 49th parallel
Adams-Onis Treaty
(aka Florida Purchase Treaty) of 1819
– Spain ceded FL and Spanish claims to Oregon to U.S.

-- U.S. ceded claims to TX
Monroe Doctrine
-no interference by Europeans in American affairs
-U.S. would not interfere in European affairs
-deepens isolationist appearance
Henry Clay
proposed program of protective tariffs, internal improvements, and a national bank
Nat’l Road; Lancaster Turnpike extended from Philly to Pittsburgh
opens West to commercial agric; Robert Fulton’s Clermont (1807) touches off steamboat craze
Erie Canal
Gov. Clinton to connect Hudson River and Lake Erie; huge success
RRs replaced canals; why? Cheaper to build than canals, not frozen in winter, fast, can go almost anywhere
Over impact of the transportation revolution
changes in speed/cost of transport and communication; ties country together and fuels a market revolution in which U.S. would develop self-sustaining domestic markets

effects varied by region
North and East (Market Revolution)
South(Market Revolution)
North and West (Market Revolution)
Samuel Morse
Transcontinental Cable
Cyrus Field; from Newfoundland to Ireland
Pony Express
est’d to carry mail from MO to CA in 10 days by series of riders
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney; made cotton production more profitable; huge increase in cotton plantations
Mechanical Reaper
Cyrus McCormick; allowed one man to do work of 5; led to demands for land, commercial farming, and farmers seeking loans to pay for machinery
Steel plow
John Deere
Family size ________ as mechanization _________
decreased as mechanization increased
Samuel Slater
built 1st spinning mill in America(RI); led to construction of factory villages, which later became factory towns

Brings technology to America
Francis Cabot Lowell
sed English model for factories; helped form Boston Manufacturing Company (Boston Associates), which built a mill at Waltham, MA
Lowell factory girls’
young, single women were highly supervised; women gained sense of independence
Growing ______class and ________ class; women increasingly worked in manufacturing jobs as factory girls
Middle & Urban working
Northeast dominates
weak unions form; many strikes in 1830s-40s, but workers generally
Commonwealth v. Hunt
states that unions are legal if their methods are “honorable and peaceful”

First court case that won for workers
Panic of 1819
major causes = Over speculation(spending too much $$) in western lands; led to deflation, bankruptcies, bank failures, unemployment, political unrest
Tallmadge amendment
no more slaves should be brought into MO and gradual emancipation of children born to slaves in MO; southerners defeated this in Senate
Clay works out MO Compromise
deal w/ admission of MO; MO is slave, ME is carved out of MA as free states, future LA Territory will be free above 36’30 and open to slavery south of that line
Irish – came to
escape poverty, especially during potato famine;

they settled in port cities(no $$); faced much hardship and discrimination
Germans – came for
better life and for democracy; generally, arrived w/ more $ so they moved West and settled in Midwestern towns and on farms
Manifest Destiny
belief that it was American’s purpose/right to expand westward to Pacific and spread their lifestyle/virtues/etc

“city upon a hill” (Puritans)
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson is pres; 1803; Napoleon needs $; France controls New Orleans and therefore Miss River; solution = sell LA territory to U.S.
Many people moving to TX
as American numbers grow so do conflicts w/ Mexicans; Mexico tries to tighten control sealed border and taxed American goods thus revolution breaks out.
Texas Revolution – 1835
Americans under Sam Houston and Mexicans under Santa Anna
Republic of TX does not become U.S. state until 1845, why?
Slavery issue
Oregon divides at which parallel?
at 49th parallel
Slidell Mission
troops camp out at Rio leads to skirmish and 9 U.S. die; leads to war
Wilmot Proviso
proposal to prohibit slavery in any land gained from MX; defeated by southern senators;
Results of the MX war:
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- US gets TX, CA, NV, UT, and most of AZ, and parts of NM, CO, WY for $15 mil

sours US/MX relations for real

new military leaders
Slavery and westward expansion gives what four issues?
Wilmot Proviso, slavery anywhere, pop. sov., extending MO Comp. line
Whigs walked out and formed coalition w/ Liberty Party and antislavery Dems = ?
Free Soil Party : no more slave areas; Martin Van Buren
Aroostook War
area disputed between ME and Canada; fighting broke out between lumbermen
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
also solidified MN border giving U.S. rich iron of Mesabi range
Gadsden Purchase
wanted to gain more land

expand slavery there

President Pierce sent Ostend Manifesto but it was too unpopular in Congress

used only for RR