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135 Cards in this Set

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those who reaped the greatest benefit from the land policies of the "headright" system were the
merchant planters
England's defeat on the Spanish Armada was a significant event in American history because it
healped to ensure England's naval dominance in the North Atlantic
the financial means for England's first permanent colonization in America were provided by
a joint-stock company
the soldier and explorer whose leadership ensured him the title "Father of New France" was
samuel de champlain
the mercantilist system in the eighteenth century led to
the subordination of the colonial economy to that of the mother country
In colonial elections, all of the following are true except
perhaps only 50% of white males were eligible to vote
the salem witch hunt in 1692
weakened the prestige of the puritan clergy
which of the following happened as a result of bacons rebellion
tensions between backcountry farmers and the tidewater gentry were exposed
The first proprietary colony was
VA MD and carolinas GA were all similar in that they were all
economically dependent on the export of a staple crop
colonial legislatures were often able to bend the power of the governors to their will becuase
colonial legistlatures controlled taxes and expenditures that paid the governor's salaries
the slaves who participated in the stono rebellion in SC hoped to
flee to FL where the spanish offered freedom
what is the main purpose of the navigation acts
to guarantee that england alone would profit from trade with the colonies
the two major exports of the carolinas in the 17th century were
rice and indian slaves
the immediate issue in dispute in Bacons rebellion was
the perceived failure of Virginia's governor to protect the colony's frontier area from raiding Indians
which of the following beliefs was central to eighteenth century Deism
god created a universe governed by natural laws
The long range purpose of the Albany Congress in 1754 was to
achieve colonial unity and common defense against the French threat
As a result of the seven years war great britain...
became a dominant power in North America
During the seven year's war british officials were disturbed by...
british officials were disturbed by the lukewarm support of many colonists
Change in colonial policy by the British government that helped precipitate the american revolution involved
compelling the american colonies to shoulder some of the financial costs of the empire
the american colonial exponents of republicanism argued that a just society depends on
a willingness to subordiante private interests to the common good
passage of the sugar act and stamp act convinved many colonists that
the british were trying to take away their historic liberty
common sense by thomas paine was most significant becuase it
convinced congress to declare its independence from great britain
the first continental congress adopted.....
a moderate proposal for establishing a kind of home rule for the colonies under british direction
americas desire to remain in the british empire is best exemplified as the
olive branch petition
the most important consequence of the boston tea party was the
enactment by parliament of the coercive acts
according to john dickinsons letters from a farmer in pennsylvania...
parliament could regulate trade but could not tax for the purpose of raising revenue
all of the following were significant social changes that ocurred as a result of the american revolution except
the most conservatice and aristocratic colonists fled or were removed from the country
who negotiated the treaty of alliance to get france on the side of the american colonists
ben franklin
though it was a defeat for the americans which battle was considered a moral victory over the british
bunker hill
Alexander Hamilton's personal background made him likely to favor federalism, since
he was born outside the US making him loyal to no state in particular
the bill of rights (tricky)
all of the above
pinkney's treaty, aka san lorenzo, with spain is considered a diplomatic highlight of washington's administration becuase it
allowed the us to use the port of new orleans
the treaty of greenville resulted in
native americans giving up claims to their lands in the ohio valley
john jays treaty with britain in 1794 proved unpopular in the us because it
failed to secure adequate guarantees against the seizure of ships and impressment of sailors
alexander hamiltons proposed bank of the us was
based on the necessary and proper clause in the constitution
which of the following most appropriately characterizes the violence exhibited in such episodes bacons rebellion, boston tea party, shays rebellion, and the whiskey rebellion
violence was directed at ousiders or representatives of distant authority
In the VA and KY resolutions, james madison and thomas jefferson argued that
states could nullify federal laws based on the compact theory of government
Which of the following is not one of the important legacies that Washington left as president
the institution of federal income taxes to raise revenues for government expenses
the XYZ affair led to
demands among "High Federalists" that a full-scale war against France was necessary
opposition of thomas jefferson and james madison to the financial plan of alexander hamilton resulted in
the formation of permanent political parties
president george washington's farewell address set a course for the nation by
discouraging permanent alliances with foreign nations
what was the primary intention of the Adams administration in enforcing the sedition act
to intimidate critics of adams foreign policy toward france and england
the election of 1800 has been referred to as constituting another revolution becuase
the party in power stepped down after losing the election
the embargo act of 1807 had which of the following effects on the united states?
