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31 Cards in this Set

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Puritan motive
The puritans desired a new land without religious tolerance. They believed the church of England to be corrupt. Return Christianity to roots.
Motive of Virginia Settlers
Desired to make a profit and return home, encountered harsh conditions. Tobacco was introduced, which saved the economy. Relied on homeland for stability and did not want to create permanent settlement.
Great Awakening
Time period from 1730s to 40 where religious devotion increased after the rise of the new lights such as George Whitfield and Jonathan Edwards who gave the sermon Sinners in the hand of an Angry god. As a result of the awakening the colonist were united but different sects of Christianity were made.
The religious enlightenment in the 18th century. Denied the communication of god but acknowledged his existence.
Alabany Congress 1754
Ben Franklin's attempt to unite the colonies with the British government to defeat the french, involved bribing Indians for loyalty. Britain and colonies declined a unity plan accepted by the delegates.
Legal Rights of Women(colonial Era)
Women enjoyed very few legal rights, many women married but enjoyed less freedom than single women, such as owning property. No voting rights or power in government.
Stamp Act/Congress
27 delegates met from 9 colonies in 1765 in New York.
Colonist enraged from taxation without representation in the stamp act of 1765(tax on newspaper and other official documents to help pay for British 7 years war). Luckily was repealed in 1766 by British government.
slavery in pre-independence times
Slaves were harshly treated under rough conditions, mostly field workers. Concentrated in south where labor was needed after bacon's rebellion.
Indentured Servants
People who received transatlantic passage for 4-7 years of work under a person. Severely declined after bacon's rebellion.
Proclamation of 1763
(King George 3)After the acquisition of the land after the 7 years war with the french forbade the colonist from passing the Appalachian mountains. Wanted to stabilize relations with native Americans but simply angered colonist, whom did it anyway in some cases.
Articles of Confederation
Agreement between the 13 founding states making the U.S a confederation of sovereign states. Drafted by continental congress from 1776-77 and was passed by all states in 1781. Used during the American revolutionary war. Weak central government and lack of forced taxation lead to U.S constitution.
Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments created due to the lack of civil rights in the U.S constitution. Proposed to please anti federalist and guaranteed many basic human rights. Adopted in 1789 after presented by James Madison.
Attitude of founding fathers toward political parties
The founding fathers did not desire any political parties as they believed it would split the nation.
Hamilton's economic plan
Federal government would pay off all debt and create the national bank of the United States.
Shay's Rebellion
Massachusetts rebellion(1786-1787) consisted of war veterans and several other protesters who were dissatisfied with post war depression. A lack of hard currency and potential tax and debt collection angered many.
XYZ Affair
(1797-1798)French agents demanded a bribe to speak to French privateers, who were attacking American ships. Undeclared war between U.S and France(Quasi-War). 250,000 demanded to see Talleyrand.
Marbury v. Madison
1803 case where John Marshall established the bases for the use of judicial review within the U.S, set boundaries between executive and judicial branch, only executive could execute. Involved William Marbury( appointed justice of peace by John Adams, part of the midnight judges) and his case being declared unconstitutional, he never received his papers as Justice of peace.
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson's purchase of territory from France(under napoleon) in 1803. 15 million dollars spent to double the size of the United states and gain control of Mississippi. Price was 4 cents per acre.
Hartford Convention
Series of meetings from 1814-1815 consisting of New England Federalist discussing war of 1812, extreme proposals to secede from U.S(New England) were denied due to moderates and the end of the war. Also debated over ending the 3/5 compromise and requiring 2/3 state approval for war, admission of states, and laws constricting trade. Federalist died after major general Andrew Jackson won in New Orleans.
Eli Whitney
1793 inventor who created the cotton gin, increased viability of American cotton opposed to Indian for British manufacturers. Advocated interchangeable parts for rifles.
Henry Clay's American System
Plan to strengthen and unite the U.S. Consisted of three parts a Bank of the United States, Federal funding for national improvements such as roads and canals, and a tariff to promote American business.
Monroe Doctrine
Statement made by James Monroe stating that European countries could no longer colonize or interfere with south american or north american affairs. Term created in 1850 but doctrine issued around 1820s when Latin American countries were close to gaining independence.
Andrew Jackson (Indian Removal, Veto Congress Nullification, Bus, West Ward Expansion)
17th president of the U.S from 1829-1837, served as general in the war of 1812, defeating British at New Orleans 1815. He opposed bank of America, increased presidential powers. Forced relocation of Native Americans from southwest to west of Mississippi river(Indian removal act of 1830). Followers created modern democratic party 1830-1850(era of Jacksonian democracy). He expanded spoil system, appealing to common man.
Trail of Tears
(1831)Forced removal of the five civilized tribes(Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee creek, and Seminole) Indians from North Carolina to Georgia(800 miles. more than 4000 died of things such as lack of food, cold, and disease.
Nullification, John C. Calhoun, Tariff of Abominations(1828)
promoted states rights, limited government, nullification, and free trade. Defended slavery and pushed south toward secession. Defended minority rights( concurrent majority). Calhoun opposed the Tariff of abominations (1828)which was passed under Andrew Jackson to protect american industry.
religious and philosophical movement developed in 1820s and 30s. Believed religions were negative and self reliance was more important. Believed in inherent goodness, light, spirit.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
transcendentalist poet promoted individualism, known internationally. Helped abolitionist with his speech and writing.
Wm Lloyd Garrison "The Liberator"
Journalist, abolitionist, suffragist, and social reformer who was editor of the Liberator news paper founded in 1831. Co founder of American Anti-Slavery-Society. Promoted immediate emancipation of slaves and later promoted women's suffrage in 1870
Harriet Tubman- Underground Railway
American abolitionist from a Maryland plantation escaped in 1849. One of the most known advocates of the underground railroad, she led more than 300 slaves to freedom.
Dred Scott .v. Sanford(1857)
declared that Dredd Scott remained the property of Sanfort and could not sue in court as a slave. chief Justice Taney said Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. More sectionalism and strife between north and south, leading to war.
Popular Sovereignty
Political theory that the people create and own the government. Promoting the rights of the people to vote and participate and government. The people get the final authority and the government is ruled by the people. associated with republicanism. In 1850's used as a term for declaring that people in states should decide weather or not there is slavery. Lead to Bleeding Kansas.