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104 Cards in this Set

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what is the function of the appendicular muscles?
to control the movements of the upper and lower limbs, and stabilize and control the movements of the pectoral and pelvic girdles
what muscles does this include?
muscles that move the pectoral girdle and upper limbs
muscles that move the pelvic girdle and lower limbs
the muscles of the pectoral girdle originate on the _____ and insert on the ______
axial skeleton, clavicle and scapula
what is the function of the muscles of the pectoral girdle?
to stabilize the scapula and move it to increase the arm's angle of movements
what muscle is a thin, flat, triangular muscle, deep to the pectoralis major muscle
pectoralis minor
what is the origin of the pectoralis minor muscle?
sternal end of upper ribs
what is the insertion of the pectoralis minor muscle?
coracoid process of the scapula
what is the action of the pectoralis minor muscle?
protracts and depresses the scapula
what is a large, flat fan shaped muscle positioned between the ribs and the scapula, it has a saw-tooth shaped appearance on its origins visible on the upper ribs
serratus anterior
which muscle is the prime mover of scapular protraction?
serratus anterior
what is the origin of the serratus anterior muscles?
anterior and superior margins of the upper ribs
what is the insertion of the serratus anterior muscles?
the medial (vertebral) border of the scapula and anterior surface of the scapula
what is the action of the serratus anterior muscles?
protracts and depresses the scapula, stabalizes the scapula and superiorly rotates the scapula (gleniod cavity moves superiorly)
how is the thoracic nerve, which runs anterolaterally along the chest wall usually injured?
in masectomys (removal of the breasts)
what is the result of a thoracic nerve injury?
paralysis of the serratus anterior muscle, thus resulting in winged scapula because the thoracic muscles, which normally oppose the serratus anterior muscle, are unopposed
where are the rhomboid major and minor located?
deep to the trapezius
are the rhomboids visible on the the surface of the muscles
no, they are under the trapezius
where are the rhomboids located?
the rhonboids are parallel bands that run inferolaterally from the vertebrae to the scapula
are the rhomboids antagonistic or agonistic to the serratus anterior and pectoralis minor?
which muscles are the rhomboids antagonistic to?
the serratus anterior and the pectoralis minor
What is the origin for the pectoralis major?
the transverse process of T2- T5
what is the insertion point of Rhomboid major?
the medial (vertebral) border of the scapula
what is the action of Rhomboid Major?
to retract (adduct) and elevate the scapula, and inferiorly rotate the scapula
what is the origin of the rhomboid minor?
the spinous process of C7-T1
what is the insertion of the rhomboid minor muscle?
the medial (vertebral) border of the scapula
what is the action of the rhomboid minor muscle
to retract (adduct) and elevate the scapula, and inferiorly rotate the scapula
which muscle is a large, flat, diamond-shaped muscle that extends from the skull and vertebral column to the pectoral girdle laterally and is visible on the posterior surface of the body,
the trapezius
what is the origin of the trapezius
the occipital bone (the superior nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae, and spinous processes of C7- T12
what is the insertion of the trapezius?
the clavicle, acromian process, and spine of the scapula
what is the action of the trapezius?
elevates the head, draws the head back, and retracts (adducts) the scapula
which muscle is located on the inferior part of the back and is is the prime arm extensor, often referred to as the swimmers muscle?
the latissimus dorsi
what is the origin of the latissums dorsi muscles?
spinous process of T7-T12, many of the lower ribs, iliac crest, and thoracolumbar facia
which muscles insertion is on the intertuburcular groove of the proximal humurous?
the latissimus dorsi
which muscle is the prime mover of arm extension and its action is to also draw the arm downward and backward while it rotates medially?
the latissimus dorsi
which muscle is located anteriorly and covers the superior portion of the thorax
pectoralis major
what is the origin of the pectoralis major?
the medial clavicle, the costal cartilages of the upper ribs, and the body of the sternum
which muscles insertion is the greater tubrucle and intertubercular groove of the proximal humerous?
the pectoralis major
which muscle is the prime mover of arm flexion, and adducts and medially rotates the arm?
the pectoralis major?
which muscles originate on the scapula?
the deltoid and the teres major and the rotator cuff muscles
what is the muscle that is thick and powerful and functions as the prime abbductor of the arm and forms the rounded countour of the shoulder...also a good place for intermuscular injection
the deltoid
what is the origin of the deltoid?
the acromial end of the clavicle, the acromian, and the spine of the scapula
what is the insertion of the deltoid?
the deltoid tuberocity on the lateral midregion of the humerous
what is the action of the deltoid?
the anterior fibers flex and medially rotate the arm, the middle fibers are the prime mover of arm abduction, and the posterior fibers extend and laterally rotate the arm
the teres major muscle works synergistically with the ______ muscle to extend, abduct, and medially rotate the arm
latissimus dorsi
what is the origin of the teres major muscle?
the inferior lateral border and inferior angle of the scapula
what is the insertion point of the teres major muscle?
the lesser tubercle and the intertubercular groove at the lateral proximal end of the humerous
what is the action of the teres major muscle?
same at latissimus dorsi...
which muscle is the prime mover of arm extension and its action is to also draw the arm downward and backward while it rotates medially?
what are the four rotator cuff muscles that provide strength and stablity for the glenohumeral joint?
