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73 Cards in this Set

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2nd Great Awakening
Revitalization of religions (Mormons, Baptists, Methodists, Millenialism) due to rationalism
American Antislavery Society
Started when Garrison wrote the Liberator; Advocated immediate action of slavery without compensating owners;
American Colonization Society
Racist White males wanted to transfer free slaves to an African colony in Liberia
Antebellum Period
Period of reform and change; reformers dedicated to causes that would improve society; Due to Jacksonian beliefs
Brigham Young
Leader of Mormons; Migrated to W. Frontier where he establish New Zion in Utah
Burned Over district
W. New York became "burned-over" district where idea of fear and hell reawakened
Charles Finney
Started revivals that appealed to people's emotions and fears of hell;
Cult of Domesticity
Men should be concerned with economic and political affairs; Women should concentrate on household and children affairs
Declaration of Sentiments
All men and women are created equal; Listed women's grievances against laws and customs that discriminated against them
Dorothea Dix
Horrified by the conditions of mental ill institutions; tried to improve conditions of institutions.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Campaigned for women's rights after being banned from speaking at antislavery convention
Frederick Douglass
Spoke about brutality first hand; advocated political and direct action to end slavery
Harriet Tubman
Campaigned against slavery
Henry David Thoreau
Leader of transcendentalist movement; lived by himself in the woods to discover truths about life and the universe
Herman Melville
Wrote Moby Dick (spoke about theological and culture conflicts in the U.S.)
Horace Mann
Worked to improve schools, attendance of all children, larger school year, increased teacher preparation
James F Cooper
Wrote stories in American settings
Latter Day Saints
Mormon faith; Migrated to Utah
Lucretia Mott
Along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, banned from speaking at antislavery convention because she was a woman
lyceum societies
Idea of withdrawing from conventional society to create a Utopia
Maine Law of 1851
1st state to tax alcohol
McGuffey Readers
Books that taught hard work, sobriety, and punctuality
World will end with Jesus' second coming on Oct. 21, 1844
Nat Turner
Rebel slave who led a revolt and killed master
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Writer who wrote Scarlet Letter (Spoke about intolerance and conformity in American life)
nationalistic literature
Literature that portrayed American themes and were written by American authors
North Star
Antislavery journal created by Frederick Douglass
On Civil Disobedience
Novel written by Henry David Thoreau; Showed nonviolent protest (refusing to pay a tax that will be used in an immoral war)
Oneida Community
Controversial communal experiment that had economic equity, shared property, shared marriage partners
Ralph Emerson
Leader of Transcendentalist movement; popular American lecturer and expressed indiviudalistic mood of the period; Said do not imitate European culture, but create a new American culture
Robert Owen
Founded New Harmony, secular answer to problems on inequity of Industrial Revolution
Seneca Falls Convention
Convention where women listed grievances and to campaign for women's rights
Sojourner Truth
campaigned during the antislavery movement
Susan B Anthony
Leader in women's rights movement; Spoke at Seneca Falls Convention
Temperance movement
Movement against alcohol drinking
The Liberator
Created by Garrison; Start of the antislavery movement
Movement where artistic expression is more important the the pursuit of wealth; Questioned doctrines of est. churches and habits of middle class.
Perfect society where there is equity among all classes
Washington Irving
Used american settings in novels
William Lloyd Garrison
Created the Liberator which instigated anti-slavery movement; advocated for immediate abolition of slaves; Burns constitution as proslavery action
Santa Anna launches troops at Alamo
Battle of San Jacinto
Houston's army capture Santa Anna; Santa Anna forced to sign treaty that declares Texas is independent and border is at Rio Grande
Bear Flag Republic
Fremont calls Bear Flag Republic because bear is on state flag
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Great Britain and US agree to build a canal in South America and neither can take exclusive control of the canal
Elias Howe
Inventor of the sewing machine
Gadsden Purchase
Mexico sells southwestern land to US for $10 million; Land will eventually become New Mexico and Arizona
Henry Clay
James Polk
Dark horse of Election of 1844; Powerful slogan of fifty-four Forty or fight;
John C Calhoun
Pro Slavery, pro annexation, candidate for election of 1844
Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Polk's slogan that portrayed manifest destiny and annexation of texas, oregon, and california. Attracted Southerners and Westerners
John Fremont
Captured N. California and called CA Bear Flag Republic
John Tyler
President after Harrison; Pushed for succession of Texas
Lone Star Republic
Houston, 1st president of Texas, calls Texas Lone Star Republic
Manifest Destiny
US has a divine mission to extend its power and civilization across N. America
Matthew Perry
Went to Japan to persuade country to open its ports to trade with Americans; Japan agrees to open 2 ports to US vessels
Mexican Cession
Former Mexican Provinces (New Mexico and Arizona)
Zachary Taylor
General sent by Polk to go to Rio Grande to fight Mexican army
Ostend Manifesto
President Pierce adopted prosouthern policies and dispatched 3 US diplomats to Ostend, Belgium to secretley buy Cuba from Spain; Leaked to press and Pierce forced to stop actions
Panic of 1857
Serious drop in prices, increased unemployment in N. Cities; South unaffected and leaves them to believe plantation economy is sufficient without union
Sam Houston
Led a group of Texan settlers against Mexican army; Declared Texas to be an independent republic
Samuel Morse
Inventor of telegraph; Sped up communication and transportation in country
Spot Resolutions
N. Whigs didn't believe American blood was spilled on American soil, as Polk suggested, which would be evidence enough to instigate war with Mexico; Whigs wanted Polk provide Congress with the exact location (the "spot") upon which blood was spilt on American soil;
Stephen Austin
Brought 300 families into Texas; Steady immigration into Texas
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
(1) Mexico should recognize Rio Grande as Southern border; (2) US takes possession of former Mexican provinces (California and New Mexico) for $15 million
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Territory split between Maine and British Canada, and boundary of Minnesota
Wilmot Proviso
David Wilmot proposed appropriations bill be amended to forbid slavery in any of the new territories acquired by Mexico;
Winfield Scott
War hero from Mexican war; Unsuccessfully ran for presidential election and lost to Pierce
Abraham Lincoln
Won presidential election of 1860 as the republican candidate; His victory led to the Deep south's secession
Abraham Lincoln
16th President of the US; Won election of 1860 --> South Secedes
Amnesty Act
removed voting restriction and office holding restrictions on Confederate and rebelling person
Bleeding Kansas
Series of violent events led by abolitionists and pro slavery people; Instigated by the KS-NB Acts
Compromise of 1850
Due to Taylor's plan (CA and NM are free states) upsetting southerners; Clay proposed (1) CA is a free state, (2) Divide Mex Cession into Utah and NM (use pop. sovereignity to determine slavery), (3) give disputed land b/w TX and MX to new land, (4) ban slave trade in DC, (5) adopt and enforce Fugitive Slave law in South
Conscience Whigs
Opposed Slavery