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59 Cards in this Set

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What exactly was the Progressive Movement?
-a reform movement that lasted for 3 presidential admins
1. T. Roosevelt
2. W. Taft
3. W. Wilson
-a reaction to industrialization, urbanization, and immigration
-movement to reform capitalism
-gov. should be an agency of human welfare
-trying to change world of gov.
-Populist Movement -> Progressive Movement
-curb power of big businesses = bigger, more results
With a population of 76 million people, what philosophy had become outdated and why?
Lassaiz faire
-it is too outdated to be effective
What was the real heart of the movement?
to use the gov.
-gov. must step up
where did progressive strength come from?
middle class americans
-college educated
-small business owners
What are some evils that progressive reformers waged war on?
-big businesses
-insafe working conditions
-child labor
-unequal distritbution of wealth
-lack of democracy and political corruption
-social evils : alcohol, slum conditions, prostitution, drugs, etc
-no consumer protection
-plight of black americans : 10 millions blacks; 2/3 in south; sharecropping and tenant farming is unproductive
-natural resources are being explored
forerunners of the progressive movement
Greenback Labor Party
Grangers (Patrons of Husbandry)
Farmer's Alliance
Populist Party
Socialist Party
-journalist reformers who wrote exposes to awaken americans to the evils of society
-Roosevlet claimed they did all the dirty work
Ida Tarbell
"History of Standard Oil"
McClure's Magazine
-criticizes Rockefeller and standard oil
Lincoln Steffens
"Shame of the City"
-connects relationships b/w big businesses and gov. political bosses
Ray Stannard Baker
"Following the Color Line"
-10 million black ame. (2/3 in south)
-racial division
John Spargo
"The Bitter Cry of the Children"
-child labor
-children are sickly, pale, and their growth is often stunted
Mary Harris Jones
"Mother Jones"
-hosted a demo at the White House w/ a bunch of deformed children who had been injured working in factories
Jacob Riis
"How the Other Half Lives"
-slum life in NYC
David G. Phillips
"Treason of the Senate"
Cosmopolitan Magazine
-wrote about the corruption of the US senator
Frank Norris
"The Octopus"
-book of fiction
-attacks railroads; weak farmers vs. railroad corps
-depictions of suffering caused by corrupt and greedy turn-of-the-century corporate monopolies
Ida Wells
"Red Record"
--principle advocate for lynching laws
-born a slave
-helped organize NAACP
-tries to get black women to join reform movement
Henry Demarest Lloyd
"Wealth Against Commonwealth"
-standard oil
Dar Harvey Wiley
-traveled around the country to test his patent treatment for TB
-founding father of the FDA
Upton Sinclair
"The Jungle"
-repulsed ppl due to the grotesque description
-capitalism is evil
-wants to convince people to conform to socialism
most well known muckraker magazines
Collier's, McClures, Cosmo
What was the significance of the Armory Show in NY in 1913
1st expedition of modern art
-shows Ame. breaking away from European influence
Ashcan School of Art
taught realistic art
Robert LaFollette
-reform gov. of Wisconsin
-most outstanding leader of progressive movement
"Fighting Bob"
-believes we don't have to destroy corporations just regulate them through the gov.
(adopts secret ballot, initiative, referendum, recall, primary election)
what impact did the progressive movement have on women?
-they play an important role in the movement
-enter work force "Pink Color Profession"
-women move in public sphere and get out of the home
-demand clean drinking water, trash pick up, fire codes, playgrounds
-women club movement: start careers- new women- graduate colleges and more athletic
Margaret Sanger
-advocated birth control (coined the term)
-published article about birth control and was arrested for it
Alice Paul
-organized the National Women's Party
-wants women's suffrage
Jane Addams
-starts settlement house movement
-Hull House
Carrie Chapman Catt
National American Women Suffrage Association
Francis Willard
-temperance movement
-Women's Christian Temperance Union
Florence Kelley
-protection for child labor and women in the work place
Carrie A. Nation
-radical temperance advocate
-"hatchetization" : vandalism
Muller vs. Oregon
-Oregon limits women to working no more than 10 hrs a day
-Muller thinks this is a violation of their 14th amendment
-Oregon state law is upheld
-people are realizing that men and women might have to have separate laws
What concept was replacing the dog-eat-dog philosophy of unregulated free enterprise?
worker compensation laws : if an employee was hurt on the job then they would be compensated for time off
-employers responsibility to society
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
- atextile factory in NY
-owner of factory loucked up the fire escape b/c he didn't want women loitering about
-146 women died
-most women jumped out of the building to escape the fire
-convinces ppl we need to improve conditions in work environments
What was the name of T. Roosevelt's domestic program?
The Square Deal
-workers don't trust his word b/c the previous pres. always sided with management
1. control of corp.
2. consumer protection
3. conservation of natural resources
When did the square deal receive its "acid test"
Anthracite coal strike
Anthracite Coal Strike
-miners ask for a 20% raise and an 8 hr work day
-schools had to be shut down b/c there was no coal for heat
- TR invites both parties to the WH to negotiate
-TR threatens to sieze the mines
-1st time the pres. sides with the workers
-10% raise and 8hr work day
Elkins Act and Hepburn Act
-attempt to regulate railroads more closely
-both strengthen interstate commerce act
Regarding giant trusts, what was Roosevelt's nickname and why?
"trust buster"
-he brings 44 suits against trusts
Northern Security Company
-controlled by JP Morgan
-TR went after Morgan Trust and, in the end, Morgan was found guilty and comp. dissolved
-TR recognized good and bad trusts and worked to weed out the bad
T. Roosevelt was the 1st president to publicize the need for what?
conservation of natural resources
Newlands Reclamation Act
-provided money from selling western land to be put into revolving trust funds- could be used to help irrigate barren lands
TR Conservation efforts
-protected acres of forest land on reserve
-protected oil lands
-banned Christmas tree in WH
Call of the Wild
Jack London
-young boys come to know the wildnerness of Ame. in an adventure
Sierra Club
dedicated to preserving the wilderness
-founded by Jack Muir
What was TR most endurable, tangible achievement
conservation and reclamation
what legacies did TR leave on the presidency
- made the public aware
-increased power and prestige of pres. power
-renamed the executive mansion the White House
-square deal
-1st pres. that didn't automatically side with management
who did Roosevelt hand pick as his successor?
William H. Taft
Presidential Election of 1908
Was pres. Taft a trustbuster? explain
was he a conservationist? what caused the split between the rupub party?
what position did pres. taft take on the tariff issue
what was his foreign policy program known as?
Presidential Election 1912
Woodrow Wilson
What was Wilson referring to when he called for an all out assault on the "triple was" of privilege?
What progressive measures were passed during th Wilson admin.
Louis Brandeis
In what area did progressivism fall short?
racial equality reform