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48 Cards in this Set

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history essentials
pain, quality, region radiation, Severity, timing temporal relationship


allergies, meds, PMH, Last meal, tetatnus, other, events leading up to
at C6
is the cricoid cartilage
stridor may represent
partial airway obstruction at the level of the larynx (inspiratory) and trachea (expiratory)
when to use an OPA what is the substitute in a semiconcous patient
unconcious patients without a gag reflex that are spontaneosly breathing measure OPA and make sure it goes from the corner of the mout to angle of the jaw...NPA should measure from the tip of the nose to tragus of ear
oxygen deliver technique for patients with COPD
venturi mask since it can accurately controls proportion of inspired 02

can use flow rates of 2-12 at 24 - 60% concentration
type of o2 delivery technique that may promote C02 retention s
imple face mask
what drugs can be delivered via an ETT
veersed (midazolam)

all given at aboud 2-4 times normal dose
what are the 9 Ps of RSI
1-possiblitiy of success
2- prep
6-protection and position
ppossibility of success factors
1. look externally (BONES - beard obese, no teeth, elderly, sleep apnea snoring)

2. evalluate 332 rule ( three fingers in the mouth, three from tip of the chin to hyoid, two fingers from floor of mouth to thyroid)

3. mallampati (I - uvuala, soft palate pillars, II- uvula masked, III-base of tongue)

4. airway obstruction
5. neck mobility
number two oif the 9 Ps is what?

what is involved (mneumonic)

SOAP ME (SUction, O2, Airway equip, Pharmacy, monitor equip)
SOAP ME of the prep (9 ps)
suction, oxygen, Airway equipment, pharmacy monitor equipment
A typical adult male will take what size ET tube
a typical femal adult will take what size ETT
7.0 - 7.5
estimate size of ett in a child
4 plus age in years/4
estimate size of ett in a child
4 plus age in years/4
third P in the 9 Ps is what
preoxygenation x 5 minutes
in situations where time is limited in the preoxygenation setting of RSI what can one do
eight vital capacity breaths in rapid succesion from a 100% O2 source
LOAD stands for what
Lido - (for increased ICP, RAD) 1.5mg/jg

Opiod (fentanyl) 3-6mcg/kg, 1-3mcg/kg

Atropine - for kids less than 10 or adults with second dose of sux, 2mg, .02mg/kg

defasciculation (panc, vec) .01mg/kg ",
LOAD stands for what
Lido - (for increased ICP, RAD) 1.5mg/jg

Opiod (fentanyl) 3-6mcg/kg, 1-3mcg/kg

Atropine - for kids less than 10 or adults with second dose of sux, 2mg, .02mg/kg

defasciculation (panc, vec) .01mg/kg ",
after pretreatment (LOAD) what is next
paralysis with induction -
name the common induction agents
barbs (thiopental), methhexital

BZDs (versed) - does not have analgesia, is also an aticonvulsant

etomidate - decreases ICP like barbs

most hemodynamically stable induction agent is
etomidate but dose must be reduced in in unstabel patients

DOC for patients with increased ICP because it decreases cerebral O2 demand
induction agent that stimulate catecholamine release therefore induction agent of choice in hypotensive, hypovolemic or bronchospastic patients
ketamine - hoever it increases ICP
increases laryngeal secretions and atropine must be given beforehand in this induction agent
ketamine induction DOC for hypotensive patient
major disadvantage of thipental and other barbs
the ability to cause hypotension
depolarizing NMBA
sux - intially causes fasciculations followed by paralysis within 10 - 15 secs
1.5/mg/kg rivp
sux dose in adults 2mg/kg in kids
preteatment with sux
.02mg/kg of atropine in kids because it causes brady
.05m/Eq rise in K
sux causes
cricoid pressure is useful whenw
hen the patient becomes apneic because it prevents regurge of gastric contents,
slid into the valeecula (blade), below eppiglottis
into valeculla (mac)

below epiglottis (miller)
if glottic cartilage is not readily visible what is next
BURP (backward, upward, rightward, pressure) with placement of thyroid (not cricoid pressure)
once you get a view of the glottis when intubating what is next
insert until the cuff is 2-3cm past the vocal cords
proper ETT placement is supposed to be
2-3cm above the carina
clinical indication for BNTI (blind nasotracheal intubation) are rare but when would one do one, when would one not
may be used in a spontaneously breathing patient with a difficult airway

not performed on one who is apneic, or one who has face or neck trauma
how far is the BNTI ett placed
32cm at the nares in males and 27-28cm in females, always insert on the righ to avoid so the bevel will face the septum once the tube as passed the glottis listen for airflow
always select an ETT tube size about 0.5 - 1.0mm less than normal in what
primary CI to crycothyrodotomy
being younger than 12
if there is a [patient who needs a cricothyrotomy but is too young what is preffered
needle cric with transtracheal jet ventilation
he estimation of ett for peds is done how
age + 4/4, little finger dm,
the depth of ETT placement in peds is estimated how
(age/2) + 12
the depth of ETT placement in peds is estimated how
(age/2) + 12
type of blade preferred in peds
curved because the tracheal opening is higher in kids (c1 in infants C3-4 at age 7) this helps visualize the more anterior glottis and push distensible anatomy out of the way
most narrow portion of the adult airway
vocal cords

while cricoid is most narrow in peds this is the reason cuffs are not employed
most important intervention for a patient with status asthmaticus
RSI along with prep for cricoth, all patients pretreated with lido 1.5mg/kg to reduce couging and bronchospasm and inudction with ketamine is ideal at 1.5mg/kg as it stimulates catecholamine release
reflex sympathetic response to laryngoscopy results in
systemic release of catecholamines and increased ICP. this response can be blunted throught the adm of fentanyl 3mcg/kg over 30-60s sux causes increased ICP but coadmin of a small amount of competitive antagonism like ved blunts this effect
if a trauma patient is suspected to have spine injury and may need an airway
no time should be wasted in getting lateral cspine films
RSI with in-line mobilization is ideal for
intubating suspected cervical spine injury