The subscapularis, the supraspinous, infraspinous, and teres minor
what is the origin of the subscapularis muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located on the anterior surface of the scapula between the scapula and the ribs?
the subscapular fossa of the scapula
what is the insertion of the subscapularis muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located on the anterior surface of the scapula between the scapula and the ribs?
the lesser tubrucle of the humerus
what is the action of the subscapularis muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located on the anterior surface of the scapula between the scapula and the ribs?
medially rotates the arm
what is the origin of the supraspinatus muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located superior to the scapular spine?
supraspinous fossa of the scapula
what is the insertion of the supraspinatus muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located superior to the scapular spine?
the greater tubrucle of the humerous
what is the action of the supraspinatus muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located superior to the scapular spine?
abducts the arm as when you start to execute a pitch of a baseball with your arm fully abducted
what is the origin of the infraspinous muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located inferior to the scapular spine?
infraspinous fossa of the scapula
what is the insertion of the infraspinous muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located inferior to the scapular spine?
the greater tubrucle of the humerous
what is the action of the infraspinatus muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located inferior to the scapular spine?
abducts and laterally rotates the arm, like when you slow down your arm after pitching a baseball
what are the four rotator cuff muscles that provide strength and stablity for the glenohumeral joint?
The subscapularis, the supraspinous, infraspinatus, and teres minor
what is the origin of the subscapularis muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located on the anterior surface of the scapula between the scapula and the ribs?
the subscapular fossa of the scapula
what is the insertion of the subscapularis muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located on the anterior surface of the scapula between the scapula and the ribs?
the lesser tubrucle of the humerus
what is the action of the subscapularis muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located on the anterior surface of the scapula between the scapula and the ribs?
medially rotates the arm
what is the origin of the supraspinatus muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located superior to the scapular spine?
supraspinous fossa of the scapula
what is the insertion of the supraspinatus muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located superior to the scapular spine?
the greater tubrucle of the humerous
what is the action of the supraspinatus muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located superior to the scapular spine?
abducts the arm as when you start to execute a pitch of a baseball with your arm fully abducted
what is the origin of the infraspinatus muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located inferior to the scapular spine?
infraspinous fossa of the scapula
what is the insertion of the infraspinatus muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located inferior to the scapular spine?
the greater tubrucle of the humerous
what is the action of the infraspinatus muscle, one of the four rotator cuff muscles located inferior to the scapular spine?
abducts and laterally rotates the arm, like when you slow down your arm after pitching a baseball
what are the most commonly injured muscles of the rotator cuff?
ther infraspinatus and the teres minor
in what people is rotator cuff injury most common?
baseball players
what is an almost immediate symptom of rotator cuff injury?
a sharp pain in the shoulder region
what is the most common type of rotator cuff repair?
true or false: most athletes regain full athletic use of their injured shoulder after surgery
false, most athletes never regain full athletic use of their injured shoulder after surgery
what is the origin of the teres minor muscle, which is located inferior to the infraspinatus?
the lateral border of the scapula
what is the insertion of the teres minor muscle, which is located inferior to the infraspinatus?
the greater tubercle of the humerous
what is the action of the teres minor muscle, which is located inferior to the infraspinatus?
abducts and laterally rotates the arm, like when you slow down your arm after pitching a baseball
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for abduction of the arm?
the latissimus dorsi and the supraspinatus
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for adduction of the arm?
the latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, teres major and minor, and infraspinatus
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for extension of the arm?
The latissimus dorsi, the posterior fibers of the deltoid, the teres major, and the long head of the triceps brachii
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for flexion of the arm?
pectoralis major, the anterior fibers of the deltoid, the long head of the biceps brachii
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for lateral rotation of the arm?
infraspinatus, teres minor, posterior fibers of the deltoid
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for abduction of the arm?
the latissimus dorsi and the supraspinatus
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for adduction of the arm?
the latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, teres major and minor, and infraspinatus
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for extension of the arm?
The latissimus dorsi, the posterior fibers of the deltoid, the teres major, and the long head of the triceps brachii
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for flexion of the arm?
pectoralis major, the anterior fibers of the deltoid, the long head of the biceps brachii
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for lateral rotation of the arm?
infraspinatus, teres minor, posterior fibers of the deltoid
which muscles at the glenohumeral joint are responsible for medial rotation of the arm?
subscapularis, anterior fibers of the deltoid, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, teres major
flexing the forearm is synonymous to flexing the ____ joint
the muscles of the arms are divided into two compartments, anterior or _____ compartment, and the posterior or ______ compartment
flexor, extensor
the biceps brachii is the main _____ of the anterior compartment of the arm
the triceps brachii is the main _____ of the posterior department of the arm
the ______ is a large two headed muscle on the anterior surface of the humerus
biceps brachii
what is the origin of the biceps brachii?
the long head originates on the supraglenoid tubrucle of the scapula
what is the insertion of the biceps brachii?
the radial tuberocity and bicipital aponeurosis
what is the action of the biceps brachii muscle?
flexes the elbow joint and is a powerful supinator of the forearm (tightening a screw with right hand)
the ______ is a large three headed muscle on the posterior surface of the humerous
triceps brachii
the biceps and triceps brachii are ______ to one another
the origin of the long head of hte triceps brachii is....
the infraglenoid tubrucle of the scapula
the origin of the lateral head of the triceps brachii is....
on the posterior humerous above the radial groove
the origin of the medial head of the triceps brachii is....
on the posterior humerous below the radial groove
the flexor retinaculum
holds tendons close
what is the insertion of the triceps brachii
the olecranon of the ulna
what is the action of the triceps brachii?
it is the primary extensor of the elbow joint
the long head of the _____ crosses the glenohumeral joint where it helps extend the humerous
triceps brachii
the long head of the _______ goes through the intertubercular groove
biceps brachii