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21 Cards in this Set

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-largest battle of the War of 1812
-led by Andrew Jackson
-occured a few weeks after the war ended
Battle of New Orleans
-Treaty that ended the War of 1812
-Britain wanted an Inian buffer zone, control of the Great Lakes, and part of Maine
-Not much actually changed
Treaty of Ghent
-Meeting of New Englanders angry about the war's effects on their trade
-Wanted monetary help from Washington, and wanted a 2/3 requirement for an embargo, new state, or war
-Marched on Washington, but was had just ended and their looked like crybabies
Hartford Convention
-Treaty between the US and Britain limitting both side's naval power on the Great Lakes
-Meant to losen tensions on the unfortified boundary of Canada and US
Rush-Bagot agreement
-America's first tariff
-in response to the flood of cheap British goods after the war of 1812
-Industry was beginning to pick up as part of Henry Clay's American System
-implemented a rate of 20%
Tarif of 1816
-Economic plan proposed by Henry Clay calling for:
-strong baking system
-protective tariff
-Strong transportation network connecting the north and west (internal improvements)
-Vetoed because of strict interpretation of the constitution- the states have the power to build roads
American System
-1825 Example of states making their own internal improvements in response to the vetoing of the bill
Erie Canal
-The first economic recession of the country
-caused by overspeculation of western lands
-buying too much credit
Panic of 1819
-one of the first internal improvements constructed by the federal government
-road stretching from Illinois to Maryland
Cumberland road
-allowed people to buy extremely cheap land, pushing the rush to the west
Land Act of 1820
-western banks that provided easy credit to settling farmers
Wildcat Banks
-proposed law that would allow no more slaves into Missouri
-slaves born to Missouri slave parents would gradually be emancipated
-voted down in Senate, which had a southern majority
Tallmadge Amendment
-Decision dealing with Missouri's want to become a state
-Missouri would become a slave state
-Maine would become a free state
-All states north of the 36 30' line would be free
Missouri Compromise
-Supreme Court case the officially recognized the elastic clause
-Began a looser interpretation of the constitution
McCulloch vs. Maryland
-Supreme Court case decision that determined that the federal court had the right to review state court decisions
Cohens vs. Virginia
-Supreme Court case that determined that the federal government is the only one that can regulate interstate commerce
Gibbons vs. Ogden
-Supreme Court decision that stated that state laws cannot break a pre-existing contract
Fletcher vs. Peck
-Suptreme Court decision similar to Fletcher vs. Peck
-state laws could not break contracts
Dartmouth College vs. Woodward
-Treaty made with Britain settling the border of Canada
-The fishing waters of Newfoundland would be shared
-Temporarily Oregon would be shared
Treaty of 1818
-Treaty between US and Spain purchasing Florida
-Spain gave up its claim to Oregon and US gave up its claim to Texas
-Boundary between Oregon and Spanish territory established
Florida Purchase Treaty
-Treaty between US and Russia agreeing upon the southern boundary of Russia's territory
Russo-American Treaty