it ruined american shipping
which of the following actions taken by thomas jefferson as president seems surprising?
his purchase of louisiana through "loose construction" principles
In the surpreme court case of marbury vs. madison the court declared...
that it could determine the constitutionality of congressional enactments
the primary significance of the yazoo land controversy was
the strife it created in the republican party during jeffersons second term
the significance of samuel chases impeachment was that
jefferson effectively gained support from the supreme court in future decisions
aaron burr killed alexander hamilton in a duel which was fought becuase
burr blamed his loss of the election for governor of new york on hamiltons charges that burr was dangerous and untrustworthy
the lewis and clark expedition was charged primarily with
studying the area's plants animal life and geography
when thomas jefferson said in 1802 "we are all republicans - we are all federalists" he meant that
the principles of american government were above party politics
despite the relative political harmony that characterized the era of good feelings all of the following are examples of problems that existed during that era except
henry clays american system
at the hartford convention in 1814 the new england federalists
sought to limit that term of the president and the authority of the congress to declare war
the treaty of ghent negotiated in 1814 made
provisions for nothing more than the restoration of the prewar status quo
the monroe doctrine was
an expression of deepenging american isolationism from world affairs
john marshall's famous legal dictum that "the power to tax involves the power to destroy" came in his decision vis-a-vis the bank of the united states in what case
mcculloch vs. maryland
macons bill no. 2 permitted
trade with all nations but promised that if either britain or france lifted its commercial restrictions on american trade, the US would stop trading with the other
the supreme court ruled it had the right to oveturn a decision made by a state supreme court in
cohens v. virginia
the adams-onis treaty
was the result of us coercion in gaining the purchase of florida
cherokee efforts to remain in Georgia recieved the support of
the US supreme court
while chief john marshall presided over the supreme court, its decisions
laid the groundwork for a "broad" interpretation of the constitution
alexis de toqueville, in his travels around the united states, observed that americans had a
consuming interest in material things
with the developement of cash-crop agriculture in the trans-allegheny West,
farmers quickly faced mounting indebtedness
south southeastern indian tribes like the cherokee were notable for their
development of effective agricultural, educational, and political institutions
the opening of the erie canal in 1825 was important for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
established the federal government as the sole investor in internal improvements
canal building resulted primarily from
the need for an economical method of shipping farm good from the western states and territories to eastern markets
the development of separate spheres for the sexes in the 19th century encouraged all of the following except
acceptance of the woman as the intellectual equal of the man
one of the goals of the child-centered family of the 1800s was to
raise independent individuals
one consequence of the influx of new immigrants was
a national decline of wage rates
which of the following accounts for the allegation of a "corrupt bargain" made by the Jacksonian democrats in the election of 1824
a cabinet appointment had been promised in exchange for support in the house of representatives for john quincy adams
all of the following resulted from the south carolina tarriff of 1832-33 EXCEPT
the south carolina ordinance of nullification
On what grounds was john calhoun specifically objecting to the tariff of 1828?
tariffs were not within the specific powers of the federal government under the constitution
the presidential election of 1840 is often considered the first "modern" election becuase
both parties for the first time widely campaigned among all eligible voters
The Eaton Affair's most important political consequence was that it alienated Andrew Jackson from
John C. Calhoun
Andrew Jackson's veto of the Maysville Road Bill was an example of his
strong nationalism
Horace Mann believed that
business and industry should pay special taxes to support schools
transcendentialists believed that all knowledge came through
and inner light
all of the following were female reformers in the 19th century except
mercy otis warren
the mormon religion originated in
the burned over district
In 1840 the american antislavery society split into factions becuase
William Lloyd Garrison's advocacy of women's rights and pacifism alienated some members
brook farm and oneida communities in the antebellum US reflected
the blossoming of perfectionist aspirations
which of the following supplied the largest number of immigrants to the US during the first half of the nineteenth century
the underlying basis for modern mass production was
the use of interchangeable parts
the hudson river school exvelled in the art of
author of walden and civil disobedience
henry david thoreau
By 1850 the south was relatively well off, politicalled and economically
all of the following were true of the american economy under the cotton kingdom EXCEPT
the south reaped all the profits from the cotton trade
The impending crisis in the south argued that those who suffered most from slave labor were
nonslaveholding southern whites
what would not have been an argument for the south's positive good argument for slavery?
