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69 Cards in this Set

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What bones are in the pectoral girdle?

clavical & scapula
What bones are in the arm? Not including hand.
humerous, ulna, radius
What bones are in the wrist?
Carpals (Identify all in articulated hand.)

- Trapezium
- Trapezoid
- Capitate
- Hamate
- Triquetral (triangular)
- Pisiform
- Scaphoid
- Lunate
Name the metacarpals and phalanges
Metacarpals (identify 1st through 5th, thumb to little finger)

Phalanges (Identify 1st though 5th, and proximal, middle and distal.)
name this bone
sternalclavical joint
name this articulation
Sternal end (medial) of the clavical
name this part of this bone and the bone.
name this part of this bone and the bone
Acromial end (lateral)
name this part of this bone and the bone
accromial process of the scapula
name this part of this bone and the bone
Coracoid process of the scapula
name this part of this bone and the bone as well as the articulation
glenoid fossa of the scapula head of the humerous articulates to form the shoulder
name this part of this bone and the bone
glenoid fossa of the scapula
name this part of this bone and the bone
accromial process of the scapula
name this part of this bone and the bone as well as the function
caracoid process of scapula, muscle attachement
name this part of this bone and the bone
spine of scapula
name this part of this bone and the bone
head of humerus
name this part of this bone and the bone
greater tubercle
name this part of this bone and the bone
lesser tubercle
name this part of this bone and the bone
Coronoid fossa, humerus
name this part of this bone and the bone
Olecranon fossa humerus
name this part of this bone and the bone, what part of what bone articulates with this bone
Medial condyle (trochlea) humerus , trochlear notch on ulna
name this part of this bone and the bone
Lateral condyle (capitulum)

name this part of this bone and the bone
head of humerus
what does this bone articulate with and what does it form?
glenoid fossa of the scapula to form the shoulder
name this part of this bone and the bone
1 greater tubercle
2 lesser tubercle
muscle attachements
what is the pupose of the greater/lesser tubercles?
name this part of this bone and the bone and its function
deltoid tuberocity
attachent for deltoid muscle
name this part of this bone and the bone
what does this bone articulate with and what does it form?
coronoid fossa
coronoid process of the ulna
name this part of this bone and the bone
what does this bone articulate with and what does it form?
Olecranon fossa
Olecranon prosses of the ulna articulates
what does this bone articulate with and what does it form? what does this bone articulate with and what does it form?
Lateral condyle (capitulum)of the humerus
articulates with the head of the radius
name this part of this bone and the bone
1 lateral epicondyle
2 Medial epicondyle
name this bone
name this part of this bone and the bone
what does this bone articulate with ?
1 Olecranon process of the ulna articulates with Olecranon fossa of humerus

2 Coronoid process of ulna articulates with the coronoid fossa of the humerus

3 Styloid process of ulna
name this part of this bone and the bone
what does this bone articulate with and what does it form?
Radial notch of ulna articulates with the head of the radius
name this part of this bone and the bone what does this bone articulate with and what does it form?
Semilunar notch or Trochlear notch of ulna articulates with the trochlear of humerus
name this part of this bone and the bone
name this part of this bone and the bone
1 radial head articulates with the lateral condyle

2 Radial tuberosity

3 styloid process of radius
how many bones form the carpal
8 carpus
name this part of this bone and the bone
1 Trapezium
2 Trapezoid
3 Capitate
4 Hamate
5 Triquetral (triangular)
6 Scaphoid
7 Lunate
name this part of this bone and the bone
name these bones
Metacarpals (identify 1st through 5th, thumb to little finger)
joints between the wrist and hand bones
carpomedacarpal joints
name this joint
saddle joint
what is the joint between the finger and the hand bones called
metacarpalphalangel joints
name the finger bones
Phalanges (Identify 1st though 5th, and proximal, middle and distal.)thumb - pinky
joints between the finger bones
interphalangel joints
name this part of this bone and the bone
left os coxae
1 llium
2 pubic bone
3 Ischium
name these bones
1 iilium
2 ischium
3 pelvic bone

right ox coxae
name this part of this bone
1 Posterior superior iliac spine

2 Posterior inferior iliac spine

3 Ischial tuberosity
name this part of this bone and the bone
Greater sciatic notch of the ilium
name this part of this bone and the bone
Obturator foramen of the ischium, covered with the obturator membrane, number of muscle atachments
name this joint
symphysis pubis joint
name these bones
1 femur
2 tibia
3 medial condyle of femur
4 lateral condyle of femur
5 lateral condyle of tibia
6 medial condyle of tibia
7 patella
8 Patellar surface
9 Medial epicondyle
10 Lateral epicondyle
name this part of this bone and the bone
1 head
2 neck
3 Greater trochanter
4 Lesser trochanter

name this part of this bone and the bone
right os coxae
1 Acetabulum
2 ilium
3 ischium
4 pubic bone
5 Iliac crests
name this part of this bone and the bone
1 Anterior superior iliac spine

2 Anterior inferior iliac spine
name this part of this bone and the bone
Ischial tuberosity of the ischium
name this part of this bone and the bone
1 head
2 neck
3 Lesser trochanter
4 greater trochanter

name this part of this bone and the bone
1 lateral condyle
2 medial condyle
3 lateral epicondyle
4 medial epicondyle
5 patellar surface

name this part of this bone and the bone
intercondyle fossa femur
name this part of this bone and the bone

what is the anterior called
1 anterior surface of patella
2 base of patella
3 apex of patella

articular surface of the patella
name this part of this bone and the bone
1 Medial malleolus
2 Medial condyle
3 lateral condyles
4 tibial tuberosity
left tibia
name this part of this bone and the bone
1 distal aspect of fibia is the Lateral malleous or fibular malleous

2 head of fibula
name this part of this bone and the bone and what it articulates with
fibular articular surface articulates with the head of the fibula
name this part of this bone and the bone
1 Talus

2 Calcaneus

3 Cuboid

4 Navicular

5 1st cuneiforms (medial)

6 2nd cuneiform (intermediat)

7 3rd cuneiform (lateral)
name this bone
name this bone
what are the joints between the ankel and the foot called
tarso metatarsal joints
what are the joints between the foot and the toes called
metatarsal phalangele joints