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38 Cards in this Set

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land ordinance of 1785
land of old northwest be sold, and profits would be used to pay off debt and set up schools in northwest
northwest ordinance of 1787
when a territory could get a population of 60,000, it could be admitted into the union
annapolis convention
convention attempting to ammend a of c, not helpful
shays rebellion
group of angry farmers led by daniel shays that tried to shut down massachusetts courts that would force them to pay a tax
neutrality proclamaton
american neutrality from britain and france, america needs to stay out of old world conflicts
jays treaty
in response to british supplying indians w/ ammo, impressment of sailors; british will leave american posts, britain will pay for damages to ships, america will pay back debt and britain wont stop future impressment, perceived as a surrender to britain
treaty of greenville
1795, indians agreed to stop allying w/ british, gave up control of ohio valley after defeat by mad anthony wayne
federalist papers
group of papers favoring a strong central government, national bank
marbury v. madison
marbury was appointed judgeship, but jefferson took it away, marbury sued, john marshall ruled, set precedent that judicial branch interprets constitutionality
whiskey rebellion
rebellion over whiskey excise tax, government way over reacted, yet showed govt was capable of shutting down rebellion
hartford convention
where new england states expressed their greivances b/c of the embargo act
hamilton's economic plan
to assume state debt, establish national bank, honor all debts, sell shares of stock in national bank
constitutional convention
where they met to create new const. (replace ac), most anti-federalists werent present, hella shady
us/canadian border problems
borders were not secure?
virginia and kentucky resolutons
in response to alien and sedition acts, stressed compact theory (states rights), a/s acts unconstitutional and therefore should be nullified.
washington's farewell address
strictly adhered to, political parties will cause downfall of us and stay out of petty european wars
franco-american alliance
agreement that america would ally w/ france b/c they help us in rev. war, jays treaty the french felt violate the alliance
alien and sedition acts
federalist attempt to eliminate the libelous jeffersonian pens. also to get rid of jeffersonian support by raising 5-14 years for naturalization
electoral college (election of 1800)
aaron burr and jefferson tied for votes, even though burr was supposed to be vp, but burr now wanted presidency, he lost in house of rep. vote
implied powers
powers that aren't explicity written on in const. that are necessary for america's progress
express powers
literal powers granted by constitution
elastic clause
congress has power to make necessary/proper laws to execute powers that granted to the goverment, feds can therefore charter a bank
10th ammendment
powers not delegated to the federal government are granted to the states/people, therefore states, not feds, had power to charter bank
convention of 1800
annuled the franco-american alliance, and the french would pay damages to american shippers they impressed, overted war :)
bill of rights
constitution ratified w/out it, did come in later, listed individual rights
xyz affair
before convention of 1800, sent 3 envoys to negotiate w/ talleyrand, but talleyrand woudln't let them even talk unless they paid them hella bank, john marshall was like lets bounce
adams-onis treaty
w/ spain, renounced any claim of the United States to Texas, fixed louisiana purchase boundary
treaty of ghent
armistice between britain and us, agement o stop fighting, no mention to america's "significant" grievances (what the war was fought for), showed americans hadn't really defeated the british
rush bagot agreement
limited naval armament on the lakes, share border along canada
embargo act
forbade export of american goods in foreign ships, compromise between submission and shooting, changed then to just britain and france, improved industrialism
macons bill no. 2
if france or england repealed its commercial restrictions, america would restore its nonimportation v. the nonrepealing nation. bribe belligerents into respecting rights
non intercourse act of 1809
limited substitute for the embaargo---aimed at britain and france
monroe doctrine
stern warning to europe to not colonize anything, or invade amercia. directed @ russia, thats right czar at you. but you too spain!
leader of ottowa tribe, pontiac's rebellion
wilma mankiler
first female chief of the cherokee nation
leader of iriquois confederacy, rile up shit, during war of 1812, allied wit british in canada to capture detroit
at massachusetts, believed squanto betrayed him
lewis and clark, yo!
explored louisiana purchase courtesy of tomjeff