slaves benefitted from receiving education and job training
German immigrants to the US
preserve their own language and culture
the primary objective for the founders of the know-nothing party was the
restriction of the rights of immigrants
Which of the following best describes the policy of the Mexican government toward Texas before the Mexican War
it encouraged American settlement in texas
in the oregon treaty with britain, the northern boundary of the US was established to the Pacific ocean alond the line of
49th parallel
what was a key result of the texas war for independence?
it eventyally led the way for texas to join the union
where is the black belt
deep south
the mexican american war was fought primarily to
acquire CA, NM, and disputed territory along the texas southern and western borders from Mexico
the main issue of the free soil party was that
the federal government should permit no further spread of slavery in the territories
president polk sent john slidell to Mexico in order to
arrange a settlement of the disputed TX boundary and purchase additional SW territory from Mexico
which of the following most likely increased Mexican suspicion of the US territorial objectives in the 1830s and 1840s?
manifest destiny
know nothing equals
the principle of popular sovereignty was
a central feature of the KS-NE act
all of the following are true of the compromise of 1850 except
it prohibited slavery in the lands acquired as a result of the Mexican War
the MO comp provided that
all of the LA territory north of 36 30 would be closed to slavery
many northern states passed personal liberty laws in response to the compromise of 1850 that
interfered with federal enforcement of the fugitive slave laws
as a result of Uncle toms cabin many northerners
would have nothing to do with the fugitive slave act
the issue of slavery in the territories had become an important sumbol to both sections and an indication of the future direction of the economy and the nation
when KS applied for admission to the Union under the Lecompton constitution as a slave state
Stephen A. Douglas led the senate opposition to its admission to the Union
who seceded from the Union first
South Carolina
the panic of 1857
hit hardest among grain growers of the Northwest
abe lincoln was elected president in 1860 because
the democratic party was split
john browns pottawatomie massacre in KS was inspired by all of the following EXCEPT
preston brooks' attack on Charles Sumner
In its decision in the case of Dred Scott vs. Stanford, the supreme court ruled that
no black slave could be a citizen
in issuing the Em Proc, one of Lincoln's goals was to
keep britain and france from intervening on the side of the confederacy
Lincoln's declaration that the north sought to preserve the union with or without slaver revealed
the influence of the border states
as the civil war began, the south seemed to have the advantage of
more talented military leaders
during the civil war, briatin and the US were nearly provoked into war by
the trent affair, involving the removal of southern diplomats from a british ship
conscription was
instituted first by the confederacy
the national bank act of 1863
established criteria by which a bank could get a federal charter and issue national bank notes
kansas was not a border state
the unions defeat in the battle of bull run was better than a victory because it
caused the northerners to realize it was going to be a long, difficult war
turning point of civil war
Vicksburg was NOT the last major battle of the civil war
during the civil war, northern black leaders worked as army recruiting agents because they believed that
black participation would be a step towards citizenship
two major battles fought on union soil
antietam and gettysburg
states that sold lands granted to them under the morrill land grant act of 1862 were required to use the income to
promote public education in agriculture
in 1864 Abe Lincoln's running mate was
Andrew Johnson
Lincolns victory in the election of 1864 was aided by
union military victories
in the case of ex parte milligan the supreme court ruled that
civilians could not be tried by military tribunals when the civil courts were open
which of the following is true of Lincoln's ten percent plan?
it was silent on the issue of slavery
what did andrew johnson not include in his reconstruction plan?
requiring payment of the monetary reparartions for the damage caused by the war
when president Andrew Johnson removed secretary without the approval of the senate he
was impeached and came within one vote of being removed from office
scalawags are
southerners supporting reconstruction
thirteenth amendment gave
freedom to slaves
all of the following elements were implemented by the radical republicans during the reconstruction period EXCEPT
provision of 40 acres of land for each freedman