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47 Cards in this Set

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The voters failed to give an elecoral majority to any candidate in 1824, so the House of Representatives had to choose the president from among the top three candidates. T/F?
The election of 1828 was in some ways a "revolution" of the common people of the West and South against the older, entrenched governing classes of the East. T/F?
The Jacksonians practiced their belief that the ordinary citizen was capable of holding almost any public office without particular qualifications. T/F?
One consequence of the spoils system was the buildin of powerful political machines based on favors and rewards distributed to political supporters. T/F?
In the Hayne-Webster debate, the southerner Hayne defended the doctrine of nullification by the states, while Webster attacked it as contrary to a Union formed by the whole American people rather than by the states. T/F?
A new, seemingly more democratic method of nominating presidential candidates was-
-the national nominating convention.
The Jacksonian charge of a "corrupt bargain" to gain John Quincy Adams the presidency arose because-
-Clay was named secretary of state after throwing his support to Adams.
The New Democracy arose partly because-
-economic distress and the issue of slavery in Missouri stimulated a heigtened public awareness of politics.
One political innovation that illustrated the new popular voice in politics was-
-the rise of national party conventions to nominate presidential candidates.
Which of the following was not among the factors that made John Quincy Adam's presidency a political failure?-
-Adam's involvement with correct machine deals and politicians.
In the battle over the "Tariff of Abominations,"-
-New England backed high tariffs while the South demanded lower duties.
Under the surface of the South's strong opposition to the "Tarrif of Abominations" was-
-a fear of growing federal power that might interfere in slavery.
John C. Calhoun's theory of "nullification" was based on the idea that-
-states should be able to declare invalid those laws they deemed unconstitutional.
The concept of a political "revolution of 1828" rests on-
-the increased involvement of ordinary voters in the political process.
The concept of a political "revolution of 1828" rests on-
-the increased involvement of ordinary voters in the political process.
One of the central beliefs of the new Jacksonian democracy was that-
-officeholding should be open to as many ordinary citizens as possible.
One unfortunate consequence of the spoils system was-
-an increase in incompetence and corruption in government.
The Peggy Eaton affair contributed to the bitter, personal political conflict between-
-Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun.
Jackson's Maysville Road veto signaled his opposition to-
-Henry Clay's American System.
In his debate with Hayne, Daniel Webster argued that-
-the federal government had been formed by the people and the states had no right to nullify federal law.
New form of Jacksonian government that created boisterous political parties and wide popular involvement in politics.
New Democracy
Requirements that were first eliminated in Vermont allowing the common people a larger place in politics.
old property qualifications
New, circuslike method of nominatin presidential candidates that involved wider participation but usually left effective control in the hands of party bosses.
national nominating conventions
Small, short-lived third political party that originated a new method of nominating presidential candidates in 1831.
Anti-Masonic party
Body that chose the president in 1824 after no candidate received an electoral majority.
House of Representatives
Contemptuous Jacksonian term for the alleged political deal by which Clay threw his support to Adams in exchange for a high cabinet office.
"corrupt bargain"
Office to which President Adams appointed Henry Clay.
Secretary of State
Scornful southern term for the high Tariff of 1828.
"Tariff of Abominations"
Pamphlet secretly written by John C. Calhoun that bluntly called on the states to nullify the federal tariff law.
"The South Carolina Exposition"
Description of Jackson's victory over Adams that defined it as a victory of the poorer masses over the entrenched wealthy classes.
"Revolution of 1828"
The popular idea that public offices should be handed out on the basis of political support rather than special qualifications.
Spoils System
New professional political organizations that were "greased" by the offices and favors handed out by winning candidates.
Political machine
Description of Jackson's victory over Adams that defined it as a victory of the poorer masses over the entrenched wealthy classes.
"Revolution of 1828"
President Jackson's informal group of political advisers
"The Kitchen Cabinet"
Action led by Denmark Vesey in 1822, raising southern fears of federal power.
Charleston conspiracy
One sign of the "New Democracy" was that the presidents were now chosen by democratically elected state legislatures rather than by the Electoral College. T/F?
F: One sign of the "New Democracy" was that the Presidents were now chosen by democratically elected state legislatures rather than by the electoral college.
Jackson believed in using the federal government as a powerful instrument of economic activism on behalf of the common people. T/F?
F: Jackson distrusted the federal government as a bastion of privilege and believed only the states could act for the people.
Henry Clay disproved the charge of a "corrupt bargain" between himself and President Adams by refusing to accept any favors from the administration. T/F?
F: Clay provoked the charges by accepting the position of secretary of state after backing Adams.
An essential cause of the "New Democracy" was -
-the increased stake in politics felt by ordinary citizens after the panic of 1819 and the Missouri Compromise.
The South and its leading spokesman, John C. Calhoun, opposed a strong tariff in 1816 but had reversed their position and come to favor a strong tariff by 1828. T/F?
F: They favored it in 1816 but opposed it in 1828.
The election campaign of 1828 was notable for its focus on the issues of the tariff and popular democracy rather than on personalities and mudslinging. T/F?
F: It was notable for mudslinging rather than issues.
The congressional caucus increasingly replaced the national political convention as the method for nominating a party's presidential candidates. T/F?
F: National conventions replaced congressional caucuses.
Both President Jackson and Vice President Calhound fought to maintain a strong nationalism in the face of growing sectionalism. T/F?
F: They both fed the growing spirit of sectionalism against nationalism.
Older method by which a party's representatives in Congress nominated its presidential candidate.
Congressional caucus
Jackson relied heavily on his strong official cabinet for policy decisions and political advice.
F: Jackson had a weak cabinet and relied on his informal "Kitchen Cabinet" for political advice.
The "New Democracy" was based on the ending of property qualifications for the ballot in most states. T/F?
President Adams attempted to uphold strong nationalistic principles in a time of growing sectionalism. T/F?