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38 Cards in this Set

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1. Clavicle

2. Acromial End

3. Sternal End

4. Scapula

5. Scapular Spine

6. Infraspinous Fossa

5. Scapular Spine

7. Supraspinous Fossa

8. Acromion

9. Coracoid Process

9. Coracoid Process

11. Medial Border

12. Lateral Border

13. Subscapular Fossa

14. Suprascapular Notch

15. Superior Angle

16.Inferior Angle

10. Glenoid Fossa

17. Infraglenoid Tubercle

21. Lesser Tubercle

22. Intertubercular Groove

23. Greater Tubercle

25. Deltoid Tuberosity

26. Lateral Epicondyle

27. Medial Epicondyle

28. Coronoid Fossa

29. Radial Fossa

30. Trochlea

31. Capitulum

33. Medial Supracondylar Ridge

34. Lateral Supracondylar Ridge

18. Humerus

19. Head

20. Anatomical Neck

32. Olecranon Fossa

21. Lesser Tubercle

22. Intertubercular Groove

23. Greater Tubercle

25. Deltoid Tuberosity

26. Lateral Epicondyle

29. Radial Fossa

34. Lateral Supracondylar Ridge

24. Surgical Neck

27. Medial Epicondyle

33. Medial Supracondylar Ridge

35. Ulna

36. Styloid Process

37. Radial Notch

38. Coronoid Process

39. Trochlear Notch

37. Radial Notch

38. Coronoid Process

39. Trochlear Notch

40. Olecranon Process

41. Radius

42. Head

43. Radial Tuberosity


47. Pisiform

44. Scaphoid

45. Lunate

48. Trapezium

49. Trapezoid

50. Capitate

51. Hamate

52. Metacarpals

53. Proximal Phalanges

54. Middle Phalanges

53. Proximal Phalanges

54. Middle Phalanges

55. Distal Phalanges

56. Ilium (largest bone of pelvis)

57. Iliac Crest

58. Anterior Superior Iliac Spine

59. Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine

60. Greater Sciatic Notch

61. Ischial Spine

62. Lesser Sciatic Notch

63. Ischium

64. Pubis

65. Pubic Symphisys

66. Iliac Fossa

67. Posterior Superior Iliac Spine

68. Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine

69. Ischial Tuberosity

70. Acetabulum

71. Obturator Foaramen

67. Posterior Superior Iliac Spine

68. Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine

69. Ischial Tuberosity

70. Acetabulum

71. Oburator Foramen

72. Head

73. Neck

75. Lesser Trochanter

74. Greater Trochanter

75. Lesser Trochanter

76. Gluteal Tuberosity

78. Linea Aspera

74. Greater Trochanter

75. Lesser Trochanter

76. Gluteal Tuberosity

78. Linea Aspera

79. Lateral Epicondyle

80. Lateral Condyle

81. Medial Condyle

83. Intercondylar Notch

76. Gluteal Tuberosity

77. Femur

79. Lateral Epicondyle

79. Lateral Epicondyle

79. Lateral Epicondyle

80. Lateral Condyle

81. Medial Condyle

83. Intercondylar Notch

82. Medial Epicondyle

82. Medial Epicondyle

84. Patella

85. Apex

86. Base

87. Medial Condyle

88. Lateral Condyle

89. Tibial Tuberosity

90. Tibia

91. Anterior Border

92. Medial Malleolus

93. Head

94. Fibula

95. Lateral Malleolus

97. Talus

98. Navicular

99. Cuboid

100. Medial Cuneiform

101. Intermediate Cuneiform

102. Lateral Cuneiform

103. Metatarsals

104. Proximal Phalanges

105. Middle Phalanges

106. Distal Phalanges

96. Calcaneus

97. Talus

99. Cuboid

101. Intermediate Cuneiform

102. Lateral Cuneiform

103. Metatarsals

104. Proximal Phalanges

105. Middle Phalanges

101. Intermediate Cuneiform

103. Metatarsals

104. Proximal Phalanges

105. Middle Phalanges

106. Distal Phalanges

97. Talus

98. Navicular

100. Medial Cuneiform

101. Intermediate Cuneiform

103. Metatarsals

104. Proximal Phalanges

105. Middle Phalanges

106. Distal Phalanges